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Say / Say2D / Say3D change distance??

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how can I change the distance from where I can hear the sound a unit is saying per say/say2D/say3D ? 


I tried 


unit say3D ["sound",x]; //x can be any number and nothing changes


I also tried to change the db the sound is played in the description.ext but the sound gets more quiet but you can hear it still from 500m away.


Any ideas how to change the distance from where I can hear the sound played via "say" command?


I also googled this problem but found no solution.


Thanks in advance



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say3D is local so you need to broadcast it to all clients and by doing so you can add a distance check :)

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if this is editor unit init you do not need to broadcast to all players because this init runs any connected PC


Anyway i do not knew if there are set distance are possible with say3d, wiki says nothing about.

Try something like that:

[unit, 200] say3D "sound";

if fails you can use CBA mod and his  function which will fire for sure;

and this has already global affect and sound fade relative to distance

if (isServer) then {

[unit, "sound", 200] call CBA_fnc_globalSay3d;
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All those distance checks are not what I was looking for. It must be a sound for all players at the same but not hearable at a distance for example 20 meters. It will work with playsound3D. Why the hell is there no playsound name like in say3D? Unfortunately I also wanted to have driving cars with music comingfrom them. That don´t seem to work.


Thanks for all the help. Appreciate it!

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I will provide some code as son as I'm back home

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Very good.... Say3D is completely stupid. You can hear someone saying something 400m away and cant regulate the distance but you can stop the sayer by killing him.


PlaySound3D is working with distances but you can´t stop it.

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Very good.... Say3D is completely stupid. You can hear someone saying something 400m away and cant regulate the distance but you can stop the sayer by killing him.


PlaySound3D is working with distances but you can´t stop it.

Well it's like I wrote in my feedback ticket, all of the sound commands have their strengths, but they all have weaknesses. There is no perfect sound command available to us

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My dog barks made with playSound3d are working perfectly on MP.


What is impossible to do is to change the source position on the fly, for example an alarm sound ringing from a moving car.


I want doppler effect!

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I usually just change the decibels in your description ext and that automatically reduces distance. With playSound/say3d anyway. Something like -11 is about 200 meters

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am having an issue with this code for MP.

while {true} do {
    toc say3D "chatter";
    sleep 25;

below has been placed in Init and trigger with no luck.

[] execVM "toc.sqf";


class CfgSounds
   sounds[] = {chatter};

    class chatter {name="chatter";sound[]={sounds\chatter.ogg,db+3,1.0};titles[] = {0, ""};};

toc is antenna. plays fine in editor. nothing in MP. ideas?

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class CfgSounds {

   sounds[] = {chatter};

    class chatter {


sound[]={"sounds\chatter.ogg", db+3, 1.0};

titles[] = {};



while {!isnull toc} do {

toc say3D ["chatter", 200, 1];

sleep 25;


if (hasInterface) then {

[] execVM "toc.sqf";


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I solved the problem by adding a third parameter to the sound definition in description.ext


See this post

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am having an issue with this code for MP.

while {true} do {
    toc say3D "chatter";
    sleep 25;

below has been placed in Init and trigger with no luck.

[] execVM "toc.sqf";


class CfgSounds
   sounds[] = {chatter};

    class chatter {name="chatter";sound[]={sounds\chatter.ogg,db+3,1.0};titles[] = {0, ""};};

toc is antenna. plays fine in editor. nothing in MP. ideas?

try this
[[_source,_sound] remoteExec ["say3D"]];
trigger condition must be isserver

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"30 Jan"

Guys what a shovel you got there.

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"30 Jan"

Guys what a shovel you got there.

So why didnt you, yourself, add the solution on "30 Jan" if you are so annoyed with someone resolving this eventiually, even if late???

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So why didnt you, yourself, add the solution on "30 Jan" if you are so annoyed with someone resolving this eventiually, even if late???

I'm not annoyed. People with a little bit of brain would have found the other topic anyway so don't mind my joke.

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