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- SINGLE PLAYER MISSION *** Survival 01 *** on TANOA








- SINGLE PLAYER MISSION *** Survival 01 *** ported on ALTIS (new)



external download:


Winter versions



- SINGLE PLAYER MISSION *** Survival 01 *** ported on Chenarus-winter (new) Night version


download: (Night version)






- SINGLE PLAYER MISSION *** Survival 01 *** ported on Chenarus-winter (new)  DAY version




download: (DAY version)






http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29752 Chernarus-WINTER map


TRYK's Multi-Play Uniforms added addon only for Chernarus-WINTER mission




ps: now updated with renegades choper script & recruit script for


TANOA mission & STRATIS mission & Chernarus-WINTER mission    :D





WIP  VZR-ScriptPack



the objectiv of Vzr Scriptpack was to mimic ( a little) the famous Dayz but not all, because a lot of scripts are new made and it's a hard work... don't want to copy 


for now this mision have:


(finished scripts & tested)


* random start over the all map (now is on Tanoa) but easy adapt on all maps  :D (done on Altis too now) 

* useable vehicules

* looting  scripts (new)

* populate scripts (new) without FPS down.

* thirst & hunger system (thanks Rick for his usefull items) usable directly in inventory

* new sombies spawning script

* sounds & musics

* intro

* kill counter script

* new random patrol script for  all IA (IA are searching loot inside & outside buildings)

* 4 factions 

* wreks FX on roads (with or without loot)

* renegades camps (wip)

* gearing script ( random with regular & specialised )

* ambiance color correction changing during the game, weather, dynamic fog ...

* scenario CORE script calculate all the spawning (numbers of bandits, vehicles ...)


and more... 




Basicly yellow zone are holded by villagers & red zone are hots zombies spots where you can found more renegade to kill. 

when you kill one of them you have a killcounter showing the count.

you can found cadavers, zombies or villagers in garisson mod inside houses.

you can found weapon spot (small green points on the map) also different boxes with some food & drink, very usefull if you want to survive!


the goal is to manage to equip yourself with correct stuff to survive some zombies and found renegades...







Addons needed:


great thanks to those guys who helping us to do something different...


* CUP units, weapons,vehicles

* Ryan zombies

* PLP containers

* Rick items

* APEX dlc (future plan on altis esseker ...)




during 2 weeks was tested


new wip ingame pics will follow soon...

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some work on loading sceens....  B)








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Wouldn't it be better to only use CUP instead of Massi units & weapons as they are pretty much the same.

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yes R0adki11 but i m using Massi chernarus units for it great style of uniform & gears near of survival aspect , but it s true that CUP weapons do the job!

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yes R0adki11 but i m using Massi chernarus units for it great style of uniform & gears near of survival aspect , but it s true that CUP weapons do the job!

I can understand that, but this mission already puts me off downloading it as there no real reason to use two mods packs when they offer similar things. In my opinion CUP is more up-to-date and would better to use without Massi's pack

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hum.. R0adki1

yes of course i m trying to have less mod on it,

i ve been working on it this afternoon and it s a good idea, it s only because at the begining of this i made it only for me and from a  long time use those addons myself, it is easy to change some arrays in gearing scripts and looting, i will do my best to make it soft...

 i think two copy. one with full addons (even some gameplay adds like boodsplat and so )

and an other version (soft) with the same fun and less downloads...


thanks for the idea  ;)

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I am not much into Zombie missions, but this looks interesting. :) 

Will the player be able to join up with friendly factions for buddy/companions? ;) 
Will there be any Tasks or mini-tasks?

Lastly, Could you consider porting it to Altis Map?
Altis seems to be nice an arrid like a desert.
Also, easy to see the bad guys.

I love Tanoa, but just can't see a damn  thing in the jungles, especially JUNGLE ZOMBIES!! :wacko: 

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The bloodsplat addon should not be a dependency for a mission, but rather client side loveliness.

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for now there is:


1- Villagers faction (looting & trying to survive around small village)


2- Renegades faction (kind of bandits groups atacking every body, often driving vehicle around the map)


3- Surivors ( alone guy like you) using them as friends is a good idea Mordacai  


4- of course Zombies (spawning inside & outside buildings) 



i ve made a looting patrol script for 1,2,3 factions to mimic people searching for food & amos,

you can found guys every where inside , outside , on the roof or searching inside abandoned vehicle


ability to make fire need matches & wood  (that create a timed zone making afraid zombies) but renegate will then see you!



- jtd_flies

- BloodlustLITE_Auto

- EusaresFX_smoke


are the addons i m using (can be played without) ,but giving a litle more fx to this mission



the CUP version is ok less downlod = more fun

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smal test  :P

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finally first version on Tanoa


this one is relatively easy  lot of loots, villagers have girlie hability but care to the others....




give back comments







WIP for next:


* add ability tu recruit or founding friends   done!

* add some task ex join a postion or found specific item   done!

* removing some gears spawn that are already in some boxes   done!

* add random voices to AI

* add renegades chopper patrol spawning   done!

* add fast time script (night faster then day)  

* reworking inventory script   done!

* add Meelee weapon script (maybe?)

* adapt the scenario to muliple other maps   done!



if you have some more ideas?















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Please provide links for the Required Addons.

It should be PCP Containers, not PCL.


Also, tried to start the mission, but could not start it.
I have all the required addons for the mission.

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Please provide links for the Required Addons.

It should be PCP Containers, not PCL.


Also, tried to start the mission, but could not start it.

I have all the required addons for the mission.

ho, i don't hunderstand why, yes sorry it was PLP only for the boxes & containers


download link:





their site with tons of beautifull things:





i will check what s hapend with steam because the first time it crashed??


working version


change log:


* fixed small error file vzr_player in SP_gearing_v2 due to the change from MASSI to CUP gearing script




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* reworked intro ( now working well).


* reworked looting script:


             - added more containers types.

             - removed cloths & items & packpacks spawn on ground (useless).

             - now only can found rifles , magasines, or loot boxes on ground.(in & out of houses)



* reworked village script:

             - now spawn cadavers (dead bodies) inside houses.

             - now villagers have multible habilities ( stay in house, patroling around) random.

             - changing the disable "move" to disable "Path" for garisson units


* reduce Fog


* reduce rain


* reworked gearing script for renegades (didn't get any hunger & thirst items on backpack)


* adding negative rating to the player due to villagers wont attack him.


* tweaked a bit more sombies in small villages


* tweaked a bit more villagers in small villages


* add a random runner zombie in the spawning script (there were just slow sombies!)


* add a random sniper in the spawning script 












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Hum can someone tell me why triggers do not switch when player have negative ratting? 1 hour to found where the problem comming from.....

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Because the player switches to another side ("enemy") when that happens; I presume your triggers are set to detect bluefor units. Set your triggers to "anybody" and just check for the player in your condition field.

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haa ok haleks thanks,


i just use the (civilian sefriend to west 0) in place of (player addrating - 20000) and now it's seems to be ok...




with the trigger like that:


_townMKR_AS01 setTriggerStatements["(Player in thislist or Vehicle Player in thislist)", "ZombieSpawn = execVM 'VZR_SRCIPT_PackSP\marker_town_script.sqf';", ""];       :D

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Looks good. Looking forward to the Altis version :)



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Looks good. Looking forward to the Altis version :)



let me know what you re thinking if you try it .... :ph34r:

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 renegades chopper gunners script






- spawning helo at random far position in determinate altitude.

- add gunners with gears (CUP mg3, pkm,rpk ...) only tracers mags.

- making helo random patrol 900 m around player.

- random time patroling.

- helo leaving zone.

- checking damage helo and distance position helo player.

- making script can be run only one time and paused before can be use again.

- only one chopper at once.

- if player is too near of a spawned destroyed chopper it will not be deleted until some distance.

- gunners have relative aimingAccuracy  0.12 (best chance to survive)

- chopper crew have relative aimingAccuracy  0.12 (best chance to survive) for the case of armed chopper spawned!




i think it can give a litle more fun  :D  :D  :D (sorry poor video taken with phone)

//             spawnChopper by VinZ73 fo VzR script pack
//   Hi all!
//   i m not a script hacker, i just found litle parts of mine on wikki, Dayz forums ...
//   all credit and thanks to those guys who spent times to scripting BI and community players
//   but if you like it feel free to use or modify as you wich
//   just credit VinZ73 for spawnChopper   ;)

// null= [] execVM "VZ_SRCIPT_PackSP\SP_spawnChopper.sqf";

//_chancechoper = 0.3;
//if((random 1) < _chancechoper))exitwith{};

if(isNil "chopGunner_script")then{
	chopGunner_script = false;
// debug message
	//cutText [format["chopGunner_script allready running!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];

//check if runnung
chopGunner_script = true;

// selection  of chopper type
_typechopper = ["CUP_I_UH1H_TK_GUE","CUP_I_UH60L_RACS","CUP_I_UH1H_TK_GUE","CUP_I_MH6J_RACS"] 
call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

// position to spawn
//_spawnPoschop = markerPos "helo1_spawn_marker"; // old vesrion with markers
_spawnPoschop= [getpos player, 800, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

//debug marker spawn pos
spawnPoschop = createmarker ["spawnPoschop",_spawnPoschop];
spawnPoschop setMarkerType "o_art";
spawnPoschop setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
spawnPoschop setMarkerText "spawnPoschop";
spawnPoschop setMarkerSizeLocal [0.6, 0.6];

// create chopper in air

_creation = [_spawnPoschop, -90,_typechopper, independent] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle;
heloGroup = _creation select 2;
helo = _creation select 0;
{_x setskill ["spotDistance",0.88]}forEach crew helo;

_groupairchopper = createGroup independent;

_unit1airchopper = _groupairchopper createUnit ["CUP_I_GUE_Soldier_Scout",_spawnPoschop, [], 2, "FORM"] ;
_unit2airchopper = _groupairchopper createUnit ["CUP_I_GUE_Soldier_Scout",_spawnPoschop, [], 2, "FORM"] ;

_unit1airchopper moveInCargo helo;
_unit2airchopper moveInCargo helo;

removeAllWeapons _unit1airchopper;
removeBackpack _unit1airchopper;
removeAllAssignedItems _unit1airchopper;

removeAllWeapons _unit2airchopper;
removeBackpack _unit2airchopper;
removeAllAssignedItems _unit2airchopper;

_unit1airchopper addItem "Item_NVGoggles_INDEP";
_unit1airchopper assignItem "Item_NVGoggles_INDEP";

_unit2airchopper addItem "Item_NVGoggles_INDEP";
_unit2airchopper assignItem "Item_NVGoggles_INDEP";

// create unit 1 
_unit1airchopper addBackpackGlobal "B_AssaultPack_blk";
_typegunsairchopper= ["CUP_arifle_FNFAL_ANPVS4","CUP_lmg_PKM","CUP_lmg_Pecheneg","CUP_arifle_RPK74"] 
call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_unit1airchopperweapon = [_unit1airchopper, _typegunsairchopper, 10, 1] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
_unit1airchopper setskill ["aimingAccuracy",0.12];
_unit1airchopper setskill ["spotDistance",0.88];

// create unit 2
_unit2airchopper addBackpackGlobal "B_AssaultPack_blk";
_typegunsairchopper2= ["CUP_arifle_FNFAL_ANPVS4","CUP_lmg_PKM","CUP_lmg_Pecheneg","CUP_arifle_RPK74"] 
call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_unit1airchopperweapon = [_unit2airchopper, _typegunsairchopper2, 10, 1] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
_unit2airchopper setskill ["aimingAccuracy",0.12];
_unit2airchopper setskill ["spotDistance",0.88];

// combat mod gunners
_unit1airchopper setBehaviour "combat";// AWARE,combat, safe
_unit2airchopper setBehaviour "combat";// AWARE,combat, safe

// combat mod crew
heloGroup  setBehaviour "AWARE";// AWARE,combat, safe, etc..
heloGroup setCombatMode "RED";//blue, yellow, green

// combat height
helo flyInHeight 120;

// unlimited ammos for the chopper 
helo addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}];

// sending to player zone
[heloGroup,getpos player,600] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol;
// 800 = radius 

// patrol timming
sleep 480;
_DEspawnPoschop= [getpos player, 1500, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

//debug marker despawn pos
DEspawnPoschop = createmarker ["DEspawnPoschop",_DEspawnPoschop];
DEspawnPoschop setMarkerType "o_art";
DEspawnPoschop setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
DEspawnPoschop setMarkerText "dspwnchpr";
DEspawnPoschop setMarkerSizeLocal [0.6, 0.6];

// creation destination final

_waypoint1 = heloGroup addWaypoint [ (markerPos "DEspawnPoschop"), 100];
_waypoint1 setWayPointBehaviour "CARELESS";
_waypoint1 setWayPointSpeed "full";
_waypoint1 setWayPointType "MOVE";
_waypoint1 setWayPointCombatMode "WHITE";
_waypoint1 setWaypointStatements ["true", ""];

//_wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "(your script here)"];
sleep 50;
// first condition

if(getpos player distance getpos helo > 1000 or (getDammage helo > 0.7))exitwith 
{deleteMarker "spawnPoschop";deleteMarker "DEspawnPoschop"; chopGunner_script = false;};

// second condition

waitUntil { (getpos player distance getpos helo > 1000)or (getDammage helo > 0.7) };

sleep 5;

{deleteVehicle _x;}forEach crew helo;
deleteVehicle _unit1airchopper;
deleteVehicle _unit2airchopper;
deleteVehicle helo;
sleep 10;
deleteMarker "spawnPoschop";
deleteMarker "DEspawnPoschop";
sleep 20;
chopGunner_script = false;

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yes thanks to all of those players


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updated version Altis : 7 /11 13h12 

* chopper gunners have now nvgs (more types of choppers)
* a bit more action in villages (yelow zone!)
* a bit more action in town zone (red zone)
* more items
* more weapons & attachements
* more types of units (uniform , helmet...) in vilagers faction & renegades
* now randomly spawn some "FAST" zombies
* added more vehicles types
* tweaked player gears

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Ill definitely check that helo script man. Neat mission you got there :D

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* adding snow script

* accelerate time for night

* renegade suply convoy script (mini tasks)

* renegade airdrop



map link:






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