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Trigger broken for dedicated server?

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I've notice the trigger won't work when the mission is hosted on a dedicated server, is this a known bug?

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What trigger? Does it only affect certain conditions, or all triggers? Could you be any more vague descriptive?

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Ok it seems it's the eden triggers that don't work on dedicated servers, that's both local and goble when setting them up as present & non present active.


Old missions with the 2d editor triggers work fine.


Here is the mission, I'm testing this one , I've also tested other missions, the triggers don't work.




Thanks for your response.





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Can confirm,


We got the same problem, Triggers wont activate when mission is loaded from Eden. 2D editor still works.

It looks like that the trigger gets a reset, if you check a triggers activations it will be ["NONE","PRESENT",true] even when i set it to  ["WEST","PRESENT",true].


Also had the same with scripted created triggers.


Hope someone can help us with this.


- Jasper

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I can confirm this issue. As long as the feedback tracker is not available this is the only way to make ppl notice. Triggers activation setting will be set to:

despite how you set it. Scripted triggers behave the same way. I can confirm the localization to dedicated Linux and Windows build on current stable version. 
This bug does not appear under the 2D editor, only in the 3D editor.

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Did some testing today.


It seems like that the triggers Activation gets reset for the client only. It's still ok for server.


I made a little test mission in the VR would be great if someone else could try it on their machine.


It got an trigger named myTrigger about 1 meter in front of the player.


Type : NONE
Activation : BLUFOR
Activation Type : Present 
Repeatable : Ticked

on ACT,

hint "HELLO WORLD!";
diag_log "HELLO WORLD!";
diag_log (triggerActivation thisTrigger);

When in local hosted MP,

You run through the trigger you get the hint, diag_log, and diag_log  triggerActivation from trigger.


When in dedicated server,

You run through the trigger, you get NO hint, NO diag_log and NO diag_log triggerActivation from trigger on client side.

You get both diag_logs on server log.

13:13:25 "HELLO WORLD!"
13:13:25 ["WEST","PRESENT",true]

But when you check the trigger's activation with, triggerActivation myTrigger,


Hope someone can reproduce this problem and hope we can fix it ;)


Test mission download -> HERE



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Hope someone can reproduce this problem and hope we can fix it ;)


Yes, easy to reproduce and confirmed this behavior with dedicated server after 1.56 update. I suspect this is related to player object locality, because the respawn tent functionality appears to be broken as well on dedicated server.



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Aha, that explains it, I just wish I'd seen this thread a couple of days ago!

Been having a ball with a trigger working just fine in hosted MP, but firing right at mission start when running on a dedicated.

Almost like it ignores the condition field.

Guess we'll have to wait for an update then.


Link to my probably related trigger problem:


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yea same here thought i was stupid but sometimes they dont work for me either

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