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Take-On Aeroplane's: A Thought

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So, legend has it, awhile before Arma 3 reached BETA, there were inner talks of implementing JBSim into Arma for better aircraft control. So i had an idea, were on the verge of hitting 2017, and besides DayZ, Bohemia may or may not have any other plans. The thought? Why not use the ambition to bring up the standard of Fixed Wing assets in the RV4+ or Enfusion engine?


Take On Aeroplane's would be a franchise running on either of Bohemia's new Engines that would feature various types of Aircraft, with either a re-designed flight model, or JBSim implementation, that would also incorporate the new features and at first limited content. A few Small, Medium, and maybe one large sized aircraft with accompanying physics. This game would be able to seek out better R&D that would directly benefit later BIS titles, much like TKOH compatibility with Arma 3. But airplanes are in theory easier to handle than rotary airplanes, so to keep things interesting, here are a list of things such a platform like Take On Aeroplane's would accomplish.


-Flight Model, safety systems (angle of attack) and other instruments Improvements for Future BIS Title's

-More intuitive HUD and Instrument implementation for enhanced interaction in future BIS Title's.

-Radar functions, for some civilian and Military grade aircraft that would benefit future BIS Title's.

-Improved Navigation and AI-Operation of Aircraft in various traffic density airspace, as well as for future BIS Title's.

-R&D to further the benefit of solving View Distance limitations in BIS Engines that would not only benefit a platform based around Aircraft, but for Future Title's create a focused and proven solution over time that would essentially eliminate view distance restrictions, only restricted by real-time weather simulation in game with increased Game Performance opportunities and Optimizations.

-Overall Interaction improvement from player movement, to how the player interacts with doors, instruments inside a vehicle space, and systems.


All in all, the thought is that a Title like Take On Aeroplane's, would serve to benefit BIS financially, bringing more income to the Studio but also, being it a new title focusing on something they haven't done, that would also seek to benefit BIS's further development into Interactive Title's such as the Arma series, and beyond.


What do you guys think? I will keep this up to date when i get the chance with more information.

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Well Arma3 is getting the "Jets" DLC in the new year...Could be a precursor to something like this.

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That's what i was sort of thinking, but it's more focused on just improving overall jet gameplay, and as a DLC, it wouldn't get as much attention as a short Title that would bring about more R&D opportunities than a DLC, as well as bring in extra income. It was a thought i believe BIS would be interested in considering such a Title. TKOH was a bit hard for me, but still interesting enough that i believed that some of the things they did in that title benefited Arma, as it has. But i also think there were things in that Title that still could benefit Arma, like the Interaction Menu, but there are also many things that they could incorporate to fix, and improve their future titles here and there.

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I don't think the terrain technology for the RV engine suits flight sim much. Would much rather see Take on Tanks as a competitor to Steel Beasts.

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I don't think the terrain technology for the RV engine suits flight sim much. Would much rather see Take on Tanks as a competitor to Steel Beasts.

While I have no interest in tanks at all, I could see this working quite well in the RV engine. I agree about it not being well suited to flight sims-also i wonder would BI really want to get into the flight sim market with games like DCS dominating it so much. It's not a huge market already-I wonder if there is even room for another major competitor.

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Well, that's another thing to add to the list, the terrain isn't built for flight sim correct? Well, TKOH was technically a flight sim, only, focused around Rotary. While Fixed Wing would theoretically require better, it's not impossible, neither would it really be a waste of time. Think about it, if they improved the terrain system in general, not just for flight sim, it would only benefit the Engine.

On the second note regarding DCS, yes, they've got that niche taken dominated, as well as other flight sims. But it wouldn't really be a title to compete with other flight sims. Think about it this way. It would be a flight sim, but the focus would be different than other sims that focus strictly on flight rather than say, player interaction and improving the Engine for future combined arms focus. The only sim that truely does combined arms sim is DCS, sure, but Arma has a better chance if you think about how detailed it is, at least from the Infantry up. I can't name a single game with better Infantry mechanics in terms of aiming, shooting and general interaction besides Arma 3. If BIS were to build on up from Infantry, and some day end up reaching a real combined arms sim, it would over shadow DCS. Sure? Sounds far fetched... but is it? =P


For me, combined arms was what drew me to the Arma series and Bohemia Interactive. It started out small, and it felt like a simulator. Over time things got more main stream throughout Arma 3's development, and sure, BIS loves their freedom to design. But I think that the core and fundamentals of the Arma series will remain, and what makes it great that has people coming back. To sum it up, i guess the thought that a Fixed Wing focused Take On title would have provided another layer of improvement, to a constantly improving Engine. But i guess it may be another serving on an already crowded plate so to speak. After all, with DayZ and all, i'm honestly already starting to worry the things that make Arma 3 amazing won't make it to Enfusion. Hence why i haven't bought it yet, but time will tell i guess.

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I also wish they would contentrate on improving AFV combat first, but if they plan to do it at some point anyway I'd be perfectly happy.

If they make the air combat more realistic it would be great too, but for that we would also need bigger maps, more air defense systems, a rework of how the radar works and so on.


ArmA does need some bigger and more open terrain anyway, be it for planes or AFV combat.

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I also wish they would contentrate on improving AFV combat first, but if they plan to do it at some point anyway I'd be perfectly happy.

If they make the air combat more realistic it would be great too, but for that we would also need bigger maps, more air defense systems, a rework of how the radar works and so on.


ArmA does need some bigger and more open terrain anyway, be it for planes or AFV combat.

AFV?Am i having  stupid day-I can't think what that stands for...

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