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Packing terrain and custom models with pboproject

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I have decided to continue with a map project I started a few years ago and had stopped due to the upcoming release of Arma 3 and it's new tools. I have managed to get my map into terrain builder and finally working in game which is great. My problem is that I had started creating some custom bridge models in oxygen and I was able to add them add to my map. These models were very basic just mostly for show with no physical properties and config files etc. I am using pboproject to pack all my terrain files and models into two pbo files one for my map and one for custom models. I can pack the terrain files no problem but when I add my custom models to my map pboproject stops at my models with the following error
xxx.p3d needs to be in temp as binarised. pack your models, or copy over a binarised p3d
When I use binpbo I can pack the models and they appear in game so I'm not sure if it is my setting in pboproject.
I can pack the models using addon builder but I still get the same error when I try to pack my map with pboproject
I am not sure if it's the folder structure I have or my pboproject settings.


PC Folder structure and Pboproject settings



Models from Arma 2 map



I'm running out of whiskey trying to sort this out !!!!

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Despite my PM to the contrary, maybe try changing the 'Workspace' option from 'P:\' to P:\stoo'

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Did you ever create a pbo with that model?

You need a binarized version of it to build correctly the map

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Okay, thanks for the help guys but the solution was nothing to do with pboproject. I already had a model in my map which was an arma 3 sample model (I modified the config files to suit my folder locations). The config file was in the same folder as the sample model. Out of curiosity I moved the location of all the config files to the top level model folder in my map folder structure and now all my custom models are working in game even though they are not in the config files.






Once again thanks for the help

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