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[SOLVED] [PARADROP] AI helicopter stop to follow his waypoints after dropping...

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In your scenario, the helicopter stop after dropping when the player is not the team leader... Same behaviour as my scenario.


Yeah, I forgot that.

This one seems to work... The group leader is ordering the squad to remount the vehicle and it seems like that is what stops it. The getout waypoint with the unassignVehicle seems to work ok.

I guess when you are the leader it doesnt create that order to mount where the AI group leader does stopping the heli.

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Yeah, I forgot that.

This one seems to work... The group leader is ordering the squad to remount the vehicle and it seems like that is what stops it. The getout waypoint with the unassignVehicle seems to work ok.

I guess when you are the leader it doesnt create that order to mount where the AI group leader does stopping the heli.


Tried with 16 paratroopers instead of 4, and doesn't work...

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Ok I have found the solution...


There was two problems:


1- the command "Eject";

2- putting the paratroopers directly in the helicopter by the 3D editor.




1- name the helicopter (only if you want to directly spawn the paratroopers inside at the mission begining);


2- name the paratrooper group and putt the paratroopers in the helicopter by the following commands ("init" field of the group leader):

paratroopers = group this; {_x moveInCargo heli} forEach units group this;

NOTE: you can also move the paratroopers in the cargo by a "GET IN" waypoint (no need to use "moveInCargo" in this case);


3- add the following command to the drop waypoint activation field:

null = [] spawn {{unassignVehicle _x; moveOut _x; sleep 1;} forEach units paratroopers;};

adjust the "sleep" value to change the drop interval beetween units;


NOTE: if you want to prevent AI collisions during fall (because vertical drop or low "sleep" value), use this command instead:

null = [] spawn {{_x allowDamage false; unassignVehicle _x; moveOut _x; sleep 0.5;} forEach units paratroopers; {waitUntil {isTouchingGround _x || position _x select 2 < 1}} forEach units paratroopers; {_x allowDamage true} forEach units paratroopers;};

be carefull with very low "sleep" values if you are in the paratrooper team because the player can kill the AIs by collisions, even if there is no damage allowed to they.



Thanks to beerkan for his script which helped me to find the solution.


Enjoy your paradrops !

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Its working in the complete mission?

Have you set new waypoints to the troops on ground?

The heli back to base?

Thankyou for your research. I'm still having the problem. Tried everything here.

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would love to see a good reinforcement heli drop work. Below is some scripting that may help but content does not all work, it needs updating however gives some great content to consider when making this stuff.


please keep updating this post.



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From my last tests, you NEED to use moveOut imediately after unassignVehicle, like that:

	unassignVehicle _x;
	moveOut _x;
	sleep (0.3 + random 0.2);
} forEach _soldiers;
If you use anything else, you will have problems. For example:

	unassignVehicle _x;
	sleep (0.3 + random 0.2);
	moveOut _x;
} forEach _soldiers;

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