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Authority 20 player coop.

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1 hour ago, [GSF] Georgians said:

will this mission work with ace and  lambsdanger  or vcom ai  mods?  and  is in mission HC support?

Lambs danger and VCOM, yes. I've used it in the past.

ACE? Unlikely, as it wasn't designed to use it. It might do, try it 🙂

There's no support for an HC - it doesn't really need it, to be honest.

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Mission updated to 1.22.4920

Fixed some bugs and added a few features:

There's a paradrop of enemies as players enter the AO.

Made a few towns/bases that are really too small to support a primary target force into secondary mission only types

Map now shows all friendly vehicles




4888 Added a paradrop as players enter the AO
4891 Fixed: Forward not placed at beachhead after a restore
4893 Added LRR ammo to forward vehicle inventory
4894 Improved FOB deploy, ejects any driver, turns engine off and locks driver seat, nearobjects also less strict
4898 Try to fix the duplicated forward vehicle drop by adding a quit if not server. Not at all sure this is the fix
4900 Improved reinforcementchopper by seeing it up and improved it's termination when radar is dead
4901 In disguisedinfil SM, when doing retrieve game, players don't have to get as far as fob or airhead to complete
4902 Improved termination of dirindicator in disguiseinfi missions
4903 Simplified position of dead driver prop in bluconvoy mission
4904 kidnapplayer SM: Improved missionstring handling, improved IED veh slowing
4905 kidnapplayer SM: holdaction moved to smaddactions
4906 kidnapplayer SM: succeeds when rescued player is clear of town
4907 healsubmariner SM: improved sub waiting for player to be safely in helicopter
4908 Fixed ampersand bug in makediary
4909 Agia Triada no longer a PT
4910 Fixed bad syntax of createvehiclelocal placing helipad in reinforcementchoppermanager
4911 GVS radius from 10 to 11. helps with servicing of larger vehicles
4912 Map icons shown on friendly and stolen vehicles
4913 Athira, stavros more and zeloran mil bases now not PT, secondary only
4914 killlastfewai stuck check now checks distance in 3d
4915 Fixed bad position of topolia
4916 Added debug for kill1man and increased radius of its building finder
4918 Raised height that cmartyscore checks for alive vecs
4919 Disabled brakes on vehicles being towed

4920 Build and publish



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18 hours ago, jandrews said:

Does the mission support other factions?

Not at the moment. What do you have in mind?


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Mission updated to 1.22.5006. Updated mission files in google drive links on first post.


Bug fixes mostly

Adding better support for players to use Darter

Fired/hit ratio still not working

Improved enemy paradrop when players first enter PT



4922 Yet another fix for broken arty scoring. Was a locality issue
4924 Firedman EH removed from players when disguisedinfil mission ends
4926 Tried using hitpart for the fired hit ratio system
4929 More hitpart stuff, thanks to Harzach, dreadedentity and twiznak
4934 Created capturebullethits function for use in fired hitratio system (uses handledamage)
4936 Working client side system that counts shots fired
4939 Better serverside handling of full auto for fired hit ratio system
4942 Fired hit ration system working
4943 Simpler checking for nearby players when cleaning up old primary target assets
4944 Simpler choosing of mortar nest in killmortars SM
4946 Tweaked dynamic respawn timer system
4947 Barricadedefend made harder. will fail if all players are incap'd
4948 Added magazines to patrolboat (3x mimigun and 2 x GMG) in nastyboat SM
4949 Enlarged forward inventory to allow players to drop magazines into it
4950 SE fix
4951 On Tanoa, don't turn minibuses 90 degrees in their parking spaces
4954 fired hit ratio system added to opfo spawn by secondary missions
4955 Replacement for preservedvehicles system
4958 Fixed error in DEP cleanup
4960 Fixed syntax error in kidnappplayer
4961 Fixed syntax error in disguisedinfil
4962 Fixed syntax error in disguisedinfil
4963 Drone gunners can send tactical pings
4964 Disguiedinfil made easier, added a dep safezone to rp
4965 Fixed syntax error in primarytargetcleared. missing semicolon
4966 Added 3 screen computer to fob composition, for future use
4967 Fixed syntax error in spawnairdrop2, bad bracket
4968 Fixed paradrops arriving in cleared towns, especially those cleared by debug
4969 dep safezone marker moved out of the way when disguisedinfil finishes
4970 paradrops are tighter and closer to target to try to reduce water landings
4971 Added drone backpacks and controllers to forward vehicle inventory
4972 Fixed undefin'd variable if AI fires VLS
4973 Added default for hashmap to prevent error if player dies without firing a shot
4974 Fixed sending of helicopter reinforcements too often
4975 Wider succeed position for steal aircraft SM
4976 Paradrops start closer to PT if original drop point is wet
4979 Paradrops use slower aircraft
4981 Assets now cleaned up after nastyboat patrol
4982 If town is coastal, counterattack might feature boats
4983 Fixed restored missions not running some scripts
4984 Fixed disableBrakes command in towing that might be causing lag
4985 Fixed spelling
4986 Dying players are disconnected from UAV
4987 Dead of out of fuel UAVs are deleted
4988 Fixed fleet_armed_aircraft returning drones
4990 Less guard towers in disguisedinfil SM
4991 Remove enemies in delivery building in disguisedinfil SM
4993 SE fixes
4994 Support for admin debug of runwaywreckclear SM
4995 Client side stuff for debug of runwaywreckclear SM
4997 Remove runwaywreckclear markers when mission ends
4999 Fixed release hostage action not appearing (wasn't respawn persistent)
5004 PT mortar gunners shouldn't shoot at DEP
5005 Map icon for hostage shouldn't be drawn on map
5006 Build


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MIssion updated to 1.22.5028


5007 Fix for 950182 broken respawn markers
5012 Diag log now says if mission is restored
5013 Fixed undef'd var on respawn
5017 Hopefully fix for kill1man not finding buildings
5019 Fix for craterclear stalling when there's too many bobcats
5020 Fix for paradrop aircraft being too hard to shoot down
5021 Fix for paradrops arriving after primary cleared (we kill them)
5022 SPTU cycles less in big towns, should fix lag.
5025 Better cooldown for cruise missiles
5027 Predamaging MBT in primary to make them easier to kill

5028 Build

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Mission updated to 1.22.5046


5029 Fix for van falling from bridge in protest flight SM
5032 Mortar camp shooudl spawn further from playyers in kill mortar camp SM
5034 Rhino wheels take no damage now
5036 Barricade defend mission enemy waves should stop when mission ends
5037 Improved bighouses array. Better choices, mostly taller buildings
5038 Barricade defend and kidnap player now use new bighouses variable
5040 Fixed bug where kidnap player broke down
5041 Removed some smaller Tanoan towns from primary target roster
5042 Boat position system in nasty boat patrol should quit better after mission ends
5043 Removed deprecated code that looked for nasty boat bumping into destination pier
5044 Better positioning of roadblocks in primary target. Shouldn't be on bridges now.
5045 Fix for drones getting orphaned when their pilot dies at the controls. Fix by gc8
5046 Build

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Minor update because I had nothing better to do 🙂


5047 Removed debug that was spamming client rpt
5048 Removed debug from spawnairdrop that was spamming server RPT
5049 Added new airhead objects and textures
5053 Better termination of paradrop script when primary target is ended by debug
5054 Build

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On 3/11/2023 at 11:31 AM, Tankbuster said:

5049 Added new airhead objects and textures

I feel objectified.

  • Haha 2

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MIssion updated to 1.24.5086
2 new secondary missions, both replacing the disguise infiltration mission which was too complex to maintain, play and write.

Counterattack secondary only plays on Altis because of route finding isses for the enemy troops. Might come back to this.


5055 Fix for restoreflag variable potentially undefined on virgin run servers
5057 Removed some debug
5058 Fixed typo in do_counterattack
5060 Added some helmetcam stuff
5061 Added new SM. Patrol enemy town
5067 Added new SM. Recover deaddrop
5068 Reworked prize arrays, ordered them and removed some RHS prizes
5070 New prizes choosing system. More valuable prizes given when fewer SM's have been failed
5073 Counterattack SM doesn't play on Tanoa or Nam
5074 Improved landmine SM. Minefiedl bigger, more mines and better checking of mines spawning inside objects
5081 Added 556 magazines to forward loadout
5086 Build

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Another update because I got a much awaited feature working and I wanted to get it out there.


Fired hit score now works and is session persistent. It's been a year since I first cobbled some code together and today, got it working as I'd originally invisaged.


5087 removed some debug and fixed spelling errors in documentation
5088 Better diagnostics at server startup
5090 Fired hit score now working. Yey.
5091 Build.

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MIssion updated to 1.24.5119



5092: Fixed bad size of marker in barricade defend SM.
5093: Helmetcam, sort of. Since abandoned.
5098: Fixed bad reset of shotcounter when entering a test server for developing mission.
5102: Player icons and other blufor side icons now black instead of blue to improve readability.
5103: Barricade defend mission now won't spawn in a friendly town.
5104: Player death in kill1man SM wasn't failing as it should, now fixed.
5105: Fixed reloaded servers not running airhead textures scripts.
5106: Made killvecdepot mission more resilient on tanoa and name, won't break if failing to find good location.
5107: Fixed dead drones being counted as wrecks on airfield in runwaywreckclear SM.
5108: Scaled back CQB troops slightly. Less houses have CQB and each house might have less enemies inside.
5109: Added debug_recoverFPS.sqf. Tries to cleanup mission by removing deads, also turns off some environment features.
5110: Optimised outsidemode in tky_findsafepos.
5111: Added button to admin panel that runs recoverFPS. George!
5112: RecoverFPS doesn't do a skiptime if it's already daylight
5113: Build


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Tiny update that fixed a noncritical bug that's been annoying me for years 🙂



5119: Status screen enemy counting now looks 80m outside primary to try to count roadblock assets too
5121: Fixed status screen bars inaccuracy
5122: Build


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MIssion updated to 5129


Some bug fixes related to mission reload system and added some missing CLN classnames



5123 Added some CLN classnames, tanks MIGs etc
5124 Removed deprecated restore script
5125 In restore2, destroyed vehicles being recreated are not named
5126 Destroyed fobvehicle has it's name removed
5127 Destroyed Fobveh replaced with actual wreck object
5128 Added periodic check of radar status
5129 Build


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Mission updated to 5137

Just bug fixes relating to some secondary missions and removed a few towns that are too small from the primary target roster



5129 Fix for patrol enemytown failing when there was only a few candidate towns
5130 Fix for sniper shot mission where objective man might run away
5131 Altis Agios Petros no longer a primary as it's too small
5132 Fix for syntax error breaking mission completion checking loop in slingloaddeliver secondary
5133 Altis Nifi, Ioanina and Delfinaki no longer primaries as too small
5134 Patrolenemytown now will only choose towns, used to be able to choose civilian installations such as Altis Airbase. Also removed debug
5135 Increased number of encounters in manroadblock secondary mission
5136 fixed issue where release action wasn't removed when player kidnapee was released

5137 Build


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Teaser of new secondary mission


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Having spent time alone with my first bite on the Covid sandwich, it seemed like a good time to get down into the mission and write some stuff.

Mission updated to 1.26.5157.


Two new secondary missions, both quite good fun.
KIll the enemy spy sub is teased in the above post - players are tasked with destroying an enemy SDV that is reconnoitering BLUFOR assets nearby. The sub comes to periscope depth near the shore, raises scopes, takes a few pics, then submerges and relocates before coming up again. It's quite hard to complete this one. I've found MAAWS HE rockets are the best way, and they are still hard to get accurate fire in. It might be possible to 'depth-charge' the sub with grenades from a boat if you can get accurate fire on it before it dives. I've not actually tried that particular method yet - having a drone overhead to help spot will help, it can see the SDV underwater quite well. Thermal only shows the mast and periscope when it's on the surface.

The other new secondary is called mortar smoke. Friendlies have asked for fire support in the shape of a smoke screen while they attempt to break contact with the enemy. Mk6 mortars are the way to do this. Bit easier, this one.

Few other fixes including making services at the vehicle depot easier by increasing its radius.


Full changelog in spoiler below and new files on Google drive link on first post.



5138: Fix for AI units spawning and getting stuck inside shipping containers.
5139: Increased radius so vehicles don't have to get so close to vehicle depot to be serviced.
5140: Tweaks to inhouse function so units and vehicles won't spawn inside dome_big and dome_small.
5142: Fixed minor bug in DEP when not playing a Prairie Fire mission.
5144: Players get more time to instruct airdrop crew where they want ne assets dropped. Was 60 seconds, now 90.
5146: Added data for subsspy secondary to secondary mission manager.
5148: Fixed bugged adding of magazines to BLUFOR boat in nastyboatpatrol secondary.
5149: Gave findriverroute function more time to run. Speeded up the 'park the boat at a pier' routine for nastyboatpatrol.
5151: Replaced first instance of Cheetah with Sandstorm in prize array.
5153 and 5154: Improved landmassid data on Tanoa.
5155: Added new secondary missions, killspysub and mortarsmoke
5157: build publish 1.26.5157


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Ooops, fixed a couple of broken bits. )


MIssion updated to 1.26.5164

New secondary mission; recover space capsule


Changelog below and google drive on first page updated



5158: Fixed broken Secondary MIssion Manager. Ugh.
5160: Added invisible helipad to heli deck of destroyer.
5161: Fixed syntax error in sniper shot secondary mission
5163: Added new secondary mission; recover space capsule
5164: Build and publish 1.22.5164


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On 1/15/2024 at 9:17 AM, Tankbuster said:

Ooops, fixed a couple of broken bits. )


MIssion updated to 1.26.5164

New secondary mission; recover space capsule


Changelog below and google drive on first page updated


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5158: Fixed broken Secondary MIssion Manager. Ugh.
5160: Added invisible helipad to heli deck of destroyer.
5161: Fixed syntax error in sniper shot secondary mission
5163: Added new secondary mission; recover space capsule
5164: Build and publish 1.22.5164


Will this mission include a billionaire manhunt?

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On 1/22/2024 at 7:22 AM, Melody_Mike said:

Will this mission include a billionaire manhunt?

There is a manhunt secondary mission 🙂

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Mission updated build1.26.5174

Mostly bug fixes and some optimisations


5164 Added confirmation screen when players ask to scuttle FOB vehicle
5167 Removed deprecated secondary disgsuie inflitration mission
5168 Improved sensing of towns when driving in kidnap mission and kidnap occurs instantly if players roll their vehicle
5169 Fixed persistence of release hostage action after he'd been released, and some optimised code
5170 Optimised bighouse choosing in kidnap player secondary mission. Allowed kidnapped to take damage after release
5171 Removed old code, further optimisations for kidnap player
5172 Old UAVs are removed when server is empty or when admin runs recoverFPS script
5173 Fix for embassy building not being in the bighouses array
5174 Build and publish


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Mission Updated to 1.26.5186


5175 Added RF classnames for airbase compositions
5176 Added RF classnames to arrays for; manroadblock secondary mission, opforconvoytrucktypes, civcars and dep helicopters
5178 New format for prizes array, now contains an init string to change camo nets, slat armour etc <<<< Thanks to @Schatten
5183 New prize system works for airdropped land vehicles
5184 New prize system works for aircraft spawned out of airdrop containers
5186 Build

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Hi @Tankbuster first of all, thank you very much for your time on this mission.

I want to try it (Authority Altis) on a dedicated server, but when I try to connect it shows me "you have reached the max. number of players".


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On 4/12/2024 at 11:25 AM, RumberO said:

Hi @Tankbuster first of all, thank you very much for your time on this mission.

I want to try it (Authority Altis) on a dedicated server, but when I try to connect it shows me "you have reached the max. number of players".


First thing - are you running any mods? Don't run ACE or CBA, they can break the mission.

Make sure the server isn't trying to autoinit the mission. Server CFG file, I think. I use FASTER launcher if it helps
Also, the server max players might be set to zero, also in server.cfg

If you're having issues, let me know and we'll see if you can join my serverr/


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