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Terrorist attacks in Brussels

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In what is some monstrous insane competition in horror between those islamists factions after the Brussel bombings, the talibans murdered at least 70 men, women and children from christian families that were celebrating Easter (and several hundred of wounded), in a bombinb in Lahore in Pakistan.


I pray they rest in peace in a better world.

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Very bad what happened in Brussel and even more shocking what did happen in Pakistan, many christian families with children as victims and more than 350 wounded - celebrated Easter. Unbelieveable....


Unfortunately, the geopolitical and military engagement of our western world in the middle east did contribute aswell to the situations we see nowadays.

In the meanwhile 7 islamic countries were attacked inclusive Drone operations: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Syria.

We did contribute and some of the issues are homemade, good example is the Islamic State and its origin from the chaos in Iraq.

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This attack is a horrible thing indeed. However... Remember the saying "The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal". People of the "enlightened" west should realize this. If not, these attacks will continue, and will get worse and worse. 

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Back in 2001, the western war on terror was limitied to a small radicalized group living in mountainous region in Afghanistan.

15 years, 4 wars and as many violation of country sovereignty later, we are facing a global war on terror and our enemies are everywhere.

And yet, you still have a majority of people claiming more bombs and more wars is the solution.


Unfortunately, it's a typical human behavior.


Look at the war on drugs. 40 years and more than $1 trillion later (some estimation even talk about 2 trillions), everything is worst. In the 1980' the US had around 50.000 people jailed for a drug related crime. Nowadays they are more than half a million.

And sure thing, people still claim the solution is more police, thougher regulations and more incarcerations...


After the 1929 financial crisis, the US gov. did shorten the leach of the financial institutions. Nothing similar happened in 2008.

After the atomic bombs on his country, and dispite the fact his soldiers were willing to die for him, the emperor of Japan did surrender


Somehow, even with the tons on information available nowadays, we don't seem to be able to draw the proper conclusion.

I really wonder what kind a crisis will we have to face before coming back to reality. And that worries me a lot more than any religious extremists.

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Proper conclusion? Very simple: Every single "immigrant" or "refugee" is a potential terrorist. They should be sent back to where they came from immediately. Eastern european countries, especially Hungary see this very clearly. What they do, should be an example for all the "enlightened" west. 

Multiculturalism is the worst crime against any state or nation. It simply doesnt work. Muslims cant be integrated into the society at all, as clearly evidenced by the attacks in Brussels, Paris, and the mass molestation of women in Germany and Sweden. The west should wake up from this liberal nightmare. Multikulti, tolerance are all good on paper, however, these do not work in reality. They lead to destruction of the nation's culture and finally to the nation itself. You can tolerate them for a while, but given enough time, their numbers will be high enough to simply expel you from your OWN country. Islam is an aggressive religion, which should be banned everywhere. Why would europe tolerate it, when it does not tolerate anybody who is different?

If western europeans doesnt realize this in time, they will be doomed. On the other hand, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Russia, now called "eastern, intolerant barbarians" by the liberal german media, will most likely survive, and will remain the sole remaining bastion of european culture.



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