Infantry vs Vehicles - What do you prefer?
lato190, in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
What role do you prefer?
62 members have voted
1. What do you like more - Infantry or Vehicles?
I prefer infantry only, im trying to play everytime as infantry and avoid vehicles as good as i can8
most times, i play as infantry. I have no problem with vehicles and use them, but rarely12
I prefer vehicles over infantry, im trying to play with vehicles everytime as often as i can10
i like to play with both32
2. Would ArmA be better without vehicles in your opinion?
Yes, ArmA should focus only on infantry, i dont mind if terrains would become smaller to fit infantry gameplay3
No, ArmA need vehicles due to the large maps.48
Vehicles are fine, but in its current state, they do not fit into ArmA, they should get more love (please explain)11