Guest Posted December 1, 2017 The Armaholic mirror has been updated with the new version: Heros Survive v3.2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
katane 17 Posted February 27, 2018 Hi, thank you so much for this nice addon. I encounter a little problem with the BUYSELL system. It work as intended in the demo mission, no error. But it seems to only "additem" to player, and i'm looking to "assignItem" to player. Actually if you want to buy an AK74SU you need to have a backpack big enough to carry it. Is it possible to simply assign the AK74SU directly to the player without a backpack. If i want to buy a simple backpack, i need a backpack to carry it. If i want to buy a big rifle or a BERGEN backpack, it's actually impossible cause nothing can carry it as the addon seems to "AddItem" and not "AssignItem". Am i wrong ? Is there any solutions ? Thanks for all your work. EDIT : An other issue founded, script error appear when trying to refuel a canister of DIESEL / PETROL in Gas Stations, i define all the object that can fill the canister in Her_Survive.sqf, but the error still appear. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iV - Ghost 50 Posted February 27, 2018 Or maybe if all buyed things are inside a groundweaponholder and have to be picked up from the ground. Same with the sawed wood. You need enough storage in your backpack for this. But in a survival situation you don't have a backpack everytime. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tourist 617 Posted March 3, 2018 Hey Heros, I wonder if you could give the mission makers additional options for customization in the area of food and drink items from within the Her_survive.sqf. There is already the list of animals which can be slaughtered where I can add animals from other mod like e.g. Warfare Thai. But I would like to have the option to add food and drink from other mods to the Heros Survive survival system, as well as any lighter, knife or can opener items other mods like RAVAGE might have. Do you think it would be possible for you to create such custumization array like you did for the animals also for the other food/drink/consumable items? Kind Regards tourist 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crielaard 435 Posted March 3, 2018 ... that and options to disable parts. like, the money. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heros 96 Posted March 26, 2018 Hello. I have not been online for some time. @ katane BUYSELL system: This will not be adjusted. It is an example at this stage. @ tourist Any object recognized by this addon can also be defined. (See and test example mission. Exactly: ... \ HerosWorld \ Her_Survive_UseItems.sqf). Programming skills are required for this. I can not evaluate all possible possibilities. To update hunger, thirst ... see the readme.txt. At the end of the file are the parameters that can be customized locally (client). @Crielaard Each icon can be hidden. Then there is no function available. (See and test sample mission) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tourist 617 Posted April 19, 2018 (edited) Hey Heros, sorry to bother you again, but I can't find the variables/define them myself that make an item a "Heros Survive" food/drink/can opener/knife item. AFAIK I should somehow call a script that starts the eating/drinking/opening/gutting process following the system you have there e.g. with the sawing which you enable by calling the script "Sawing wood.sqf" located in the folder "use". This script is called like this from within "Her_Survive_UseItems.sqf": case "herl_o_saw": {nul=[_Item,true] execVM "use\SawingWood.sqf";}; What I need, if I understand u correctly, is an equivalent to the contents of "SawingWood.sqf", right? Lez call it "eat_custom_food.sqf". What would I have to write into that file? And could I then simply call the RAVAGE food classnames like that: case "rvg_beans": {nul=[_Item,true] execVM "use\eat_custom_food.sqf";}; Hope you can give me some more directions; same ofc for making all RAVAGE drinkable items consumable and for making the RAVAGE gutting knife and can opener useable in the same way as the Heros survive can opener and knife. Best Regards tourist Edited April 19, 2018 by tourist Typos 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heros 96 Posted April 20, 2018 Hello here's an example File: Her_Survive_UseItems.sqf case "rvg_beans": {nul=[_Item,true,true] execVM "use\eat_custom_food.sqf";}; File: use\eat_custom_food.sqf ------ This file can now be used for all foreign food. (I did not test it) -- if (!hasInterface) exitWith {}; private ["_Item","_Remove","_WithCanOpener","_Objects","_HasCanOpener","_UpHunger","_UpThirst","_UseTime","_UseSound","_ObjeName","Txt"]; _Item = _this select 0; // Used food _Remove = _this select 1; // Remove after use? _WithCanOpener = _this select 2; // With can opener? _Objects = items player; // All items of the player _HasCanOpener=false; // No can opener // Check if the player has a can opener if ("herl_copener" in _Objects) then {_HasCanOpener=true;}; if ("herl_u_Knife" in _Objects) then {_HasCanOpener=true;}; if ((!_HasCanOpener) && _WithCanOpener) exitWith {}; // Leave script if a can opener is needed but not available // Use food _UpHunger = 0; // Values to increase hunger _UpThirst = 0; // Values to increase thirst _UseTime = 10; // Time required for food / drink _UseSound = ["",0,0,0]; // Sound (Sound Parameters: -> Category: Scripting Commands Arma 3) // Check item and adjust parameters switch (_Item) do { case "rvg_beans": {_UpHunger=15; _UseTime = 12; _UseSound = ["her_a3w_survive\Sound\EatA.ogg",8,1,10];}; }; _ObjeName = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _Item >> "displayName"); // Name of the food // Text to display _Txt = ""; if (_UpHunger > 0) then { _Txt = format ["%1 %2",localize "STR_Her_Modul_Survive_DoEat",_ObjeName]; } else { _Txt = format ["%1 %2",localize "STR_Her_Modul_Survive_DoDrink",_ObjeName]; }; // Sound play when indicated if (format ["%1",_UseSound select 0] != "") then { playSound3D [_UseSound select 0, player, false, getPosASL player, _UseSound select 1, _UseSound select 2, _UseSound select 3]; }; // Progressbar Her_L_Progress=0; if (_UseTime > 0) then { Her_L_Progress=0; if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_main")) then { // Use ACE [_UseTime, [], {Her_L_Progress=1}, {Her_L_Progress=2}, _Txt] call ace_common_fnc_progressBar; } else { // Without using ACE hintSilent format ["%1", _Txt]; [_UseTime] call Her_Fnc_ProgressBar; }; waitUntil {Her_L_Progress != 0}; }; // Check the returned parameter (1 = successful / 2 = canceled) if (Her_L_Progress != 1) exitWith {}; // Leave script if not successful // Remove item? if (_Remove) then { player removeItem _Item; }; // Adjust parameters for hunger if ((Her_L_Hunger + _UpHunger) > 100) then { Her_L_Hunger = 100; } else { Her_L_Hunger = Her_L_Hunger + _UpHunger; }; // Adjust parameters for thirst if ((Her_L_Thirst + _UpThirst) > 100) then { Her_L_Thirst = 100; } else { Her_L_Thirst = Her_L_Thirst + _UpThirst; }; ------ Sounds in Heros-Survive: her_a3w_survive\Sound\EatA.ogg her_a3w_survive\Sound\EatB.ogg her_a3w_survive\Sound\DrinkA.ogg 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tourist 617 Posted April 20, 2018 Hi Heros and thx for the fast response! I tested the code and didn't get it to work. I copied the whole "blue" code u posted above into my eat_custom_food.sqf. Then copied the line for the beans into Her_Survive_UseItems.sqf. Fired the mission up in the editor, but double-clicking on the RAVAGE beans did nothing; had ofc a Heros can opener & 2 be sure also a knife in my inventory. Maybe I have positioned the code within Her_Survive_UseItems.sqf wrong? It looks like this: //--->> //--->> External script for processing the clicked items //--->> //--->> This script has to be adapted by the Mission Maker //--->> if (not local player) exitWith {}; private ["_Item"]; _Item = _this select 0; //hint format ["Using item:\n%1",_Item]; //--->> //--->> switch (_Item) do { case "herl_u_laptop": { /* Open and close the laptop */ nul = [_Item] execVM "use\UseLaptop.sqf"; }; case "herl_u_book": { /* Open and close the book */ nul = [_Item] execVM "use\UseBook.sqf"; }; case "rvg_beans": {nul=[_Item,true,true] execVM "use\eat_custom_food.sqf"; }; case "herl_o_card_black": {nul=[_Item] execVM "use\UseCheckCard.sqf";}; case "herl_o_card_blue": {nul=[_Item] execVM "use\UseCheckCard.sqf";}; case "herl_o_card_green": {nul=[_Item] execVM "use\UseCheckCard.sqf";}; case "herl_o_card_red": {nul=[_Item] execVM "use\UseCheckCard.sqf";}; case "herl_o_card_yell": {nul=[_Item] execVM "use\UseCheckCard.sqf";}; case "herl_o_saw": {nul=[_Item,true] execVM "use\SawingWood.sqf";}; case "herl_u_tripodforgrill": {nul=[_Item] execVM "use\UseTripodForGrill.sqf";}; default { /* Info on screen. Remove when mission is completed. */ hint format ["Using-Item:\n\nUndefined Item\n\n%1",_Item] }; }; THX in advance for further help & patience! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heros 96 Posted April 20, 2018 @tourist OK. There was a little problem. I installed and tested the 'Ravage-Mod'. The items are defined as magazines in Ravage-Mod. Here is the new 'eat_custom_food.sqf'. I tested the file like this. ----------if (!hasInterface) exitWith {}; private ["_Item","_Remove","_WithCanOpener","_Objects","_HasCanOpener","_UpHunger","_UpThirst","_UseTime","_UseSound","_ObjeName","_Txt"]; _Item = _this select 0; // Used food _Remove = _this select 1; // Remove after use? _WithCanOpener = _this select 2; // With can opener? _HasCanOpener=false; // No can opener // Check if the player has a can opener _Objects = items player; // All items of the player if ("herl_copener" in _Objects) then {_HasCanOpener=true;}; if ("herl_u_Knife" in _Objects) then {_HasCanOpener=true;}; _Objects = magazines player; // All items of the player if ("rvg_canOpener" in _Objects) then {_HasCanOpener=true;}; if (!_HasCanOpener && _WithCanOpener) exitWith { hint format ["Out\n%1\n%2\n\n%3",_HasCanOpener,_WithCanOpener,_Objects] }; // Leave script if a can opener is needed but not available // Use food _UpHunger = 0; // Values to increase hunger _UpThirst = 0; // Values to increase thirst _UseTime = 10; // Time required for food / drink _UseSound = ["",0,0,0]; // Sound (Sound Parameters: -> Category: Scripting Commands Arma 3) // Check item and adjust parameters switch (_Item) do { case "rvg_beans": {_UpHunger=15; _UpThirst=0; _UseTime = 12; _UseSound = ["her_a3w_survive\Sound\EatA.ogg",8,1,10];}; }; _ObjeName = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _Item >> "displayName"); // Name of the food if (format ["%1",_ObjeName] == "") then { _ObjeName = getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _Item >> "displayName"); }; // Text to display _Txt = ""; if (_UpHunger > 0) then { _Txt = format ["%1 %2",localize "STR_Her_Modul_Survive_DoEat",_ObjeName]; } else { _Txt = format ["%1 %2",localize "STR_Her_Modul_Survive_DoDrink",_ObjeName]; }; // Sound play when indicated if (format ["%1",_UseSound select 0] != "") then { playSound3D [_UseSound select 0, player, false, getPosASL player, _UseSound select 1, _UseSound select 2, _UseSound select 3]; }; // Progressbar Her_L_Progress=0; if (_UseTime > 0) then { Her_L_Progress=0; if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_main")) then { // Use ACE [_UseTime, [], {Her_L_Progress=1}, {Her_L_Progress=2}, _Txt] call ace_common_fnc_progressBar; } else { // Without using ACE hintSilent format ["%1", _Txt]; [_UseTime] call Her_Fnc_ProgressBar; }; waitUntil {Her_L_Progress != 0}; }; // Check the returned parameter (1 = successful / 2 = canceled) if (Her_L_Progress != 1) exitWith {}; // Leave script if not successful // Remove item? if (_Remove) then { player removeItem _Item; }; // Adjust parameters for hunger if ((Her_L_Hunger + _UpHunger) > 100) then { Her_L_Hunger = 100; } else { Her_L_Hunger = Her_L_Hunger + _UpHunger; }; // Adjust parameters for thirst if ((Her_L_Thirst + _UpThirst) > 100) then { Her_L_Thirst = 100; } else { Her_L_Thirst = Her_L_Thirst + _UpThirst; }; ---------- 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tourist 617 Posted April 20, 2018 Tried the new code; still no luck... I tested also what happens if I want to open/eat a can of Heros Baked Beans while having the RAVAGE can opener since you were so kind and put it in already. I did so without the Heros can opener in inventory. That didn't work either, despite being defined in above code. Same Heros beans with Heros can opener: no problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heros 96 Posted April 20, 2018 ? For me it worked. I just tested it again. Ah... Error noticed: Attempt to rename the file 'Her_Survive_UseItems.sqf' to 'Her_Survive_UseItemsData.sqf'. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tourist 617 Posted April 21, 2018 Excellent! After the renaming it works - thank you so much! While I was at it, I added one of the RAVAGE drinks as a new "case" and that went fine, too! So now I can add all RAVAGE food one by one. The next step is making the RAVAGE matches useable for firestarting. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tourist 617 Posted April 22, 2018 Speaking of firestarting: I encountered a problem. While waiting for your instructions regarding the RAVAGE matches, I checked, just to be sure, if the the saw wood code still works after the renaming - and found out it doesn't! Then I tried the sawing and the green keycard from withinin your template mission after having renamed the 'Her_Survive_UseItems.sqf' of this template mission to 'Her_Survive_UseItemsData.sqf' Result: Doubleclicking the saw gives a progress bar and the hint "Sawing Wood", but the next hint "Wood Sawn" never appears and also no firewood in inventory. When trying to use the green keycard, nothing at all happens. After renaming the .sqf bck to it's original 'Her_Survive_UseItems.sqf' all is working fine again. So as it is now, the renaming enables my custom items but disables the Heros examples - what could be done? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heros 96 Posted April 22, 2018 You're right. Both files are needed. Her_Survive_UseItemsData.sqf Her_Survive_UseItems.sqf For magazines I get back other data from the list box. Sorry 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tourist 617 Posted April 23, 2018 BIG THX for the help; now it works perfectly! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggrOnline 1 Posted April 24, 2018 Does this support persistent save? as in DB saves? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strongground 15 Posted April 27, 2018 On 23.4.2018 at 11:08 AM, tourist said: BIG THX for the help; now it works perfectly! Sorry to hijack this thread for a second, Heros... Hey tourist! I see we took a similar path, from "Ravage Mod" to "Heros Survive". ; ) I'm too trying to combine this to be the best possible Zombie/Survival sandbox and to host on my dedicated server for some friends. Would you mind sharing configurations? I setup a github repository to quickly throw in config snippets, script parts etc. as I try to make my way trough combining all the necessary mods. If we share configs, we both may profit. And other too, potentially. Since I will try and get get a custom loot spawning script together (or possibly use the one in "Heros Survive") to spawn building materials for the "EDN Fortifications" mod, to accommodate some base building as well, any help is appreciated while I gladly share anything I'll produce with the world. :) Just hit me via PM if you are interested! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tourist 617 Posted May 8, 2018 Hey heros, I have already a lot of mission-building and testing fun with the RAVAGE-HEROS-MIX you helped me start. Unfortunately, while the MIX works so well, one of the basic compatibility features of your addon doesn't work anymore: adding fuel sources or water sources to the array in Her_Survive.sqf. I have tried it with the template mission as well, not just the heavily modded mission you helped me with. Even in the template mission I can't use the added fuel or water sources. If I try water sources with an empty canteen, nothing at all happens. And for the fuel sources I get an error message: Both the fuel and the water object come from CUP Terrains Core Mod. I remember that a couple versions of ARMA and HEROS back, this feature worked just fine in another mission using exactly these two objects. But if I load that old mission now, it doesn't work anymore. Hopefully you have an idea why thos two arrays seem to throw errors/not register the custom objects. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heros 96 Posted May 9, 2018 Hello, File: ... \ Heros World \ Her_Survive.sqf Objects: If an object is not clearly defined in a 'Config', then the name of the 3D model must be described in a Lister. Example: Object = 'CUP_sink'. Here the name 'sink' must be entered in the array (Her_L_WellList). Model = sink.p3d Gasoline / Diesel: Great apology. The 'Her_L_GasList' array has been changed. The parameters are redefined. I forgot to describe it. Sorry. Array 'Her_L_GasList': // --- >> // --- >> ------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- // --- >> // --- >> // --- >> List of objects to refill a canister of disel / petrol // --- >> // --- >> No gas to object = 'object setVariable ["Her_L_NoGas", true];' // --- >> // (4) Maximum distance from the vehicle/object for refueling canister. // | (6) Refill canister with diesel (0 = no / 1 = yes) // | | (7) Refill canister with petrol (0 = no / 1 = yes) // | | | Her_L_GasList = [ [ "Land_fuelstation_w" ,0,0,0,6,0,1,1] [ "Land_FuelStation_01_pump_F" ,0,0,0,6,0,1,1] [ "Land_FuelStation_Feed_F" ,0,0,0,6,0,1,1] [ "Land_RailwayCar_01_tank_F" ,0,0,0,6,0,1,1] ]; 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tourist 617 Posted May 13, 2018 (edited) Hi Heros, THX for the advice on the 3D Models and the GasList corrections! I got it working partially now - that means I found out 2 of the CUP 3D Model names by "fast" trial & error (LOL, I simply left out the CUP_ and Land_ parts of all the classnames since unpacking the .pbo's & looking for the "right" 3D file would take MUCH longer than that and would be quite tiresome...) and got it to work for the blue CUP waterbarrel and for the small village pump. Mission accomplished; these I can distribute over the map if not present by default. But I had ZERO success with the fuel sources; it only worked on the BIS fuel sources that are not listed by default in your array; if I add one of the BIS classnames it works fine. See my Her_Survive.sqf for reference: Spoiler //--->> if (isNil "Her_Debug") then {Her_Debug=false}; if (Her_Debug) then {diag_log ["--->> Running: Life SetupHerosSurvive.sqf --->> INTERN"];}; //--->> //--->> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //--->> //--->> //--->> Environment temperature //--->> Her_L_AirTemp=20; // Current air temperature on sea level at 12 o'clock Her_L_AirTempMin=12; // Air temperature from which the player starts to freeze Her_L_AirTempHeight=2000; // Height in meters for 0 level about sea level. (Example: 0 degrees Celsius at altitude 240 meters) Her_L_WaterTemp=20; // Current water temperature Her_L_WaterTempMin=15; // Water temperature above which the player starts to freeze Her_L_AirTempBreath=14; // Foggy breath <= 14 degrees Celsius Her_L_PlayerBreathInt=0.0001; // Parameter for foggy breath Her_L_TempFactor=1.3; // Her_L_BodyTempWarmUpVar=0.025; //--->> Parameters to increase the body temperature Her_L_BodyTempCtoF=false; //--->> Convert body temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit (HUD) //--->> //--->> LLW-Climate //--->> //--->> 0 NUMBER - annual average air temperature //--->> | //--->> | 1 NUMBER - seasonal temperature variation //--->> | | difference between average summer and average winter temperatures //--->> | | //--->> | | 2 NUMBER - seasonal temperature lag //--->> | | | delay between solstice and min/max temperature levels //--->> | | | //--->> | | | 3 NUMBER - diurnal temperature variation //--->> | | | | difference between daily min and max temperatures //--->> | | | | //--->> | | | | 4 NUMBER - diurnal temperature lag //--->> | | | | | fraction of time between noon and sunset unti maximum temperature is reached //--->> | | | | | 0 for noon, 1 for sunset (default 0.5) //--->> | | | | | //--->> | | | | | 5 NUMBER - annual average sea temperature //--->> | | | | | | //--->> | | | | | | 6 NUMBER - seasonal sea temperature variatio //--->> | | | | | | | difference between average summer and average winter temperatures //--->> | | | | | | | //--->> | | | | | | | 7 NUMBER - seasonal sea temperature lag //--->> | | | | | | | | delay between solstice and min/max temperature levels //--->> | | | | | | | | Her_LLW_Climate_Data = [10,20,30,12,0.5,10,2,60]; // // When available, the script will read climatological data from: configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "climate" // Her_LLW_Climate_Data = []; // //--->> //--->> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //--->> //--->> //--->> Parameter for Hunger, Thirst, Body temperature, ... //--->> Her_L_Hunger=100; Her_L_Thirst=100; Her_L_BodyTemp=37; Her_L_Money=0; //--->> //--->> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //--->> if (isDedicated) exitWith { diag_log ["--->> Running: Life SetupHerosSurvive.sqf --->> Intern --->> End - Not player"]; }; //--->> //--->> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //--->> //--->> //--->> Main parameter to reduce the BodyTemp //--->> 0 Air //--->> | 1 Water //--->> | | Her_L_UniformMainList=[0.0009,0.0009,true,false]; //--->> //--->> Lists of equipment with parameters to reduce the body temperature //--->> 0.0001 Good thermal insulation //--->> 0.0009 Poor thermal insulation //--->> //--->> 0 Uniform / Vest / Headgear (Class name) //--->> | 1 Parameter Air //--->> | | 2 Parameter Water //--->> | | | Her_L_UniformList=[ ["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt",0.0006,0.0008], ["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest" ,0.0004,0.0008], ["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam" ,0.0002,0.0008], ["U_B_GhillieSuit" ,0.0001,0.0006], ["U_B_Wetsuit" ,0.0001,0.0001] ]; Her_L_VestList=[ ["V_PlateCarrierL_CTRG" ,0.0004,0.0005], ["V_PlateCarrierGL_mtp" ,0.0004,0.0005], ["V_HarnessO_brn" ,0.0009,0.0005], ["V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr" ,0.0001,0.0005], ["V_PlateCarrier1_rgr" ,0.0001,0.0005], ["V_HarnessOSpec_gry" ,0.0009,0.0005], ["V_RebreatherB" ,0.0003,0.0002] ]; Her_L_HeadgearList=[ ["H_Watchcap_khk" ,0.0002,0.0008], ["H_Bandanna_camo" ,0.0004,0.0008], ["H_Booniehat_khk_hs" ,0.0003,0.0008], ["H_Beret_02" ,0.0003,0.0008], ["H_HelmetB_light_snakeskin" ,0.0005,0.0008], ["H_HelmetB_camo" ,0.0005,0.0008], ["H_Hat_camo" ,0.0003,0.0008], ["H_Bandanna_khk_hs" ,0.0002,0.0008], ["H_Cap_oli_hs" ,0.0002,0.0008], ["H_Cap_tan_specops_US" ,0.0002,0.0008], ["H_Shemag_olive_hs" ,0.0001,0.0008], ["H_ShemagOpen_khk" ,0.0001,0.0008], ["H_ShemagOpen_tan" ,0.0001,0.0008], ["H_Booniehat_mcamo" ,0.0003,0.0008] ]; Her_L_GogglesList=[ ["G_Bandanna_oli" ,0.0002,0.0009], ["G_Bandanna_khk" ,0.0002,0.0009], ["G_Bandanna_aviator" ,0.0002,0.0009], ["G_Balaclava_combat" ,0.0002,0.0009], ["G_Balaclava_oli" ,0.0002,0.0009] ]; //--->> //--->> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //--->> // (0) Vehicle (Class name) // | (1) Safe from ambient temperature and weather (0=no / 1=yes) // | | (2) Vehicle use: 0 Diesel / 1=Petrol / // | | | (3) Refill. A canister of fuel (20 liters) increases the fuel value of X // | | | | (4) Maximum distance from the vehicle for refueling with canister and repair. // | | | | | (5) Fuel consumption // | | | | | | (6) Refill canister with diesel (0=no / 1=yes) // | | | | | | | (7) Refill canister with petrol (0=no / 1=yes) // | | | | | | | | Her_L_VehicleList = [ ["Her_JeepW_S" ,0,0,0.1,6,0.000018,1,0], ["Her_Krad_R75" ,0,1,0.8,6,0.000030,0,0], ["B_Truck_01_mover_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["B_Truck_01_box_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["B_Truck_01_transport_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["B_Truck_01_covered_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["B_Truck_01_Repair_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["B_Truck_01_ammo_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["B_Truck_01_medical_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["B_Truck_01_fuel_F" ,1,0,0.1,9,0.000015,1,1], ["B_MRAP_01_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["B_MRAP_01_gmg_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["B_MRAP_01_hmg_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["O_MRAP_02_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["O_MRAP_02_gmg_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["O_MRAP_02_hmg_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["I_Quadbike_01_F" ,0,1,0.8,6,0.000015,0,1], ["O_Quadbike_01_F" ,0,1,0.8,6,0.000015,0,1], ["B_G_Quadbike_01_F" ,0,1,0.8,6,0.000015,0,1], ["B_Quadbike_01_F" ,0,1,0.8,6,0.000015,0,1], ["C_Quadbike_01_F" ,0,1,0.8,6,0.000015,0,1], ["I_MRAP_03_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["I_MRAP_03_gmg_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["I_MRAP_03_hmg_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["C_SUV_01_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["O_Truck_03_device_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["O_Truck_03_transport_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["O_Truck_03_covered_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["O_Truck_03_ammo_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["O_Truck_03_repair_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["O_Truck_03_medical_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["O_Truck_03_fuel_F" ,1,0,0.1,9,0.000015,1,1], ["B_G_Van_01_transport_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["C_Van_01_transport_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["C_Van_01_box_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["B_G_Van_01_fuel_F" ,1,0,0.1,9,0.000015,1,1], ["C_Van_01_fuel_F" ,1,0,0.1,9,0.000015,1,1], ["I_Truck_02_transport_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["O_Truck_02_transport_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["I_Truck_02_covered_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["O_Truck_02_covered_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["B_Slingload_01_Fuel_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,1], ["I_Truck_02_ammo_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["O_Truck_02_Ammo_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["I_Truck_02_box_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["O_Truck_02_box_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["I_Truck_02_medical_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["O_Truck_02_medical_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["I_Truck_02_fuel_F" ,1,0,0.1,9,0.000015,1,1], ["O_Truck_02_fuel_F" ,1,0,0.1,9,0.000015,1,1], ["B_APC_Tracked_01_CRV_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000025,1,0], ["B_G_Offroad_01_repair_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["C_Offroad_01_repair_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000015,1,0], ["O_MBT_02_arty_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000025,1,0], ["I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000025,1,0], ["B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000025,1,0], ["O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000025,1,0], ["I_APC_tracked_03_cannon_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000025,1,0], ["B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000025,1,0], ["B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000025,1,0], ["B_MBT_01_cannon_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000025,1,0], ["B_MBT_01_TUSK_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000025,1,0], ["B_MBT_01_arty_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000025,1,0], ["B_MBT_01_mlrs_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000025,1,0], ["I_MBT_03_cannon_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000025,1,0], ["O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000025,1,0], ["O_MBT_02_cannon_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000025,1,0], ["O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F" ,1,0,0.1,6,0.000025,1,0], ["C_Boat_Civil_01_F" ,0,1,0.3,6,0.000015,0,1], ["B_Boat_Transport_01_F" ,0,1,0.5,6,0.000015,0,1], ["Land_FuelStation_Feed_F" ,0,1,0.5,6,0.000015,1,1], ["Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_fuel_F" ,0,0,0.1,6,0.000015,0,0] ]; //--->> //--->> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //--->> //--->> //--->> List of objects with parameters to increase the body temperature //--->> Her_L_TempRadiatorList=[ "Land_FirePlace_F", "FirePlace_burning_F", "Land_Campfire_F", "Campfire_burning_F", "MetalBarrel_burning_F" ]; //--->> //--->> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //--->> //--->> //--->> List of buildings, in which the player from the ambient temperature is not secure. //--->> Her_L_NotSaveHouse=[ "metal_shed_f","ruins_f","unfinished_building","d_stone_shed_v1_f","u_addon_01_v1_f","pier_f", "d_house_small_01_v1_f","d_house_small_02_v1_f","i_addon_04_v1_f","cargo_patrol","cargo_tower_v1_f", "d_stone_housesmall_v1_f","dp_mainfactory_f","dp_bigtank_f","Podesta_1_cube","Mil_Barracks_L", "Mil_Guardhouse","Sara_domek02","Sara_zluty_statek","Aut_zast","Sara_domek_podhradi_1", "Plot_zboreny","Podesta_1_mid","ZalChata","Podesta_1_cube_long","Sara_domek_podhradi_1", "Nav_Boathouse_PierR","Nav_Boathouse_PierT","Nav_Boathouse","Sara_domek_zluty_bez", "Sara_domek_rosa","Sara_domek_kovarna","KBud","Dum_mesto2l","Sara_domek04","Sara_domek_hospoda", "Statek_brana","Podesta_1_cornl","CamoNet_NATO","Mil_Repair_center_EP1","Hlaska","Podesta_s10", "Telek1","Brana02","HouseV_1T","HouseV_3I2","Dum_zboreny","Strazni_vez","fort_artillery_nest", "Vysilac_FM","Sara_zluty_statek_in","Land_vez","Land_leseni2x","Land_dulni_bs","land_st_vez", "land_marsh2","land_lodenice","Land_Nav_Boathouse","Land_CamoNet_EAST","Land_Misc_deerstand", "Land_Misc_Cargo1Bo","Land_hut_old01","Land_Misc_Cargo1Ao","Land_hut06","land_bunka","land_b_small1" ]; //--->> //--->> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //--->> //--->> //--->> List of animals that can be slaughtered and count of raw meet //--->> // (0) Animal // | (1) Count of raw meet // | | Her_L_AnimalCutList=[ "Sheep_random_F", 3, "Goat_random_F", 3, "Hen_random_F", 1, "Cock_random_f", 1, "Turtle_F", 1, "Mullet_F", 1, "Tuna_F", 1, "Mackerel_F", 1, "Ornate_random_F",1, "Salema_F", 1, "Rabbit_F", 1, "Cock_white_F", 1, "COREV_Animal_Cow",9, "COREV_Animal_WildBoar",6 ]; //--->> //--->> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //--->> //--->> //--->> For grilling. List of fireplaces //--->> Her_L_GrillingFire=[ "Land_FirePlace_F", "FirePlace_burning_F", "Land_Campfire_F", "Campfire_burning_F", "MetalBarrel_burning_F" ]; //--->> //--->> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //--->> //--->> //--->> List of wells to refill a canteen or canister of water //--->> //--->> No water to object = 'object setVariable ["Her_L_NoWater",true];' //--->> Dirty water to object = 'this setVariable ["Her_L_DirtyWater",true];' //--->> Her_L_WellList=[ "Land_Water_source_F","Land_StallWater_F","Land_vill_well", "Land_StallWater_F","Land_WaterBarrel_F","Land_WaterTank_F", "Land_BarrelWater_grey_F","Land_BarrelWater_F","Land_CanisterPlastic_F","Land_Sink_F", "Land_ConcreteWell_01_F","Land_WaterCooler_01_old_F","Land_WaterCooler_01_new_F", "Land_WaterTank_02_F","StorageBladder_02_water_sand_F","StorageBladder_02_water_forest_F", "Land_WaterTank_01_F","Land_WaterTank_03_F","Land_WaterTank_04_F","Land_WaterTower_01_F", "Water_source_F","StallWater_F","vill_well", "StallWater_F","WaterBarrel_F","WaterTank_F", "BarrelWater_grey_F","BarrelWater_F","CanisterPlastic_F","Sink_F", "ConcreteWell_01_F","WaterCooler_01_old_F","WaterCooler_01_new_F", "WaterTank_02_F","WaterTank_01_F","WaterTank_03_F","WaterTank_04_F","WaterTower_01_F", "Watertower1","water_tank","WaterBasin_conc_EP1", "Barrel_water","water_tank2","Water_Tank2_w", "Water_Tank_w","stand_waterl_EP1","pumpa", "Farm_WTower" ]; //--->> //--->> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //--->> //--->> //--->> List of objects to refill a canister of disel / petrol //--->> //--->> No gas to object = 'object setVariable ["Her_L_NoGas",true];' //--->> Her_L_GasList=[ ["land_fuelstation_w",0,0,0,6,0,1,1] ["B_Slingload_01_Fuel_F",0,0,0,6,0,1,1] ["Land_Ind_TankSmall2_EP1",0,0,0,6,0,1,1] ["Ind_TankSmall2_EP1",0,0,0,6,0,1,1] ["TankSmall2_EP1",0,0,0,6,0,1,1] ]; //--->> //--->> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //--->> //--->> //--->> Parameters to reduce the values of life //--->> Her_L_HungerVar=0.0058; Her_L_ThirstVar=0.009; //--->> Her_L_SleepToNextCalculation=2; //--->> //--->> Parameters for useable light and fire (Remove after ... sec) //--->> Her_L_LampSleep=300; Her_L_FireSleep=300; //--->> //--->> Add items that can be used (Output to 'HerosWorld\Her_Survive_UseItems.sqf') //--->> Her_L_SpecialUseList = []; //--->> //--->> Adding elements, which can be sold //--->> // (0) Item (Class name) // | (1) Money // | | Her_L_SellList = [ "herl_eat_apple", 10, "herl_eat_bmr", 100, "herl_eat_smr", 90, "herl_eat_TABA", 80, "herl_eat_GB", 80, "herl_eat_Rice", 20, "herl_eat_CC", 15, "herl_eat_grilledM", 100, "herl_eat_Fish", 25, "herl_dri_milk", 35, "herl_dri_RedGul", 25, "herl_dri_Spirit", 25, "herl_dri_Franta", 25, "herl_dri_watera", 25, "herl_dri_Canteen", 25, "herl_u_bloodbag25", 70, "herl_u_bloodbag50", 80, "herl_u_bloodbag75", 90, "herl_u_bloodbag", 100, "herl_u_Canteen", 25, "herl_u_cawatere", 5, "herl_u_keyv", 80, "herl_u_Knife", 100, "herl_u_hpack2", 30, "herl_u_hpack4", 35, "herl_u_hpack6", 40, "herl_u_hpack8", 45, "herl_u_hpack", 50, "herl_u_vitamins2", 20, "herl_u_vitamins4", 40, "herl_u_vitamins6", 60, "herl_u_vitamins8", 80, "herl_u_vitamins", 100, "herl_u_CFire", 100, "herl_u_CLaterne", 100, "herl_u_ToolKit", 100, "herl_u_bandage", 5, "herl_u_defi", 100, "herl_u_dsray", 75, "herl_u_petrol", 200, "herl_u_petrole", 20, "herl_u_diesel", 200, "herl_u_diesele", 20, "herl_u_cawater", 50, "herl_u_cawatere", 10, "herl_u_Canteen", 50, "herl_u_RawM", 60, "herl_u_teleport_blu", 300, "herl_u_teleport_opf", 300, "herl_u_teleport_ind", 300, "herl_u_teleport_civ", 300, "herl_u_antib_ryan_z", 300, "herl_u_antibiotic", 300, "herl_u_painkillers", 300, "herl_u_ground_sheet", 50, "herl_u_satphone", 200, "herl_u_rtablet", 250, "herl_u_pen", 5, "herl_u_pencil", 5, "herl_u_Rope", 150, "herl_u_SleepingB", 150, "herl_u_Tent_A", 250, "herl_u_Tent", 250, "herl_u_gascooker", 175, "herl_u_fm_radio", 50, "herl_u_syslaptop", 300, "herl_u_laptop", 300, "herl_o_tyer", 250, "herl_o_excord", 50, "herl_o_excord50", 75, "herl_o_handyc", 50, "herl_o_hammer", 35, "herl_o_cloves", 10, "herl_0_grinder", 40, "herl_o_screwd_a", 15, "herl_o_screwd_b", 15, "herl_o_screwd_c", 35, "herl_o_cbits", 20, "herl_o_pliers", 15, "herl_o_multim", 45, "herl_o_FileA", 50, "herl_o_FileB", 300, "herl_o_FileC", 150, "herl_o_CamoNet", 100, "herl_o_MobilePhone_old",150, "herl_o_SmartPhone", 250, "herl_o_FoldingChair", 25, "herl_o_SignLeft", 15, "herl_o_SignRight", 15, "herl_o_TrafficCone", 15, "herl_o_BarrierTapeRW", 15, "herl_o_DuctTape", 15, "herl_o_Suitcase", 25, "herl_o_Skeleton", 75, "herl_o_Skull", 50, "herl_pager", 150, "herl_lighter", 25, "herl_matches", 20, "herl_copener", 65, "herl_ma_Canteen", 20, "herl_ma_multim", 20, "herl_ma_screwd_c", 20, "herl_ma_pager", 100, "herl_ma_dspray", 25, "herl_ma_fm_radio", 25, "herl_mb_pm", 20, "herl_mb_waterpur", 20, "herl_mb_battery", 30, "herl_mb_bandage", 5, "Her_Flashlight_01_F", 200, "G_her_GasMaskA", 300, "herl_o_Money_5", 5, "herl_o_Money_10", 10, "herl_o_Money_15", 15, "herl_o_Money_20", 20, "herl_o_Money_25", 25, "herl_o_Money_50", 50, "herl_o_Money_100", 100, "herl_u_FirstAidKit", 200, "herl_u_Medikit", 150, "herl_o_carbattery_a", 250, "herl_o_carbattery_b", 200, "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", 100, "srifle_DMR_03_multicam_F",3000, "20Rnd_762x51_Mag", 150, "srifle_GM6_F", 5000, "20Rnd_762x51_Mag", 120 ]; //--->> //--->> Adding items that can be purchased //--->> Her_L_BuyList = [ "herl_eat_apple", 10, "herl_eat_bmr", 100, "herl_eat_smr", 90, "herl_eat_TABA", 80, "herl_eat_GB", 80, "herl_eat_Rice", 20, "herl_eat_CC", 15, "herl_eat_grilledM", 100, "herl_eat_Fish", 25, "herl_dri_milk", 35, "herl_dri_RedGul", 25, "herl_dri_Spirit", 25, "herl_dri_Franta", 25, "herl_dri_watera", 25, "herl_dri_Canteen", 25, "herl_u_bloodbag25", 70, "herl_u_bloodbag50", 80, "herl_u_bloodbag75", 90, "herl_u_bloodbag", 100, "herl_u_Canteen", 25, "herl_u_cawatere", 5, "herl_u_keyv", 80, "herl_u_Knife", 100, "herl_u_hpack2", 30, "herl_u_hpack4", 35, "herl_u_hpack6", 40, "herl_u_hpack8", 45, "herl_u_hpack", 50, "herl_u_vitamins2", 20, "herl_u_vitamins4", 40, "herl_u_vitamins6", 60, "herl_u_vitamins8", 80, "herl_u_vitamins", 100, "herl_u_CFire", 100, "herl_u_CLaterne", 100, "herl_u_ToolKit", 100, "herl_u_bandage", 5, "herl_u_defi", 100, "herl_u_dsray", 75, "herl_u_petrol", 200, "herl_u_petrole", 20, "herl_u_diesel", 200, "herl_u_diesele", 20, "herl_u_cawater", 50, "herl_u_cawatere", 10, "herl_u_Canteen", 50, "herl_u_RawM", 60, "herl_u_teleport_blu", 300, "herl_u_teleport_opf", 300, "herl_u_teleport_ind", 300, "herl_u_teleport_civ", 300, "herl_u_antib_ryan_z", 300, "herl_u_antibiotic", 300, "herl_u_painkillers", 300, "herl_u_ground_sheet", 50, "herl_u_satphone", 200, "herl_u_rtablet", 250, "herl_u_pen", 5, "herl_u_pencil", 5, "herl_u_Rope", 150, "herl_u_SleepingB", 150, "herl_u_Tent_A", 250, "herl_u_Tent", 250, "herl_u_gascooker", 175, "herl_u_fm_radio", 50, "herl_u_syslaptop", 300, "herl_u_laptop", 300, "herl_o_tyer", 250, "herl_o_excord", 50, "herl_o_excord50", 75, "herl_o_handyc", 50, "herl_o_hammer", 35, "herl_o_cloves", 10, "herl_0_grinder", 40, "herl_o_screwd_a", 15, "herl_o_screwd_b", 15, "herl_o_screwd_c", 35, "herl_o_cbits", 20, "herl_o_pliers", 15, "herl_o_multim", 45, "herl_o_FileA", 50, "herl_o_FileB", 300, "herl_o_FileC", 150, "herl_o_CamoNet", 100, "herl_o_MobilePhone_old",150, "herl_o_SmartPhone", 250, "herl_o_FoldingChair", 25, "herl_o_SignLeft", 15, "herl_o_SignRight", 15, "herl_o_TrafficCone", 15, "herl_o_BarrierTapeRW", 15, "herl_o_DuctTape", 15, "herl_o_Suitcase", 25, "herl_o_Skeleton", 75, "herl_o_Skull", 50, "herl_pager", 150, "herl_lighter", 25, "herl_matches", 20, "herl_copener", 65, "herl_ma_Canteen", 20, "herl_ma_multim", 20, "herl_ma_screwd_c", 20, "herl_ma_pager", 100, "herl_ma_dspray", 25, "herl_ma_fm_radio", 25, "herl_mb_pm", 20, "herl_mb_waterpur", 20, "herl_mb_battery", 30, "herl_mb_bandage", 5, "Her_Flashlight_01_F", 200, "herl_u_FirstAidKit", 200, "herl_u_Medikit", 150, "herl_o_carbattery_a", 250, "herl_o_carbattery_b", 200, "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", 100, "srifle_DMR_03_multicam_F",3000, "20Rnd_762x51_Mag", 150, "srifle_GM6_F", 5000, "20Rnd_762x51_Mag", 120 ]; //--->> //--->> Objects that can be sawn Her_L_UseSaw=[ "t_ficus_small_f", "t_cyathea_f", "t_inocarpus_f", "t_leucaena_f", "t_ficus_medium_f", "b_leucaena_f", "b_rhizophora_f", "t_cocosnucifera2s_small_f", "b_cestrum_f", "b_ficusc1s_f", "b_ficusc2d_f", "t_fraxinusav2s_f", "b_neriumo2d_f", "t_ficusb2s_f", "t_populusn3s_f", "t_oleae2s_f", "t_oleae1s_f", "t_pinuss2s_f", "t_pinuss2s_b_f", "rowboat_v3_f", "pallets_f" ]; //--->> //--->> if (Her_Debug) then {diag_log ["--->> Running: Life SetupHerosSurvive.sqf --->> INTERN --->> Ende"];}; I tried omitting various parts of the desired fuel sources' name, but it still doesn't work. Is it relevant that this "Land_Ind_TankSmall2_EP1" doesn't have refuel capacity in CUP/with BIS system, but is just a map object? Also was it just luck that made me pick the "correct" names for the barrel and the pump, i.e. do these 2 work because I "guessed" the right 3D name, but for the other water sources I simply "guessed" the wrong 3D name? Is there really no way to find out the 3D Model other than un-pbo? Sorry for all those questions and again THX in advance for any further help! Edited May 13, 2018 by tourist Explain more clearly what I have tried to do 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tourist 617 Posted June 22, 2018 Hi again, just wanted to post here how the hunt for the 3D classnames was made easier for me. My RAVAGE buddy Evil Organ pointed me to an entry in the BIS WIKI that gives the code for calling the path to the model from the console. You type in [classname] call BIS_fnc_simpleObjectData and get the full path including the 3D name. Another option is a bit hidden within 3DEN ENHANCED MOD: you can right click on a editor placed object, then choose "log", then "object info". This saves all available info to clipboard; including the path to the 3D model. Simple - if only I had known this before... So for now, every smaller object like the tanks on stilts or various barrels or even the CUP basin with... agricultural waste water (YUK! ) can act as source of dirty water - YAY! The fuel sources array , however, only works for BIS objects - even IF I know the correct 3D model names for the e.g. CUP fuel objects And now to something completely different! I have two questions regarding the money in HEROS SURVIVE: HEROS UI allows the display of money in the player stats. I can choose if only the money in gear is counted or all money, but not in gear. I have looked into CheckMoney.sqf and found a variable Her_L_Money which I could use to successfully build a (ALiVE savegame persistent) quest to obtain a cetain sum of HEROS money while the option "Check money in gear" is active. I set up a Trigger with CONDITION: {Her_L_Money>=100}; And ON ACTIVATION: dollars=true; ON DEACTIVATION: dollars=false; With the Variable "dollars" I can then work on building tasks from the BIS task system which succeed or fail repeatedly depending on whether the player actually has 100 bucks or not in his very pockets. And since the actual money items in the player inventory are counted, this works over saving and loading persistent ALiVE sessions because the full player inventory is saved & restored by the ALiVE savegame system. 1) This Her_L_Money variable however only works for counting money in the player's inventory - how can I achieve such a checking of the money amount within the contents of an object like an ammobox or whatever I choose to act as deposit? 2) If I use a shop like the ones from the template mission, money for buying is corrctly deducted from the money in player inventory - but the money for selling ONLY appears in the UI, NOT as actual banknotes in the player inventory - any way to fix that? BIG THX FOR READING & EVENTUAL TIPS! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ashron 0 Posted July 9, 2018 Hi, I would like to ask. mode works but the map is empty? against whom should you survive? there are no zombies, no enemy. thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted August 10, 2018 Just now, GEORGE FLOROS GR said: Hello to Everyone ! A new script working with Heros Survive mod has added: Reveal hidden contents 1 hour ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said: GF Skinning Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] 28 minutes ago, foxhound said: An Armaholic mirror is now available: GF Skinning Script v1.0 Thanks ! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iV - Ghost 50 Posted September 26, 2018 Save the money How can I save the money if the player gets killed and add it after respawn? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites