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Hey Pook, is there a way to stop the radio ambience scripts?? It gets a bit crazy when you have more than 4 of these babies(actually I had 5 CDF BTR-60s and 3 BRDM2's, it was like radio operators convention). :icon1:

And do you have any plans to further improve the BTR-80 model? Besides RHS yours is the only BTR-80 in A3.

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Hi Pook,


I downloaded your AFV pack because of your Pandur II additions. Its very nice i really like the other kinds of variations except RCWS-30... but when i take a look on Pandur "Ambulance" i realise that it hasnt got texture on the wheels or there is any error about it. Could you please take your look on it and try to fix? 


Also there is a problem on RCWS-30 type of Pandur where the back orange light is moving together with turret. So when you rotate the turret the back orange light is moving too. I think it should stay on the place and dont move... I think this is also another problem in your mod.


Best regards DonbassCZ

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A year later! lol


Looking at the reported issues and expanding the selections into a "vanilla" baseline as well as the CUP versions.  Lots of weapon configs that don't work well in A3 so I have some work to do.  Also looking at a script-based switch solution to turn off the radios at will.

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Radio function is now set to "disabled" by default.  Players and mission makers may still enable them via INIT or at will via in-vehicle user action.


Version 3.0 updates - Soon:


FIX: Some driver INIT views were offset
FIX: Numerous gunparticle effects
FIX: Several 3D model issues on Pandurs
FIX: Transparent texture on HOT-2 missile
FIX: Numerous texture issues
FIX: Physx settings on all vehicles (broken suspension settings)
FIX: Broken suspension points on BPM-97 3D model
FIX: Turrets on Pandur transport, mortar and MGS versions
IMPROVED: BRDM2-AT-2 uses improved missile model

NEW: Native support for Vanilla factions; CUP and FAP Units are now optional


I'm also looking at some new camo options for after the first of the year:

BTR80camo.jpg  BTR60camo.jpg



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Small update:

FIX: KPVT 14.5mm ammo settings
FIX: PKT Turret mags in the BTRs were missing ammo

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