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Placing AI in buildings and towers with waypoint

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There use to be a simple way to place AI in buildings just by placing a way point over the building or tower and selecting the position. How is this done in ArmA 3?

I just need to set a basic way point that moves an AI sniper to a tower when the game starts.



Thank you.

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 Are you in 3d editor? Its way easier to place move/hold indoor waypoints at any exact indoor spot than ever now

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Hi froggylov

Yes. I have the latest editor and updates to ArmA 3. I tried it in 2D mode also, with the IDs turned on.

I remember in the past with A2, you just moved a waypoint over a building, or a tower object, and the way point's properties would show positions, 1, 2,3, 4.ect, which were designated for different floors.

You were able to use cycle waypoints on a few buildings, and the guys would enter the first one, then exit and go to the next.


I'm not seeing this in A3.

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They changed it, it's in the ingame tutorials I think.

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Silly question: why dont you just place the sniper, on the spot you want it to be, i the Editor? It is easier than placing him elsewhere and then making him go to the possition.

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