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Loadout Transfer 2

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Loadout Transfer 2 is better than 1, because 2 is bigger than 1. Also, I added a bunch of new features. If you have never heard of Loadout Transfer, it is an addon meant for mission makers that will allow players to not only transfer their loadouts to other players on the server, but will also allow players to load their loadouts, save their loadouts, edit the loadout order, and more. Loadout Transfer does all this by working within vanilla BI loadout storage (Arsenal). So if you get ride of the mod, your loadouts still exist.
With LT, you can load all your Arsenal loadouts with an easy to access menu. This is quicker than going into the Arsenal, and is also quicker because there is no animation involved. Your loadout will be loaded almost instantly. What makes it even better, is that you can load loadouts that have missing items (due to mod changes) without any issue.
As of version 2.0, you can load loadouts created by the mission maker (loadouts saved in the mission) and loadouts that are saved on the server.
Transfer allows you to transfer any loadout you have saved in the Arsenal to any player on the server. Mission makers can change the distance required for a loadout to be transferred in the init.sqf. As of version 1.0, you can now transfer loadouts to AI players as long as they are either in your group or a classified as playable.
As of version 2.0, the arsenal can now be blacklisted and whitelisted. You now specify what each and every player can and cannot get through the arsenal.
Manage Loadouts
Manage Loadouts is a feature that lets you reorder your Arsenal loadouts, change the name of Arsenal loadouts, and edit Arsenal loadouts.
Check Player *Admin Only*
Admins will be able to load the gear of the any player in the server. This is a great way to check if a player is using equipment they are not suppose to have.
Save Gear
Save your current loadout to BI Arsenal format without going into the Arsenal
Addon Version: STEAM
Script Version: Get it off github
Source: Github




If you want to have the Loadout Transfer Menu automatically on ALL ammo boxes and crates (like VAS), you need to download this extra addon: Loadout Transfer Extra - On All Ammo Boxes



As of version 2.0, and any later releases, Loadout Transfer is under the GNU General Public License v3 (GPL-3) license.


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Also, shout out to Blunts for his constant bug testing (aka letting me know when shit don't work).

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Quick hotfix to fix issues with mission loadout enable/disable being mixed up with server loadout enable/disable. Oops!

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Another quick fix to the function LT_fnc_lockLoadout

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Documentation added. It is kinda rushed, and will be updated over time. If anyone has specific questions go ahead and post them in here. I am planning on adding some videos too.



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Another hotfix. There will possibly be a few hotfixes coming. By hotfixes, I mean that I won't use a new key to sign the mod, so it will be an easy push to your server.

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Thanks for the new version - great job  :wub:

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Updated documentation to include Server Loadouts.


Thanks miller89 for pointing out that it was missing.

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Version 2.1


Big important bug fix which fixed blacklisting and whitelisting to not work. - Thanks to Blunts for recognizing the bug,

Also fixed LT_fnc_arsenal


For server owners, this update has a new key

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Very strange?


Does this happen if your int the editor and click preview, and then try to access the menu. The reason I ask is I might have you send me your RPT file.


I haven't had this error... so I am curious as to what is causing it.


Do you know how to create and send an RPT file? If you don't I'll give you the steps.

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Yeah, it was just 3d eden preview problem. But i found that when i click "LOAD" button, i see only my own virtual loadouts and the "[this, A, B, C, D, E] call LT_fnc_addAction;" parameters always identify and work as "[this] call LT_fnc_addAction;" , if use the latest version of script on Github. When i downloaded the first version of LT 2 everything worked correctly.
Also i can't understand different between fn_addAction.sqf and fn_LTaction.sqf files. If in fn_LTaction.sqf add this "(_this select 3)" to "params" the "[this, A, B, C, D, E] call LT_fnc_addAction;" parameters will work. 

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Hello Crowe,


Congratulations on the new release!


I would like some help with the script version.


I have a block of code that adds some Actions to players while near certain objects and then remove that actions when they get far away from that objects. See below.

        _idact_arsenal = -1;	
        if ( (_fobdistance < _distredeploy || count _neararsenal != 0 || count _nearspawn != 0 || (player distance lhd) < 200) && alive player && vehicle player == player ) then {
		if (_idact_arsenal == -1) then {
			_idact_arsenal = player addAction ["<t color='#FFFF00'>" + localize "STR_ARSENAL_ACTION" + "</t> <img size='2' image='res\ui_arsenal.paa'/>","scripts\client\actions\open_arsenal.sqf","",-980,true,true,"","build_confirmed == 0"];
	} else {
		if ( _idact_arsenal != -1 ) then {
			player removeAction _idact_arsenal;
			_idact_arsenal = -1;

How can i make the script version work the same way? Will this work?

        _idact_LT = -1;	
        if ( (_fobdistance < _distredeploy || count _neararsenal != 0 || count _nearspawn != 0 || (player distance lhd) < 200) && alive player && vehicle player == player ) then {
		if (_idact_LT == -1) then {
			_idact_LT = [player] call LT_fnc_addAction;
	} else {
		if ( _idact_LT != -1 ) then {
			player removeAction _idact_LT;
			_idact_LT = -1;

Edit: The above did work.

Edited by Dexious

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Sorry if this has been posted. But i am now getting the following error when starting any mission or when starting arma



No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgPatches/lt_transfer.units'.


Any thoughts ? Thanks for this amazing mod !

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+1 on the No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgPatches/lt_transfer.units'-error.

Only vanilla and CBA loaded, new blank Stratis mission with one Rifleman, one supply box and the LT-menu module placed synced with box.

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Hotfix for the unit error... no key update.


Version 2.1.1


Here is knowledge bomb for you all.



That error is harmless. It is because the mod author forgot to put a list of units in the config.cpp file. Even though a mod does not contain units, it still must have a list units[] ={}.... stupid, kinda lol

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I fixed the mission issue. :D


I will be updating the mod version soon.

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