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Substance Painter to create the RVMAT textures?

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Hi there, does anyone use Substance Painter to create the RVMAT textures? I'm hoping that you could share with me the export settings needed to create the Arma3 Super shader images.

1. Normal map
2. Detail map
3. Macro map
4. AmbientShadow map
5. Specular map
6. Fresnel function
7. Environmental map

Instructions or youtube tutorial on how to set them up for export would be very helpful. I spent 3 hours trying all the export settings that come out of the box with Substance Painter and had no luck or good results.

Thanks you so so much.

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I too would like help with this. Its a shame at how little support the A3 community can offer aspiring modders at times.

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I am using the Non-PBR Spec gloss shader with the following export options: https://i.imgur.com/cgnBO5F.png


i don't know how i would export a DT map or a Fresnel function, i'm using the arma 3 environment map in data_f. i guess for a macro map i would create a second setup where i basically export the diffuse channel to an ARGB channel but so far i didn't find the need to.

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I too would like help with this. Its a shame at how little support the A3 community can offer aspiring modders at times.


I think alot of the modders go on the skype channel, so all the knowledge is lost as it's not in a searchable form.

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I am using the Non-PBR Spec gloss shader with the following export options: https://i.imgur.com/cgnBO5F.png


i don't know how i would export a DT map or a Fresnel function, i'm using the arma 3 environment map in data_f. i guess for a macro map i would create a second setup where i basically export the diffuse channel to an ARGB channel but so far i didn't find the need to.

Could you perhaps explain how you set that preset up?

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there are no BI tutorials whatsoever for modding btw

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@hololand: when you click on "export textures" you will find a configure button on the top left corner of the exporter window. there you can set up new presets

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