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What are your thoughts on vice city

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and another thing, (i dont have a ps2, but i played it at my friends house) the game looks much better if you turn "trails" off, you can do this under the options>display settings menu.

I dont konw why trails is a default graphics setting, the game looks a million times better without it.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Aaron Kane @ Nov. 09 2002,14:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And the ULTIMATE VEHICLE rules too. I got all the way to vigilante level 16 before I got ran over by a tank... confused.gif

Too bad its not immune to small arms fire too like it probably should be.  After all, it is the ULTIMATE VEHICLE.  wow.gif

And the MP5 shouldnt be stronger than the MAC-10.  Other than that, all the weapons are really cool.  I really like the M4, but I wish it had an automatic aiming mode like the submachine guns in addition to its scope mode.  

For the record, to get the ULTIMATE VEHICLE, you just need to beat the game or collect all 100 hiddden packages.  It spawns in Baxter Air Force Base.<span id='postcolor'>

yea the Hunter, that thing kicks ass, problem is getting to it w/out getting riddled w/ bullets from the soldiers, but i found a way to get to it w/out the soldiers bothering you. biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Red Oct @ Nov. 08 2002,23:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Aaron Kane @ Nov. 09 2002,14:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And the ULTIMATE VEHICLE rules too. I got all the way to vigilante level 16 before I got ran over by a tank... confused.gif

Too bad its not immune to small arms fire too like it probably should be.  After all, it is the ULTIMATE VEHICLE.  wow.gif

And the MP5 shouldnt be stronger than the MAC-10.  Other than that, all the weapons are really cool.  I really like the M4, but I wish it had an automatic aiming mode like the submachine guns in addition to its scope mode.  

For the record, to get the ULTIMATE VEHICLE, you just need to beat the game or collect all 100 hiddden packages.  It spawns in Baxter Air Force Base.<span id='postcolor'>

yea the Hunter, that thing kicks ass, problem is getting to it w/out getting riddled w/ bullets from the soldiers, but i found a way to get to it w/out the soldiers bothering you. biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I know a way too, if you want i can PM it to you, so i wouldn't spoil the fun for others...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (timmy @ Nov. 08 2002,20:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">and another thing, (i dont have a ps2, but i played it at my friends house) the game looks much better if you turn "trails" off, you can do this under the options>display settings menu.

I dont konw why trails is a default graphics setting, the game looks a million times better without it.<span id='postcolor'>

timmy, what exactly does 'trails' do? I'll try putting it off tomorrow, i'm just a bit curious...

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Trails is a graphical special effect type thing I believe, some kind of blurring thingy, was with the PC version of GTA3 anyways, seems all it did on the PC was destroy the framerate.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ Nov. 09 2002,01:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Trails is a graphical special effect type thing I believe, some kind of blurring thingy, was with the PC version of GTA3 anyways, seems all it did on the PC was destroy the framerate.<span id='postcolor'>

Hmmm, Vice city looks a bit blurry sometimes, i'll try putting it off... I'd be very happy if the graphics would look even better!

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Theres only two things that really annoy me... no, make that three.

First off, the Rhino tank.  In theory, its the uber vehicle.  It can run over everything, has an awesome cannon, and looks pretty.  But why in the hell does it flip so much?  Last night, I ran over a motorcycle, and I was flipped over on my back.  Seriously, its sad.  And sort of scary.  I noticed this problem in GTA3 also.

Second off, the Hunter should be bulletproof.  I got taken out last night by some bikini clad woman with a 12 gauge who shot me three times.  Weak.

Having to go and get the Hunter is a big hassle too, why doesnt your helipad save helicopters? It seriously should. And on a related topic, are there any garages big enough to fit the Rhino?

And as a special bonus, my fourth complaint.  Why does the FBI drive so ungodly fast?  I mean, a Lamborghini WILL outrun an FBI SUV.  Or at least it should.  Even the huge heavy SWAT trucks can magically outrun you.  IMO, it would be alot more fun if you can blast past vehicles in a sports car or motorcycle instead of having them ram you at impossible speeds and cripple your snazzy vehicle.

And those are my complaints.  Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go hide in the closet and cry.  Good day.

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i found the easiest way to aviod the law is simply on foot. it would also help to have the python .357, it has auto lock and waxes people w/ one shot. python is the best gun in the entire game. thing i hate about the game is the annoying glare from the sun. its too much, that and the guns that have manual aiming instead of auto lock have crappy controls when precision aiming is needed. they should have made the R3 and L3 buttons more loose fore aiming weapons like the M4, M60, the Ruger, and the sniper rifles. that and sometimes when you shot a car at the bumber, one of the tires goes flat. another annoyence when you are chasing or being chased by a vehicle w/ a gunner sticking out of a sun roof. i love the 80's music they have, they have all kinds of popular music artists from the 80's.

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Oh the joys of the PC.

Mice controlled gun's can improve your killing effiency up to 99%!

It's a shame we have to wait a few months (3 or 4 I think) for a PC release, but the nice thing about the PC are the mods.

I've replaced most of my cars with new ones now, with the Cheetah now a Ferrari 360. (Fantastic model! Looks better than the originals!wink.gif

Is there any news on multiplayer on the PC version of Vice City?

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Is lazlo in it??

Damn that guy was funny,so were the other funny radio presenters biggrin.gif

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

"our hotmix where we bring u one song back to back"

"blah blah radio station where we bring u the latest adverts with some music inbetween"

"U wont hear this song anywhere else apart from our other 300 sister stations"

<span id='postcolor'>

so true :/

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Aaron Kane @ Nov. 09 2002,01:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Having to go and get the Hunter is a big hassle too, why doesnt your helipad save helicopters?  It seriously should.  And on a related topic, are there any garages big enough to fit the Rhino?

And as a special bonus, my fourth complaint.  Why does the FBI drive so ungodly fast?  I mean, a Lamborghini WILL outrun an FBI SUV.  Or at least it should.  Even the huge heavy SWAT trucks can magically outrun you.  IMO, it would be alot more fun if you can blast past vehicles in a sports car or motorcycle instead of having them ram you at impossible speeds and cripple your snazzy vehicle.<span id='postcolor'>

There's an easier way to get the hunter, you also have to go to the mililtairy base but the army won't shoot you...

Some helicopters are saved, for example the police helicopter (i think it's called maverick or something like that), you can always go and get it...

Well... it would be a lot easier when you could outrun the whole army but i guess it would be a bit too easy...

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I just tried putting trails of and i must admit that it all looks a lot better, thanks for the tip. And the people who haven't tried this yet, you should try it. It really looks better...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I just tried putting trails of and i must admit that it all looks a lot better, thanks for the tip. And the people who haven't tried this yet, you should try it. It really looks better...<span id='postcolor'>

It looks better, and the frame rate goes up! I hope R* don't fuck up the PC version and leg it like last time. All the tech support came from the community. To get the game to run in a high res, with anti aliasing, I have to DISABLE my T&L on my video card, so bad is the coding for it!

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