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Hello, ive noticed that in Tanoua they introduced the crows as ambient animals again.

I found them doing their ambient stuff mostly near sea shores.

As far as i remember they used to be on Arma 2 and on maps like chernarus, takistan etc.

I was wondering if somehow we could implement them as ambient animals on other maps and or on missions just for the shakes of ambiance.

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You can try to get their classname to spwan them on other map but since the content is not shared atm I don't think it's possible. 

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since the content is not shared atm I don't think it's possible. 


Thanks for your answer, any eta on when they are about to "share" the apex samples content? i don't really keep up with that.

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I have no idea if they plan to give the access to ppl.

Someone more informed might give the answer.

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Check this Biki page for information how they are defined in maps (like Tanoa): https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Animals:_Ambient_System


As for spawning them; if you know the class name(s) of the animals (or anything for that matter), you can simply use the createAgent function to spawn them anywhere you'd like.

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As for spawning them; if you know the class name(s) of the animals (or anything for that matter), you can simply use the createAgent function to spawn them anywhere you'd like.

Crows are most likely spawned with camCreate just like seagulls

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It might be useful to give him the classname if you have it.

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flock = [getpos player,50,200] call bis_fnc_crows
Params [position, area size, number of birds, altitude (optional)]

Returns the array of birds.


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It might be useful to give him the classname if you have it.

    Author: Karel Moricky

    Spawns flock of crows circling the area.

    _this select 0: ARRAY - Position of flock
    _this select 1 (Optional): NUMBER - area size
    _this select 2 (Optional): NUMBER - number of crows

    ARRAY - list of all spawned crows
private ["_flockPos","_flockArea","_flockCount","_wp0","_wp1","_wp2","_wp3","_wps","_crowList","_crow"];

_flockPos = _this select 0;
_flockArea = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {50};
_flockCount = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {_flockArea / 5};
_flockHeight = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {30 + random 10};

if (typename _flockPos == typename objnull) then {_flockPos = position _flockPos};
if (typename _flockPos == typename "") then {_flockPos = markerpos _flockPos};

_flockPos set [2,_flockHeight];
_wp0 = [_flockPos, _flockArea, 00] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
_wp1 = [_flockPos, _flockArea, 090] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
_wp2 = [_flockPos, _flockArea, 180] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
_wp3 = [_flockPos, _flockArea, 270] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
_wps = [_wp0,_wp1,_wp2,_wp3];

_crowList = [];
for "_i" from 1 to _flockCount do {
    _crow = "crowe" camcreate [
        (_flockPos select 0) - _flockArea + (random _flockArea)*2,
        (_flockPos select 1) - _flockArea + (random _flockArea)*2,
    [_crow,_wp0,_wp1,_wp2,_wp3,_flockArea] execfsm "A3\Functions_F\Environment\fn_crows.fsm";
    _crowList = _crowList + [_crow];


Just a pity that those crows make no sound.

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Crows are most likely spawned with camCreate just like seagulls


As far as I know both should (since both can spawn basically anything), except camCreate will only spawn a static object (so crows will just sit on the ground), where createAgent will also trigger BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour and therefor make them walk and fly around (?).


I didn't play with these functions yet, so don't know exactly how they work/behave, but is interesting enough to try it out.



It might be useful to give him the classname if you have it.


"Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he has food for a lifetime"


This ^^ and the fact that I currently don't have access to my develop environment, so can't check it at the moment.



Besides that, the Biki already has a lot of classnames available (but currently seems to miss the APAX stuff), eg. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgVehicles_CIV

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There is no class name. Not in the FSM nor in the sqf function.

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You are right but we can't access this information easily so...


@R3vo Thanks.

If only we could browse the expansion to find the sounds used we could play them in the missions :/

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You are right but we can't access this information easily so...


@R3vo Thanks.

If only we could browse the expansion to find the sounds used we could play them in the missions :/


Actually you can "easily" unpack all the PBO files of ArmA3 (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DePbo) and search in the source code (for both configs and audio).

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Thanks captain but you can't open ebos ;)


Apex ebo`s ...  :P




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You can't according to the Bohemia terms. 

And I don't feel like paying 30 bucks for those damn Mikero Tools just to open files that will be accessible later on.

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i dont use the payment tools.


And so what you can't according to Bohemia terms. Using VBS tools or something I really don't care.

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Did you search the configFile for the sound? Could be missionConfigFile if it's only used in one mission.

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Just a pity that those crows make no sound.



I just created a crow with line below in debug console, and they do make the ambient crow sounds for me.

_cam = "crowe" camCreate (player modelToWorld [0,2,3]);
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I just created a crow with line below in debug console, and they do make the ambient crow sounds for me.

_cam = "crowe" camCreate (player modelToWorld [0,2,3]);


Indeed, can someone use that code to make an ambient spawner? 

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