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Vyllis Fuhajins

Help, count players near an entity(resolved).

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Hello, i have trouble and can't finish my mission script. I am newbie into scripting so here is my problem:


During a multiplayer game, listen or dedicated server; I want to count players in a given radius around an entity (?, a trigger/marker). Unfortunately i can't get what i have wrote to work and search give me tons of way to count entities/objects/AIs around a player, this is not what i want.


I did try these:



_playerClose = {isPlayer _x && side _x == resistance} count (playableUnits nearEntities ["Mark", 1000]);

and this one

_playerClose = {isPlayer _x} count (_x nearEntities [["Mark"], 500]);


_playerClose = {isPlayer _x nearEntities ["Mark", 1000]} count playableUnits;


_playerClose = {isPlayer _x} count (position player nearEntities ["Mark", 1000]);



They all returned 0 or "scalar". I know some of them must be really wrong but i had to try.

I am searching for hours but my scripting level is too weak. If anyone would like to help some. Thank you.

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_radius = 50;
_numPlayersByEntity = {_x distance enitity < _radius} count allPlayers;
Where entity would be:

getPos object
getMarkerPos "marker"
Or whatever else.

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_playerClose = [];
if (_x distance object) < 1000) then {
_playerClose pushback _x;
} foreach allPlayers;

this is returning an array of  player objects in 1000 meters from some object.


you need to count array if you need a number.

_nearplayercount = count _playerClose;

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