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Arma 3 closed in unusual manner!!

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M y game keeps crashing ANYTIME there is combat initiated with more than 5 or so groups in combat


allways a different error message:


Arma 3 Troubleshooting Report

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Please report this on Arma 3 Feedback Tracker (http://feedback.arma3.com). Thanks to you we may fix the issue faster.

Process exit
Exit code:           0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
Running time:        00:04:42.3871516

System information
Date:                2016-02-25 11:42:31 / 2016-02-25 19:42:31 +08
Current dir:         F:\steam3\steamapps\common\Arma 3
Command line:        "F:\steam3\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3launcher.exe" -mod=@bcombat -world=Stratis -nologs  -nosplash -cpuCount=8 -maxMem=8192 
CLR version:         4.0.30319.34209
OS Version:          6.1.7601.65536 (Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1)
OS 64 bit:           True
Process 64 bit:      False
Culture:             en-GB
UI Culture:          en-US

Last game report
not provided



i cant access the feedback tracker i keep bein redirected.This happening since last update. My game is unplayable.


The game runs smooth so i dont know where to start to fix this issue.

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Try without mods.

The strange thing is,that if i use AI mods (depending on what mod) the game crashes,but vanilla...i place 200 AI to fight and it doesnt crash.


with EBS from TPW on or vcom ai on it crashes ..instantly with vcom,5 minutes later with TPW.I have used EBS TPW forever,that mod never caused issues before.And vcom should be ok.Its not a coincidence but why would my particular game SUDDENLY not be able to run AI mods when in the past they have perfectly.


I might add to this that before i crash im getting 50 or so FPS...NO LAG ATALL with alot of units on screen.  THE....MIND....BOGGLES

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Me too, i have this bug, my game crash after 5 minutes playing the game on a altis life server help me pls: 0xC0000005-STATUS_ACCES_VIOLATION

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Can anybody from Bohemia please comment on this? There have been similar threads like this created since last patch.


Is it a memory leak issue or something?

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These crashes are quite common. I wish I knew more about mods and how they work (or not!!!) but I have read where BI in one of the later patches have implemented their own EBS system so you don't need TPW's version of EBS any longer. If you have TPW's active, BI is now competing with it.


When you post a crash or problem you should list the mods you are using and put your PC specs in your sig so we have the information at our fingertips.

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if you are experiencing this issue on vanilla, please send me your crash logs, these should consist of a set of three files with the same timestamp.

We will need mdmp + rpt + bidmp files, these should be located in this directory:
<drive>:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Arma 3
Once you have those, please upload these files ZIPed to some free file sharing service and PM me the link.
Thank you
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TPW EBS seems broken by the last eden update, should contact the modmaker instead of posting it in the ArmA 3 Troubleshooting section ;)


but yeah, before at the patch of SEPTEMBER there was the same error code & then the new animations made some mods mismatching and creating errors. Could be that it happend again with Eden because of the new walking animations

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FYI : I had the same issue as you all, but on vanilla, the crash doesn't occur. I have not been able to isolate the mod that was causing this after the eden update, but I'll try them one by one to see.

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FYI : I had the same issue as you all, but on vanilla, the crash doesn't occur. I have not been able to isolate the mod that was causing this after the eden update, but I'll try them one by one to see.

Are you using any of the mods in conjunction?








And does the crash happen on any map in particular or all maps?

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Are you using any of the mods in conjunction?








And does the crash happen on any map in particular or all maps?


No, my mods were :



Blastcore Phoenix


Bad Benson's Midrange Texture

ardvarkdb's MK18 Mod1

Old version of Zombies and Demons


In addition, the mission I was editing and playing (and crashing) used BTC revive scripts.


I haven't tried isolating the mod yet. Been enjoying vanilla Eden editing for the time being. When I start re-introducing mods, I'll update the thread.

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