eggbeast 3685 Posted November 12, 2016 ok so here's what happens place a player on the ground in 3d editor (on altis)place a full mi8 ambulance and a ch47 ambulance in editor (unsung charlie mod),alt left click and drag it high so it is flying, then start missionnotice it falls to ground engine slowly trying to startdo this for any other chopper and they workwhat is missing? class turrets / commanding value? Mi8 config below - ONLY the medevac version falls from the sky. #define _ARMA_ class CfgPatches { class uns_mi8_c { units[] = { //ambulance "uns_Mi8MB_VPAF_medevac", //transport unarmed "uns_Mi8T_VPAF", //transport armed "uns_Mi8TV_VPAF_MG", //wreck "uns_mi8_wreck" }; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.0; requiredAddons[] = {"uns_main", "uns_armour_c", "uns_weap_c", "uns_east2", "uns_men_c"}; }; }; /* to do: tweak proxy positions add medevac stretcher racks hollow out rear cabin geo */ class CfgSounds { class Doors { name = "Doors"; sound[] = {"uns_mi8\sound\ext-m1-door-1",0.56234133,1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; class clamshell { name = "canopy"; sound[] = {"\uns_mi8\sound\clamshell.wav",1,1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; class DefaultEventhandlers; class CfgVehicles { class AllVehicles; class Air; class Helicopter: Air { class Turrets; class HitPoints; }; class Helicopter_Base_F: Helicopter { class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitHull; class HitFuel; class HitEngine; class HitAvionics; class HitHRotor; class HitVRotor; }; class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret; }; class NewTurret; class AnimationSources; class Eventhandlers; class ViewOptics; }; class uns_Mi8TV_base: Helicopter_Base_F { //faction scope = 0; side = 0; vehicleClass = "aa_uns_air_vpaf"; editorSubcategory = "aa_uns_air_vpaf"; faction = "Unsung_E"; crew = "uns_nvaf_pilot1"; typicalCargo[] = {"uns_nvaf_pilot2","uns_nvaf_pilot4","uns_nvaf_pilot4","uns_nvaf_pilot5","uns_men_NVA_daccong_COM","uns_men_NVA_daccong_nco","uns_men_NVA_daccong_SAP1","uns_men_NVA_daccong_AS5","uns_men_NVA_daccong_MRK","uns_men_NVA_daccong_LMG","uns_men_NVA_daccong_RTO","uns_men_NVA_daccong_AT","uns_men_NVA_daccong_AT2","uns_men_NVA_daccong_AT3"}; //model displayName = "Mi-8TV Hip-C (Transport)"; model = "\uns_mi8\uns_Mi8_MTV"; picture = "\uns_mi8\ico\pic_mi8_hip_mg_CA.paa"; Icon = "\uns_mi8\ico\icomap_mi8_transport_CA.paa"; mapSize = 25; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1","Camo2","Camo3","Camo4"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = { "uns_mi8\skins\VPAF\mi8_v_co.paa", "uns_mi8\skins\VPAF\mi8_v_det_co.paa", "uns_mi8\skins\VPAF\mi8_decals2_v_ca.paa", "uns_mi8\skins\VPAF\mi8_decals_v_ca.paa" }; //weapons enableManualFire = 0; smokeLauncherGrenadeCount = 6; smokeLauncherVelocity = 14; smokeLauncherOnTurret = 1; smokeLauncherAngle = 120; memoryPointCM[] = {"flare_launcher1","flare_launcher2"}; memoryPointCMDir[] = {"flare_launcher1_dir","flare_launcher2_dir"}; fuelCapacity = 800; weapons[] = {"CMFlareLauncher","SmokeLauncher"}; magazines[] = {"120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine","SmokeLauncherMag","SmokeLauncherMag"}; class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret: MainTurret { gunnerName = "Crew Chief"; //weapons weapons[] = {"uns_pkt2"}; magazines[] = {"uns_250Rnd_762x54_PKT","uns_250Rnd_762x54_PKT","uns_250Rnd_762x54_PKT","uns_250Rnd_762x54_PKT","uns_250Rnd_762x54_PKT"}; memoryPointGun = "PKM_usti_hlavne";//"muzzle_1"; memoryPointGunnerOptics = "PKM_gunnerview"; body = "mainTurret"; gun = "mainGun"; gunBeg = "PKM_usti_hlavne"; gunEnd = "PKM_konec_hlavne";//"chamber_1"; selectionFireAnim = "PKM_zasleh";//"zasleh"; //crew soundServo[] = {"",0.01,1}; stabilizedInAxes = "StabilizedInAxesNone"; gunnerOpticsModel = "\uns_compat\ca\weapons\optika_empty"; // gunnerLeftHandAnimName = "mg1_handle_L"; // gunnerRightHandAnimName = "mg1_handle_L";//R // gunnerAction = "Gunner_Helitransport3_1"; // gunnerInAction = "Gunner_Helitransport3_1"; //"Mi8_Gunner"; gunnerAction = "Heli_Light_02_Gunner"; gunnerInAction = "Heli_Light_02_Gunner"; gunnerCompartments = "Compartment1"; //vis TurretInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing"; discreteDistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,1200}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 2; initElev = -80; minElev = -80; maxElev = 25; initTurn = 90; minTurn = 30; maxTurn = 150; class ViewOptics { initAngleX = 0; minAngleX = -30; maxAngleX = 30; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = -100; maxAngleY = 100; initFov = 0.7; minFov = 0.25; maxFov = 1.1; }; }; class BackTurret: MainTurret { gunnerName = "Rear Gunner"; primaryGunner = 0; commanding = -2; proxyIndex = 2; //weapons weapons[] = {"uns_PKT"}; memoryPointGun = "REAR_usti_hlavne";//"muzzle_2"; memoryPointGunnerOptics = "REAR_gunnerview"; body = "REAR_Turret"; gun = "REAR_Gun"; animationSourceBody = "REAR_Turret"; animationSourceGun = "REAR_Gun"; gunBeg = "REAR_usti_hlavne"; gunEnd = "REAR_konec_hlavne";//"chamber_2"; selectionFireAnim = "REAR_zasleh";//"zasleh2"; gunnerAction = "Heli_Light_02_Gunner"; gunnerInAction = "Heli_Light_02_Gunner"; //vis initElev = -80; minElev = -80; maxElev = 25; initTurn = -155; minTurn = -185; maxTurn = -45; }; }; class AnimationSources: AnimationSources { class ReloadAnim { source = "reload"; weapon = "uns_pkt2"; }; class ReloadMagazine: ReloadAnim { source = "reloadmagazine"; }; class Revolving: ReloadAnim { source = "revolving"; }; class ReloadAnim_2: ReloadAnim { weapon = "uns_PKT"; }; class ReloadMagazine_2: ReloadAnim_2 { source = "reloadmagazine"; }; class Revolving_2: ReloadAnim_2 { source = "revolving"; }; }; //handling simulation = "helicopterX"; nameSound = "veh_transportHelicopter"; maxFordingDepth = 0.8; maxSpeed = 240; backRotorSpeed = -3; enableSweep = 0; selectionHRotorStill = "velka vrtule staticka"; selectionHRotorMove = "velka vrtule blur"; selectionVRotorStill = "mala vrtule staticka"; selectionVRotorMove = "mala vrtule blur"; //crew transportSoldier = 15; getInAction = "GetInLOW"; getOutAction = "GetOutLOW"; driverAction = "Chopperlight_L_Static_H"; driverInAction = "Chopperlight_L_Static_H"; memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos Driver"; memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos Driver dir"; memoryPointsGetInCargo = "pos cargo"; memoryPointsGetInCargoDir = "pos cargo dir"; cargoCanEject = 1; cargoIsCoDriver[] = {1,0}; cargoAction[] = { "Chopperlight_L_Static_H", "passenger_generic02_foldhands","passenger_apc_generic04","passenger_apc_generic02", "passenger_generic01_leanright","passenger_generic02_foldhands","passenger_apc_generic04","passenger_apc_generic02", "passenger_generic01_leanright","passenger_generic02_foldhands","passenger_apc_generic04","passenger_apc_generic02", "passenger_generic01_leanright","passenger_generic02_foldhands","passenger_apc_generic04","passenger_apc_generic02", "passenger_generic01_leanright","passenger_generic02_foldhands","passenger_apc_generic04","passenger_apc_generic02", "passenger_generic01_leanright","passenger_generic02_foldhands","passenger_apc_generic04","passenger_apc_generic02", "passenger_generic01_leanright" }; driverCompartments = "Compartment1"; cargoCompartments[] = {"Compartment1"}; //vis class MFD {}; // no HUD enableGPS = 0; driverCanSee = 31; gunnerCanSee = 31; accuracy = 1.5; cost = 3000000; threat[] = {0.6,0.1,0.4}; irScanRangeMin = 500; irScanRangeMax = 2000; irScanToEyeFactor = 2; laserScanner = 1; nightVision = 0; radarType = 4; lockDetectionSystem = 2; incommingMisslieDetectionSystem = 16; class ViewPilot { initFov = 1.2; minFov = 0.3; maxFov = 1.2; initAngleX = 10; minAngleX = -45; maxAngleX = 80; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = -125; maxAngleY = 125; }; //armour armor = 25; damageResistance = 0.00172; destrType = "DestructWreck"; dammageHalf[] = {}; dammageFull[] = {}; class Damage { tex[] = {}; mat[] = { "uns_mi8\data\mi8_body_amt.rvmat", "uns_mi8\data\mi8_body_amt_damage.rvmat", "uns_mi8\data\mi8_body_amt_destruct.rvmat", "uns_mi8\data\mi8_det_g.rvmat", "uns_mi8\data\mi8_det_g_damage.rvmat", "uns_mi8\data\mi8_det_g_destruct.rvmat", "uns_mi8\data\mi8_glass.rvmat", "uns_mi8\data\mi8_glass_damage.rvmat", "uns_mi8\data\mi8_glass_damage.rvmat", "uns_mi8\data\mi8_glass_in.rvmat", "uns_mi8\data\mi8_glass_in_damage.rvmat", "uns_mi8\data\mi8_glass_in_damage.rvmat", "uns_mi8\data\mi8_inter.rvmat", "uns_mi8\data\mi8_inter_damage.rvmat", "uns_mi8\data\mi8_inter_destruct.rvmat", "uns_compat\ca\weapons\data\pkm.rvmat", "uns_compat\ca\weapons\data\pkm.rvmat", "uns_compat\ca\weapons\data\pkm_destruct.rvmat", "uns_mi8\data\mi8_body_mtv.rvmat", "uns_mi8\data\mi8_body_mtv_damage.rvmat", "uns_mi8\data\mi8_body_mtv_destruct.rvmat", "uns_compat\ca\ca_e\data\default.rvmat", "uns_compat\ca\ca_e\data\default.rvmat", "uns_compat\ca\ca_e\data\default_destruct.rvmat" }; }; //sounds soundGetIn[] = {"uns_compat\ca\sounds\Air\Mi17\ext\ext-Mi17-getin-01",1,1}; soundGetOut[] = {"uns_compat\ca\sounds\Air\Mi17\ext\ext-Mi17-getout-01",1,1,50}; soundEnviron[] = {"",0.0316228,1}; soundDammage[] = {"uns_compat\ca\sounds\Air\Mi17\int\alarm_loop1",0.001,1}; soundEngineOnInt[] = {"uns_compat\ca\sounds\Air\Mi17\int\int-Mi17-start-1a",0.5,1}; soundEngineOnExt[] = {"uns_compat\ca\sounds\Air\Mi17\ext\ext-Mi17-start-01a",2,1,300}; soundEngineOffInt[] = {"uns_compat\ca\sounds\Air\Mi17\int\int-Mi17-stop-1a",0.5,1}; soundEngineOffExt[] = {"uns_compat\ca\sounds\Air\Mi17\ext\ext-Mi17-stop-01a",2,1,300}; class Sounds { class EngineOut { sound[] = {"\uns_mi8\sound\Mi8_engine_ext.wss",3,1.0,1000}; frequency = "rotorSpeed*0.98"; volume = "camPos*(0 max (rotorSpeed - 0.5))"; }; class RotorHighOut { sound[] = {"\uns_mi8\sound\Mi8_rotors_low_Ext",0.90,1.0,2500}; frequency = "rotorSpeed*0.98"; volume = "camPos*(0 max (rotorSpeed+0.05))"; cone[] = {1.6,3.14,2,0.95}; }; class EngineIn { sound[] = {"\uns_mi8\sound\Mi8_engine_int.wss",0.8,1}; frequency = "rotorSpeed"; volume = "(1-camPos)*(0max(rotorSpeed-0.05))"; }; class RotorLowIn { sound[] = {"\uns_mi8\sound\Mi8_rotors_int.wss",0.8,1}; frequency = "rotorSpeed"; volume = "(1-camPos)*(0max(rotorSpeed-0.05))"; }; class RotorHighIn { sound[] = {"\uns_mi8\sound\Mi8_rotors_int.wss",0.8,1}; frequency = "rotorSpeed"; volume = "(1-camPos)*3*(rotorThrust-0.3)"; }; }; //slingloading slingLoadMaxCargoMass=50000; liftForceCoef = 6; slingLoadMemoryPoint = "slingLoad0"; slingCargoAttach0[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_engineDownEndINT", 1.000000, 1.000000}; slingCargoAttach1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_1hookLock", 1.000000, 1.000000, 80}; slingCargoAttach[] = {"slingCargoAttach0", "slingCargoAttach1"}; slingCargoDetach0[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_engineUpEndINT", 1.000000, 1.000000}; slingCargoDetach1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_1hookUnlock", 1.000000, 1.000000, 80}; slingCargoDetach[] = {"slingCargoDetach0", "slingCargoDetach1"}; slingCargoDetachAir0[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_unhook_air_int", 1.000000, 1.000000}; slingCargoDetachAir1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_unhook_air_ext", 1.000000, 1.000000, 80}; slingCargoDetachAir[] = {"slingCargoDetach0", "slingCargoDetach1"}; slingCargoRopeBreak0[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_rope_break_int", 1.000000, 1.000000}; slingCargoRopeBreak1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_rope_break_ext", 1.000000, 1.000000, 80}; slingCargoRopeBreak[] = {"slingCargoDetach0", "slingCargoDetach1"}; //fx class Exhausts { class Exhaust1 { direction = "exhaust1Dir"; effect = "ExhaustEffectHeli"; position = "exhaust1"; }; }; //lights class MarkerLights { //left nose class PositionRed { color[] = {0.8,0.0,0.0}; ambient[] = {0.08,0.0,0.0}; intensity = 50; name = "cerveny pozicni"; drawLight = 1; drawLightSize = 0.6; drawLightCenterSize = 0.05; activeLight = 0; blinking = 0; dayLight = 0; useFlare = 0; }; //right nose class PositionGreen: PositionRed { color[] = {0.0,0.8,0.0}; ambient[] = {0.0,0.08,0.0}; name = "zeleny pozicni"; }; //rear tail class PositionWhite: PositionRed { color[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0}; ambient[] = {0.1,0.1,0.1}; name = "bily pozicni blik"; blinking = 1; }; //upper tail and belly class PositionRedFlash: PositionRed { name = "cerveny pozicni blik"; blinking = 1; }; }; class Reflectors { class Left { color[] = {7000,7500,10000}; ambient[] = {70,75,100}; intensity = 50; size = 1; innerAngle = 15; outerAngle = 65; coneFadeCoef = 10; position = "l svetlo"; direction = "konec l svetla"; hitpoint = "l svetlo"; selection = "l svetlo"; useFlare = 1; flareSize = 10; flareMaxDistance = 250; dayLight = 0; class Attenuation { start = 0; constant = 0; linear = 1; quadratic = 1; hardLimitStart = 100; hardLimitEnd = 200; }; }; class Right: Left { position = "p svetlo"; direction = "konec p svetla"; hitpoint = "p svetlo"; selection = "p svetlo"; }; class Leftfront: Left { position = "mg1_svetlo"; direction = "mg1_konec_svetla"; hitpoint = "mg1_svetlo"; selection = "mg1_svetlo"; }; class Rear: Left { position = "mg3_svetlo"; direction = "mg3_konec_svetla"; hitpoint = "mg3_svetlo"; selection = "mg3_svetlo"; }; class Cabin { position = "cabin_light"; direction = "cabin_light_dir"; hitpoint = "cabin_light"; selection = "cabin_light"; color[] = {1000,0,0}; ambient[] = {100,0,0}; intensity = 5; size = 1; innerAngle = 15; outerAngle = 150; coneFadeCoef = 1; useFlare = 1; flareSize = 0.1; flareMaxDistance = 1; dayLight = 0; class Attenuation { start = 0; constant = 0; linear = 1; quadratic = 1; hardLimitStart = 1; hardLimitEnd = 2; }; }; class Cabin1: Cabin { position = "cabin_light_1"; direction = "cabin_light_dir_1"; hitpoint = "cabin_light_1"; selection = "cabin_light_1"; }; class Cabin2: Cabin { position = "cabin_light_2"; direction = "cabin_light_dir_2"; hitpoint = "cabin_light_2"; selection = "cabin_light_2"; }; }; class Library { libTextDesc = "The Mil Mi-8 Hip is a medium twin-turbine helicopter, originally designed by the Soviet Union. In addition to its most common role as a transport helicopter, the Mi-8 is also used as an airborne command post, armed gunship, and reconnaissance platform. The Mi-8MB Bissektrisa is a military air ambulance version. The Mi-8T is the first mass-production utility transport version. The Mi-8TV is armed with two PK machine guns, one side-mounted and one mounted in the rear right clamshell door hatch. It can carry 14 soldiers and 4 crew."; }; class UserActions { class PopSmokeP { displayName = "<t color='#199bf0'>~ Pop smoke</t>"; position = "cockpit"; onlyforplayer = 0; radius = 14; condition = "player in (crew this)"; statement = "this execVM ""\uns_Armour_c\scripts\PopSmoke.sqf"" "; showWindow = 0; priority = -1; shortcut = "GetOver"; }; class ThroGrenade: PopSmokeP { displayName = "<t color='#199bf0'>~ Throw grenade</t>"; condition = "((getpos this) select 2) >15 and (player in (crew this))"; statement = "this execVM ""\uns_Armour_c\scripts\ThroGrenade.sqf"" "; shortcut = "LandGear"; }; class DropFlare: PopSmokeP { displayName = "<t color='#199bf0'>~ Illumination Flare</t>"; condition = "( ((date select 3) < 7 or (date select 3) > 18) and (player in (crew this)) )"; statement = "[this,1] execVM '\uns_missilebox_c\scripts\planeflare.sqf'"; shortcut = "opticsMode"; }; }; class EventHandlers: DefaultEventhandlers { fired = "_this call BIS_Effects_EH_Fired;"; killed = "_this call BIS_Effects_EH_Killed;"; }; //kit supplyRadius = 2.5; transportMaxMagazines = 1000; transportMaxWeapons = 200; transportMaxItems = 100; transportMaxBackpacks = 24; class TransportMagazines { class _xx_uns_ak47mag { magazine = "uns_ak47mag"; count = 20; }; class _xx_uns_rpdmag { magazine = "uns_rpdmag"; count = 10; }; class _xx_uns_rpkmag { magazine = "uns_rpkmag"; count = 10; }; class _xx_uns_svdmag { magazine = "uns_svdmag"; count = 6; }; class _xx_uns_ItemFuelcan { magazine = "uns_ItemFuelcan"; count = 2; }; class _xx_uns_rpg7grenade { magazine = "uns_rpg7grenade"; count = 2; }; class _xx_uns_rpg2grenade { magazine = "uns_rpg2grenade"; count = 2; }; class _xx_uns_MineE { magazine = "MineE"; count = 2; }; class _xx_uns_PipeBomb { magazine = "PipeBomb"; count = 1; }; class _xx_uns_rgd33gren { magazine = "uns_rgd33gren"; count = 14; }; class _xx_uns_rg42gren { magazine = "uns_rg42gren"; count = 14; }; class _xx_uns_rdg2 { magazine = "uns_rdg2"; count = 20; }; class _xx_uns_rdg3 { magazine = "uns_rdg3"; count = 20; }; }; class TransportItems { class _xx_FirstAidKit { name = "FirstAidKit"; count = 4; }; }; class TransportWeapons { class _xx_uns_ak47 { weapon = "uns_ak47"; count = 4; }; class _xx_uns_type56 { weapon = "uns_type56"; count = 1; }; class _xx_uns_RPD { weapon = "uns_RPD"; count = 1; }; class _xx_uns_RPK_40 { weapon = "uns_RPK_40"; count = 1; }; class _xx_uns_SVD { weapon = "uns_SVD"; count = 1; }; class _xx_uns_rpg7 { weapon = "uns_rpg7"; count = 1; }; class _xx_uns_rpg2 { weapon = "uns_rpg2"; count = 1; }; }; }; class uns_Mi8TV_VPAF_MG: uns_Mi8TV_base { scope = 2; displayName = "Mi-8TV Hip-C (Transport)"; class Library { libTextDesc = "The Mil Mi-8 Hip is a medium twin-turbine helicopter, originally designed by the Soviet Union. In addition to its most common role as a transport helicopter, the Mi-8 is also used as an airborne command post, armed gunship, and reconnaissance platform. The Mi-8MB Bissektrisa is a military air ambulance version. The Mi-8TV is armed with two PK machine guns, one side-mounted and one mounted in the rear right clamshell door hatch. It can carry 14 soldiers and 4 crew."; }; }; class uns_Mi8T_base: uns_Mi8TV_base { displayName = "Mi-8T Hip-C (Transport)"; model = "\uns_mi8\uns_Mi8_MT"; picture = "\uns_mi8\ico\pic_mi8_HIP_CA.paa"; Icon = "\uns_mi8\ico\icomap_mi8_unarmed_ca.paa"; armor = 25; transportSoldier = 17; hasGunner = 0; hasDriver = 1; driveriscommander = 1; class Turrets{}; threat[] = {0,0,0}; class Reflectors: Reflectors { class Left: Left {}; class Right: Right {}; class Cabin: Cabin {}; class Cabin1: Cabin1 {}; class Cabin2: Cabin2 {}; }; class AnimationSources { class RIGHT_clamshell { source = "user"; animPeriod = 2; initPhase = 0; }; class LEFT_clamshell: RIGHT_clamshell{}; class Doors { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; }; class UserActions: UserActions { class Opendoors { displayName = "<t color='#199bf0'>~ Open Doors</t>"; position = ""; radius = 7; onlyForplayer = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""dvere_l"" < 0.5 AND Alive(this)"; statement = "[this] execVM 'uns_mi8_c\scripts\doorop.sqf';"; }; class Closedoors: Opendoors { displayName = "<t color='#199bf0'>~ Close Doors</t>"; condition = "this animationPhase ""dvere_l"" > 0.5 AND Alive(this)"; statement = "[this] execVM 'uns_mi8_c\scripts\doorcl.sqf';"; }; class Openramp { displayName = "<t color='#199bf0'>~ Open Ramp</t>"; position = ""; radius = 7; onlyForplayer = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""LEFT_clamshell"" < 0.5 AND Alive(this)"; statement = "this say 'clamshell';this animate [""LEFT_clamshell"",1]; this animate [""RIGHT_clamshell"",1];"; }; class Closeramp: Openramp { displayName = "<t color='#199bf0'>~ Close Ramp</t>"; condition = "this animationPhase ""LEFT_clamshell"" >= 0.5 AND Alive(this)"; statement = "this say 'clamshell';this animate [""LEFT_clamshell"",0]; this animate [""RIGHT_clamshell"",0];"; }; }; class EventHandlers: Eventhandlers { init = "_this execVM ""\uns_mi8_c\scripts\init.sqf"";"; }; }; class uns_Mi8T_VPAF: uns_Mi8T_base { scope = 2; displayName = "Mi-8T Hip-C (Transport)"; class Library { libTextDesc = "The Mil Mi-8 Hip is a medium twin-turbine helicopter, originally designed by the Soviet Union. In addition to its most common role as a transport helicopter, the Mi-8 is also used as an airborne command post, armed gunship, and reconnaissance platform. The Mi-8T is the first mass-production utility transport version. It can carry 16 soldiers and 2 crew."; }; }; class uns_Mi8MB_VPAF_medevac: uns_Mi8T_base { scope = 2; vehicleClass = "aa_uns_support"; editorSubcategory = "aa_uns_support"; displayName = "Mi-8MB Hip-C (Ambulance)"; model = "\uns_mi8\uns_Mi8_MB"; attendant = 1; Icon = "\uns_mi8\ico\icomap_mi8_amb_CA.paa"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = { "uns_mi8\skins\VPAF\mi8_v_amb_co.paa", "uns_mi8\skins\VPAF\mi8_v_det_co.paa", "uns_mi8\skins\VPAF\mi8_decals2_v_ca.paa", "uns_mi8\skins\VPAF\mi8_decals_v_ca.paa" }; typicalCargo[] = {"uns_nvaf_pilot2","uns_nvaf_pilot4","uns_men_NVA_68_MED","uns_men_NVA_68_MED"}; cargoAction[] = { "Chopperlight_L_Static_H", //1 copilot "passenger_generic02_foldhands", //2 medic centre front facing forward "passenger_apc_generic04", //3 medic side door seat "passenger_apc_generic02", //4 medic rear right "passenger_generic01_leanright", //5 medic rear left "pook_H13_Cargo04","pook_H13_Cargo04", //6-17 - 12 litters "pook_H13_Cargo04","pook_H13_Cargo04", "pook_H13_Cargo04","pook_H13_Cargo04", "pook_H13_Cargo04","pook_H13_Cargo04", "pook_H13_Cargo04","pook_H13_Cargo04", "pook_H13_Cargo04","pook_H13_Cargo04" }; class Library { libTextDesc = "The Mil Mi-8 Hip is a medium twin-turbine helicopter, originally designed by the Soviet Union. In addition to its most common role as a transport helicopter, the Mi-8 is also used as an airborne command post, armed gunship, and reconnaissance platform. The Mi-8MB Bissektrisa is a military air ambulance version. It can carry 12 stretchers, a seat for 3 medical attendants, and 2 crew."; }; class TransportMagazines { class _xx_uns_ak47mag { magazine = "uns_ak47mag"; count = 24; }; class _xx_uns_rdg2 { magazine = "uns_rdg2"; count = 20; }; class _xx_uns_rdg3 { magazine = "uns_rdg3"; count = 20; }; }; class TransportItems { class _xx_FirstAidKit { name = "FirstAidKit"; count = 20; }; }; class TransportWeapons { class _xx_uns_ak47 { weapon = "uns_ak47"; count = 4; }; }; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //wreck class PlaneWreck; class uns_mi8_wreck: PlaneWreck { scope = 2; displayName = "Mi-8 Wreck"; model = "\uns_mi8\uns_Mi8_Wreck.p3d"; editorCategory = "UNS_All_Obj"; VehicleClass = "aa_uns_wrecks"; editorSubcategory = "aa_uns_wrecks"; class Armory { disabled = 1; }; armor = 200; typicalCargo[] = {}; irTarget = 0; transportAmmo = 0; transportRepair = 0; transportFuel = 0; transportSoldier = 18; class Eventhandlers {}; }; }; 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scars09 9 Posted November 13, 2016 i would try to give pilot fakeweapon and fakeammo, maybe throw in a class Turrets {}; driveriscommander = true maybe has influence too, not sure what it does with a helicopter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted November 13, 2016 thx man you can see above the medevac inherits this lot class uns_Mi8T_base: uns_Mi8TV_base { displayName = "Mi-8T Hip-C (Transport)"; model = "\uns_mi8\uns_Mi8_MT"; picture = "\uns_mi8\ico\pic_mi8_HIP_CA.paa"; Icon = "\uns_mi8\ico\icomap_mi8_unarmed_ca.paa"; armor = 25; transportSoldier = 17; hasGunner = 0; hasDriver = 1; driveriscommander = 1; class Turrets{}; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted November 13, 2016 just wondering why people "like" my post lol - do you guys have the same issue? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reyhard 2082 Posted November 13, 2016 do you have roadway lod in those models? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted November 14, 2016 yes, in all of them Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reyhard 2082 Posted November 15, 2016 that is probably the culprit. i managed to somehow have roadway lod & properly flying helicopters in eden but it was kind of trail & error process which didn't have sense for me (since it was working with i.e. CH47 from day 0 while CH53 was cursed). if you want to spend time one debuging those then i can tell a little bit more, otherwise I recommend deleting it for your own sanity Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted November 15, 2016 we use it a lot - everyone loves the feature of disembarking from the middle of the heli and walking down the ramp so if you shed some light on how to fix it i would be very grateful (again! thx for your advice as always!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TeTeT 1523 Posted November 19, 2016 that is probably the culprit. i managed to somehow have roadway lod & properly flying helicopters in eden but it was kind of trail & error process which didn't have sense for me (since it was working with i.e. CH47 from day 0 while CH53 was cursed). if you want to spend time one debuging those then i can tell a little bit more, otherwise I recommend deleting it for your own sanity Hi, in a debugging session yesterday on the CH-47 and Mi-8 I confirmed that removing the roadway lod will make them fly from mission start. Would be nice to fix them for the Delta release, so if you can share your findings either here or in a PM, that would be really appreciated. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HorribleGoat 1473 Posted November 20, 2016 Wild idea but could it somehow be related to the altitude check when the engine determines if the helo is flying and if it somehow recognizes the roadway in the helo as the surface it is on and thus does not make it fly?Could you try repositioning the roadway up and down and see if that does anything? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reyhard 2082 Posted November 21, 2016 i ended up with moving whole model up, so roadway lod is above [0,0,0] center Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HorribleGoat 1473 Posted November 21, 2016 i ended up with moving whole model up, so roadway lod is above [0,0,0] center Did that work? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reyhard 2082 Posted November 21, 2016 yes, that's why I included big "WORKING" text on lower pic :P not sure if it was solely this, or something else since I also did named properties clean up Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HorribleGoat 1473 Posted November 21, 2016 yes, that's why I included big "WORKING" text on lower pic :P not sure if it was solely this, or something else since I also did named properties clean up Oh there was text. xD Excellent. Eggbeast may be able to confirm this with his helo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TeTeT 1523 Posted November 21, 2016 Thanks a lot, reyhard! With the model being above 0 the CH-47 flies and has no problem any longer. The Mi-8 still drops like a rock. But it's a good step forward, thanks again for your help! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites