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Eden update: Cannot merge mission from 2D editor into 3D editor

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So, myself and another unit member are working on map editing on different maps.
I would like to continue editing a map I started using pre-fab ARES bases, exported as SQM via MCC and then pasted into a blank, saved Mission file. 
This has worked fine up until the EDEN update to quickly put together a mission template with a base and vehicles down, and build on for different versions with different mods.

It seems as if in EDEN, you can no longer do this.  You cannot import SQM  info from MCC saved info.

Also, you cannot merge 2d files into the EDEN 3d mission builder. 

This makes using Zeus or ARES placed item impossible at this time.

Also, my unit mate found that importing his 2d built version of Takistan with a couple thousand placed items completely broke.  All his placed items are now snapped to the terrain or floating above, or misplaced by 50-100 meters.  He's pretty pissed that 100 hours of work seems to be down the tube.

Anyone have any workarounds for issues like this?

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The importation should have created a backup of the existing 2D Editor-compatible mission.sqm which will still work in that after renaming the file extension/deleting the Eden-compatible one, so the work isn't necessarily all down the drain.

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The importation should have created a backup of the existing 2D Editor-compatible mission.sqm which will still work in that after renaming the file extension/deleting the Eden-compatible one, so the work isn't necessarily all down the drain.

For now.

But what if he wants to edit this mission after they remove the 2D editor completely?

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For now.

Which is all that I was trying to address; it's definitely appropriate to be seeking a fix/workaround.

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I'll be experimenting some more.  Someone on the ALiVE forums posted that you need to put down a PLAYER entity, not just a PLAYABLE entity, on the former 2d mission saves; save it, and then it can be imported into the 3D Eden editor.
So, I haven't lost my prefab base, and I was able to import it to Eden 3d. 
I don't know how/if I'll be able to use Zeus or ARES placed items in the future though. 

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So my question now is what about mission files that were imported from the Steam Workshop and when they were depbo'd they did not have either a briefing or an init file and only a mission file? I am working on using a prefab base I found for one of my missions and I can't get it to load at all.


Any help is greatly appreciated.

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ok guys...

when we had the 2d editor we could add a player character on the map and then we could import the 2d map into the 3d editor... (what kind of stupid logic is that? what does it need this player for to convert a map from 2d to 3d?)


but now the 2d editor is gone... and we cant place this player anymore...



so how can we convert a 2d map to 3d now so we can finally load/import int in the precious 3d eden editor?

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I get this error in year 2023 when trying to merge a scenario entirely made in eden. WTF? 

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