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Making terrain out of Real Life Locations?

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I really want to get into map making. Now i found an awesome location what I want to make in ArmA 3 wich is Fort Dix, NJ. (https://www.google.nl/maps/place/Fort+Dix,+NJ,+USA/@40.010601,-74.5433401,10120m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x89c141f5a48be123:0x412208035f315871). I have spend about 40 hours searching for how to do this but I just don't know/Can't Figure out where to start.

Can Someone help me with to get the right stuff and where the hell to start when making a map out of RL area's.

(Sorry for the *noob* question :P )

J. Fisher

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Download a GEOTIFF from here



Then you can use global mapper or QGIS to resize / convert it to arma.


This is a guide for QGIS


tbh that guide confuses me lol. If you have access to global mapper it's very easy to have a bare bones terrain within a few hours. But QGIS is free

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Here you have a general tutorial about terrain making http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28048(Atlas)

And here you have another one with videos http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUiViqS-dLHq0o7IM7_5u6tCMy-F3CVW6(CAPTNCAPS updated and redone tutorial series)

Thanks for the link to CAPTNCAPS, I followed some of his earlier tutorials which turned out to be broken. Didn't know he had uploaded a fresh set, so thanks. :)

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Download a GEOTIFF from here



Then you can use global mapper or QGIS to resize / convert it to arma.


This is a guide for QGIS


tbh that guide confuses me lol. If you have access to global mapper it's very easy to have a bare bones terrain within a few hours. But QGIS is free


you don't really need to globalmapper or Qgis, you can use microdem which is much easier. You can convert the image to a heightmap and save as a BMP then use L3DT. Import it to that and export it as an ASC or XYZ file, ASC is quicker at loading. 


you can use this thread and tut I put together, there is also reference to other tuts such as the atlas mentioned above to help with the first steps of map making.




you don't really need to globalmapper or Qgis, although they are good, they take a bit of getting used too. ZGM did a guide for arma 2 you can find that on armholic.

You can use microdem which is much easier. You can convert the image to a heightmap and save as a BMP then use L3DT. Import it to that and export it as an ASC or XYZ file, ASC is quicker at loading. 


you can use this thread and tut I put together, there is also reference to other tuts such as the atlas mentioned above to help with the first steps of map making.



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Hello to you all. Thank God for this topic. I'm decided to make a Falklands Islands map, or try, at least. I don't know if someone is already doing it; i'd hate to repeat the work for this community :)


If you know something, please tell me. Otherwise, wish me luck.  :D


Thank you for all the work; as always.




(Sorry for my english... it's my second language)

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