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Authority 20 player coop.

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When using CBA, the View Distance Settings action isn't added. For those that didn't know, here is how you open the VD UI. @kdjac 😋

These are the default keys. Feel free to change.

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A quick look at a upcoming new secondary mission, 'Man the roadblock'. I've edited out the boring bits in between each vehicle driving up to the roadblock. Note the vehicle twitching slightly, especially the last blue van. That's my brute-force fix for the vehicles not driving where they should, and crashing into the roadblock buildings. There's some debug stuff seen that will be removed.


This only shows civilian vehicles approaching the roadblock as that was what I was testing at the time. The final build has other factions too.

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5 minute video of @peepke and myself playing 2 secondary mission and part of a primary mission



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Hi folks. read through the topic and looks interesting.    


Is there an up to date release of this mission?.  The workshop link says nothing available.


Thanks in advance.



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12 hours ago, HaggisRoll said:

Hi folks. read through the topic and looks interesting.    


Is there an up to date release of this mission?.  The workshop link says nothing available.


Thanks in advance.



Steam doesn't work well for me, it seems to corrupt the missions. Don't know why and I've given up trying to work it out.


The dropbox links on the first post do work, or you can try these links which are for my latest, unreleased version.


No addons required, though you can play with enhancedmovement and advanced urban rapelling.






Two RHS version;





I've been working on an updated version for some time now, hopefully, it will be ready for release soon. The new version will be very similar to the version linked above.

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Build 1.06.03717 is on Dropbox. Steam workshop is still corrupting the mission. I'm investigating as to why, but don't have a solution yet.


See first post for updated download links.


Release highlights.

  • Added RHS versions on Tanoa and Altis.
  • Added Man Roadblock secondary missions (only on Altis)
  • Mission now has 24 different, dynamically generated secondary missions
  • Fixed bugs breaking the following secondary missions; Convoy kill, Destroy enemy asset from distance, Sink the trawler, Steal the aircraft, Hostage Rescue and Drive a BLUFOR convoy,
  • Improved 'balancing' for servers that have only a few players and for servers that have a lot of players.

Full changelog in the pastebin link



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30 minutes ago, topden said:

first start with rhs  http://joxi.ru/krDRzKMHJdx6d2


Yes, you're running hosted server or single player. This is normal for these.

The mission is designed for dedicated servers, where you wouldn't see that error.

In any case, you can ignore that error, it's just checking if myself or one of the other developers is playing the mission.

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I suspect it was a machine translation rather than real sarcasm. I'm happy enough that someone has taken the RHS version out for a run.

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Authority release version 1.08.3798.

Release highlights.


Fixes for noisy dead vehicles in convoy kill mission, failing destroy ammo cache mission and slow covoy setup on convo kill mission.

Added sexy finder tool for named towns and bases on map. Added map labels for clients.

Added redesigned mission dialog.

Added lovely building descriptions by @mrcurry. Thank you!

Added new clan branding.

[3719] Added: First commit of new SM, kidnap player.
[3720] Changed: Respawn timer made longer to help kidnap player SM and discourage elective respawning.
[3728] Added data for indpipe1_valve.p3d in getscreenname function. Improves laser designate asset SM.
[3729] Added: Custom locations are now passed to clients.
[3730] Removed: Deprecated killed EH.
[3730] Improved: playersetup. All client EH moved to a single file.
[3730] Improved: Players no longer get negative rating for destroying the FOB vehicle or the Forward vehicle.
[3730] Added: Location finder (ctrl + F).
[3730] Changed: Key handler now supports multiple keystrokes including Shift, Ctrl and Alt.
[3732] Changed: Custom locations no longer public'd. Client now gets this data via BIS_fnc_getservervariable.
[3733] Improved: Custom locations no longer include the text "NameLocal" as this is assumed for all records within this file.
[3736] Removed: __tky_starts and __tky_ends from fn_keyDownHandler to prevent constant RPT spam on every key stroke.
[3737] Improved: Custom locations file improved further by not sending target radius.
[3738] Fixed: Helpers that slowed down convoy leader and pushed the convoy trailing vehicles now quit when the convoy kill SM ends.
[3739] Fixed: waituntil returning nil instead of bool in convoykill secondary.
[3740] Fixed: Ammo, fuel, weapon and backpack cargos removed from enemy vehicles in convoykill secondary. Hopefully will fix incredibly loud explosions in dead convoy vehicles.
[3741] Changed: Destroy cache secondary succeeds and quits if it fails to find a place to spawn the cache. Note this mission is substantially rewritten later.
[3742] Fixed: Landmines should no longer spawn inside rocks.
[3744] Improved: Destroy ammocache secondary can now find a place for and spawn it's own building if it fails to find a nice one on the map.
[3746] Improved: Dropveh now excluded from fleet helivtol returns.
[3747] Improved: Battle damage assessment secondary mission can use lighthouses as objectives when available.
[3750] Improved: Better logic and code flow for destroy ammo cache secondary mission.
[3752] Added: If destroy ammo cache secondary cannot find a place for its own building, will fall back to placing the ammo cache on a road.
[3754] Fixed: Better checking for vehicles on the road in man roadblock secondary should no longer warn players a FOB spawned static might obstruct the road.
[3755] Changed: DEP skills reduced.
[3756] Added: Using custom locations data, clients will now see more map labels.
[3757] Improved: Broken SM manager less likely to crash entire mission. Now sets and publics typeselected to none.
[3758] Added: Data from mrcurry with much-improved descriptions of buildings integrated into existing getscreenname function.
[3760] Improved: Tank balancing script runs less often.
[3761] Improved: Better checking of 'inhouse' in tky_fnc_findsafepos.
[3763] Added: New function, findroute, using recently added pathcalculated command.
[3766] Improved: Substantial rewrite of convoykill secondary using new findroute function and other optimisations.
[3768] Added: major parts of new mission dialog.
[3770] Improved: Better type array for convoykill so escort vehicles are better suited to the vehicles they are escorting. Now has an escort first and last in the convoy.
[3771] Improved: Convoy kill can now choose a base to base convoy or a town to town convoy.
[3772] Removed: Laserdesigcar mission removed from SM manager roster as it takes too long to set up. Sometimes 20 minutes!
[3776] Improved: Hostages now spawn wearing blondfolds in hostagerescue mission. They are removed when players release them.
[3779] Fixed: Undefined variable in getscreenname function.
[3780] Improved: HQ and radar in primary target now set hot in thermals.
[3781] Improved: Next primary position will be away from Forward and FOB vehicles.
[3782] Removed: Offroad AT vehicles from convoykill escort data array. They refuse to convoy drive.
[3783] Improved: Targettype 5 towns no longer chosen as primary targets. Pafkas military base made type 5 - it's very small.
[3784] Improved: Less enemy AA assets in battle damage assessment secondary mission. They were OP.
[3785] Improved: Fleet checking now only returns west driven or non driven vehicles.
[3786] Fixed: Broken logic and ancient code in reinforcementchopper and it's manager script. Better tasking for dropped troops, animated aircraft doors were possible and the arid camo xian now spawns on arid terrains.
[3787] Added: Populated alllocations array for use in map finder tool.
[3791] Improved: Alllocations array now is name, position, radius.
[3793] Changed: Custom controls user 20 and below to avoid clashes with other mods or missions.
[3794] Improved: Predamaged vehicles in kill vehicle depot secondary mission. They are far too hard to kill.
[3795] Fixed: Secondary aircraft explosions no longer spawn at 0,0,0.
[3796] Changed: Revive respawn delay made shorter while kidnap player seconday is WIP.
[3797] Fixed: dlg_missionStatus not found.
[3798] Build and publish.


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Special thank you goes to @mrcurryfor his list of much-improved building descriptions. I didn't use his entire script, just the texts which I integrated into the mission's existing scripts, but still, a great piece of work.
@HazJmade a brilliant tool for helping players find their objective on the map. It came very late in the development of this release (literally, a few days before) so I'm really pleased to see it here. As the mission rarely places objective markers for secondary missions on the map - it tells them which town to go to - it can be tough for players not familiar with the terrains. Haz has already put a brief video on Twitter and youTube. I'm going to do another very shortly.

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Default Authority Keys:
User20 - Mission Status - Left Windows Key
User19 - Earplugs - F1
User18 - Holster - H
User17 - Location Finder - Ctrl + F

These were changed in the latest build of the mission. Previously it used User1, User2, User3 and User4.


Additional info: The key handler function was updated so now multiple key presses work.

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1 hour ago, HazJ said:

Default Authority Keys:
User20 - Mission Status - Left Windows Key
User19 - Earplugs - F1
User18 - Holster - H
User17 - Location Finder - Ctrl + F

These were changed in the latest build of the mission. Previously it used User1, User2, User3 and User4.

Ah yes, forgot to mention those. Well played.

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Issue reported yesterday, the battle damage assessment secondary mission where players are tasked to fly an aircraft low over an old bomb impact point in enemy territory will stall and lock up the mission.

If you find yourself waiting more than a half a minute (criteria for this mission spawning are that you have aircraft available and there are 2 or more players) then it's probably this mission that has stopped. If so, login as admin and server exec the following code;


execVM "server\debug\debug_fail2ndary.sqf"

This is fixed in the next version which, I hope, will be out very soon (when it's ready)™

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Mission updated to 1.08.3835


Mostly a bug fix release. Fixes the mission lockup when the battle damage assessment secondary is chosen. Note that the kidnap player mission mentioned in changelog is WIP.


Dropbox links in first post for download links and other information.



[3800] Changed: Removed laserdesigcar from smmanager roster as it's broken.
[3801] Added: Laserdesigcar2, complete rewrite. replacement for above.
[3802] Removed: Deprecated laserdesigcar.
[3803] Added: Offroad 02 base to list of cars that are commanded by their gunner for purposes of convoy command in convoykill mission.
[3805] Changed: Ambush position finding and car damaging in kidnapplayer mission
[3806] Changed: Kidnap chosen from players and made unconscious.
[3807] Changed: HMD script now compiled by description.ext
[3809] Changed: Kidnapplayer mission chooses a town with a tall building in it for the safehouse.
[3810] Improved: fnc_inhouse improved.
[3811] Changed: remoteexec added for kidnapped player anims.
[3813] Added: New fleet check functions; cars and truckvans.
[3814] Changed: MRLS trucks removed from truckvan fleet check returns.
[3817] Changed: Kidnap mission won't start looking for ambush positions until the car has driven 50m. Will change to 500 later in dev.
[3818] Changed: Kidnapped player removed from his group so he can't call for help by giving 'move here' commands.
[3819] Changed: Kidnap player mission changed how many buildings and trees can be nearby for given position to be am ambush position.
[3820] Improved: PopulateCQBBuidlings script can be used to populate towns other than primaries. (use required in kidnap player mission)
[3821] Removed: All deprecated LV scripts.
[3822] Changed: Kidnapplayer mission now populates some buildings with CQB guys, smmission string created and mission now fails if the kidnapped player dies.
[3823] Added: Holdaction so players can release the kidnapped player.
[3824] Fixed: Bug where lsd helper (used in laserdesigasset) coiuld still work when player was in a vehicle.
[3825] Added: Client side SM helpers script to run client side stuff for secondaries.
[3828] Fixed: Wrong case in some of the strings in infrastructureobjects variable.
[3829] Improved: Battle damage assesment flight mission can choose from a wider list of objectives. New routine that can get a p3d name from a classname.
[3830] Fixed: Missing bracket that was breaking the DA flight mission.
[3833] Changed: KIdnapped player no longer made unconscious.
[3834] Changed: Laserdesigcar2 excluded from roster by smmanager when on Tuvanaka.
[3835] Build and publish.


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Jotting ideas down with @Tankbuster


Disclaimer: Left handed drawing with the mouse. Not that I'm good at drawing anyway. 😂

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This is our non mod implementation of squad radar. But we want to make it much more, so a second (and maybe third, we don't currently agree) panel would show mission based status and progress information.

The squad radar is going to share target data - enemies the player can see - among other members of the squad. Not sure how that is going to sit with the relatively short ranged nature of squad radar, but we'll have a good try.

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We did some multiplayer tests and it's working pretty well so far. More work to do on it but generally it's coming along nicely so far.

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Here is a video demonstrating the functionality. Still a work in progress.

Video by @Tankbuster

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Looks great, guys 😄

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12 hours ago, Harzach said:


Looks great, guys 😄


This is more about players having the technology that we think would be available to soldiers in the game at the time it is set.

There is VR goggles and similar eyewear that would likely have functionality like this.

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15 hours ago, Harzach said:


Looks great, guys 😄

Wah... lol. There will also be a parameter to turn the feature off completely.

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