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Stop Side changing ?

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Is there a way to stop players changing sides during a mission ?


i.e  If i join OPFOR , I cannot disconnect and join Bluefor  until mission is restarted ?





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Each player has a unique uid (tied to either their computer or steam account, I'm not quite sure which). See getPlayerUID.


Perhaps upon disconnect you can store a player's uid and side on server missionNamespace, and upon reconnect kill/warn the player if they switches side.


Variables stored in missionNamespace are reset upon mission restart so it should work.

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I believe wasteland does this, and you should take a look at their mission files. Although they might also implement through an addon, I've never looked.

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Top of my head, untested:



connPlayerArr = [];
playersArr = [];


params ["_p", "_jip"];
private _pName = name _p;
private _checkSide = [_pName, side _p];

if !(_pName in playersArr) then {	
	// First time connection, lets add the player to the arrays 
	playersArr pushBack _pName;
	connPlayerArr pushBack _checkSide;
	//hint format ["%1 is not in playersArr.\n\nAdded %1 to playersArr.\n\nAdded %2 to connPlayerArr.", _pName, _checkSide]; // debug

} else {	
	// Return player
	private _i = playersArr find _pName; // get the index
	private _side = connPlayerArr select _i select 1;
	//hint format ["%1 is a return player.\n\nplayerArr index: %2\n\nOld side: %3.\n\nNew side: %4", _pName, _i, _side, side _p]; // debug
	// Check if he switched sides
	if (side _p != _side)  then {
		// Player switched sides. Code goes here....
	} else {
		// Player did not switch sides.
		(format ["Welcome back %1", name _p]) remoteExec ["hint", _p, false];
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Top of my head, untested:


connPlayerArr = [];

params ["_p", "_jip"];private _check = [name _p, side _p];if !(_check in connPlayerArr)) then {	// First time connection, lets add the player to connPlayerArr 	connPlayerArr pushBack _check;} else {	// Return player	private _i = connPlayerArr find _check; // get the index	// Check if he switched sides	if !((_check select 1) isEqualTo (connPlayerArr (select _i) select 1))  then {		// Player switched sides. Code goes here....	} else {		// Player did not switch sides.		(format ["Welcome back %1", name _p]) remoteExec ["hint", _p, false];	};};
This is not going to do it, the logic is flawed here ^^^^^. Joining player that changed side will always be added to the array, and the one that didnt will be checked if he is on the same side which obviouly he is.

Edit: I hate you new forum and formatting

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You're right KK. Updated my OP. Code could probably be more efficient but it should work now.

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