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Yes. Everything works fine on my end. Guessing the settings are set wrong for that one.

Double check the Settings, especially the Marker Blacklist. If the Marker Blacklist is wrong, it'll break the system.

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Hi, i had installed S.O.C.O.M. mod, all run ok.


When i create a mission with the option "DEFEND" the mission is generate with the enemy far away, and they take a lot of time to reach the point in the map that i must defend.


How i can create mission with enemy more near.



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The DEFEND Mission spawns those enemy 1500-3000m away... I agree, its a tad far. I did this to allow time for the player to get setup before they arrive, and plus you don't want to see them spawn in.


Since I have the Timer option, I can lower it down to 1000-1500m. Maybe add a user option to set the distance manually in the module.


Its not a mission generator, but you can also try my SCAR project, and use the Surrounded Module. You can set the Distances there, and set the Player as the reference point to walk towards. Just set a closer distance, player as the center, and give them a small patrol radius of like 100m. You can also set the exact number of units, loop timer, etc.

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alternatively, there is a way to speedup the time, like i set time 10x (instead of 4x max) and after 30 min i stop the time acceleretor, and whait for the enemy.


There is an option like this?



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Just the 4x is the only one I'm aware of.

You may have other issues going on... It should only take several minutes (2-10min) for them to arrive. If its taking 30 minutes, I think something is wrong. I'll crank down the distance in the next update.


One issue (guessing) may be they are spawning on the other side of water, and if so, I believe the AI won't cross/swim through water.

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First time I try your modules. Really nice work - thank you! I was wondering if you have any plans to add a "prisoner rescue mission" to the mission genrator?

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Next on the list... both a POW, and a Downed Pilot one. But not for a few weeks or so. I'm not working on ArmA much these days.

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4 hours ago, Von Quest said:

Next on the list... both a POW, and a Downed Pilot one. But not for a few weeks or so. I'm not working on ArmA much these days.


Hi, speaking for all the downed pilots here.....we'd love a CSAR module that works over water, ie you can be picked up through rope/basket.  🙂




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Sorta...You can use the Custom .sqf File Option to script your own, to Add ANYTHING into the Missions if needed.

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hello. im just trying the socom module. i've set it to only create 1 task, for testing (attack/clear area). i've filled the enemy (set to classes) field with a variety of infantry units, ground and air vehicles. almost all the vics blow up at spawn. once i've killed the surviors the task was complete. i went to the object i've set for mission request and on activation it says there are too many missions running (although 1 mission was set and completed). any ideas? thanks!


edit: ok, the "too many missions active" thing is just the fact that i only made 1 available and the system wont repeat (which i thought it did). the vehicles exploding on spawn i could not fix. i just decided not to list them in field. now:

-units spawn mostly ungrouped, or as a BIG group (i.e: 1 leader, 20 units).
-more often than not, they have no waypoints and just stand there in formation (if grouped, otherwise they just stand as they spawned).
-their skill level is set VERY low. don't seem to care about server settings. im now using "s.c.a.r" and those units seem to spawn grouped so far, but no waypoints. at least for land units. helis do have waypoints. its set to "go to player" but (the heli's) waypoints weren't even near my location.
- the defense mission seems broken? gives error message, seems stuck in a "waituntil returned nil" loop. "error: undefined variable in experision: _dloc" (line 9, mission_defend_area.sqf).

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For the the Attack/Clear Area Mission, its ONLY spawning in Infantry. You still have to Clear anything else there, but it only spawn units.

Also on Steam . . .

1. Mission Guards are usually just Single Units, no config squad option. Singles.
2. Yes. They are low/normal by default.
3. Likely server/mp issue. Not designed or tested for MP. We only play LAN. Its looking for the "player" to get near the Defend Object.
4. ***See below
5. No. You'd have to re-set the Global Variables to have it continue forever, which its not designed to do. I'd have to re-write it.

The Custom SQF Files are just txt files with a .sqf extension placed in your mission folder :

_leader = _this select 0;
_x setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",0.5];
_x setSkill ["aimingSpeed",0.1];
_x setSkill ["spotDistance",1.0];

} forEach (units group _leader);

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alright i give up. just can't get them to form squads properly, which is very important for ai behaviour. some tasks don't even have the option to provide a custom sqf anyway, so you are stuck with low skill AI. this has turned to be extremely frustrating and far from noob friendly. sorry to say but you really need to create better example missions and/or documentation. and that goes for scar as well.

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My projects are for our private weekend games. They are not meant for you, nor the general public...

What are you trying to do exactly? This isn't a "squad forming" addon. It's just a basic random Mission Generator.


A) If its easier, make your custom full squads as needed in the Editor, off in the corner somewhere, then teleport them near you or the mission area.

B) Or script your own :





Name your SQF File (separate text file) something like, spawnEvilSquad.sqf  then place it in the mission folder your are making. Then reference/point to that file in the Module settings where it applies. Using the BIS_fnc_spawnGroup (link above) scripting code could be something like:

_evilGuys = _this select 0;

_location = getPos _evilGuys;

_squad1 = [_location, side player, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> "BIS_US" >> "Armored" >> "US_MGSPlatoon")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; 




_guy = _this select 0;

_grp = [getPos _guy, east, ["TK_INS_Bonesetter_EP1", "TK_INS_Soldier_2_EP1"],[],[],[0.7,1.0],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;


(Just Examples - Skill Ranges, in yellow, would be 0.7-1.0)

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Hey guys. When I run SCAR on a locally hosted server, everything works fine. But as soon as I host on a dedicated server, the units are spawned at the lower left corner of the map and disappear eventually. Is it just not meant for dedicated or am I doing something wrong?

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Hello, I hope you are well. I wanted to know if there are any updates or the project died 😞 because I'm learning how to use it to be able to give content to my community

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On 9/7/2023 at 6:05 AM, tobias-ripper said:

alright i give up. just can't get them to form squads properly, which is very important for ai behaviour. some tasks don't even have the option to provide a custom sqf anyway, so you are stuck with low skill AI. this has turned to be extremely frustrating and far from noob friendly. sorry to say but you really need to create better example missions and/or documentation. and that goes for scar as well.

OMG reading through stuff like this and the words frig off come to mind. How people think developers of Mod's in the little spare time and the generosity to offer them to other means they're open to this kind of BS, it just infuriates me. I wonder if they'd even be around if there was a charge for the mod.

It's no wonder so many mod developers just give up because they've been hounded to death by d'ass gamers too lazy to do the time working through things.. This is so sad!!

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