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Codings Sattelite

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CODI_SAT gives you the possibillity to see the battlefield from sattelite view.

You can move the sattelite view with wasd, zoom in with q, zoom out with y.
With numpad 1-5 you can switch viewmodes.

You need the item CODI_SAT_Tablet.





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Great mod, it reminds me ghost recon aw 2. Everything works fine but i cant zoom out. Which custom key is for zoom out?

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Great mod, it reminds me ghost recon aw 2. Everything works fine but i cant zoom out. Which custom key is for zoom out?

normally Y but maybe try Z if you have an english keyboard

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Yes its z, thanks a lot :)

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I definitely like this. :) Although I changed CODI_SAT_fovMin to 0.05; so players wouldn't be able to zoom that far in.

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Hello Coding42.


First thanks for your mod. However I need an info. Time ago thre was a "satellite script", but in MP when u get shot (and die) while u using the satellite, it make u respawn with the satellite open and no possibility to close it. This addons is tested MP? ANd it give an error like I descript?

Thanks for your work however:)

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This is a very cool mod, I'm really enjoying watching firefights with this thing, any way this can be made compatible with Arsenal? What I mean Is adding CODI_SAT_Tablet via the BI Arsenal

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This is a very cool mod, I'm really enjoying watching firefights with this thing, any way this can be made compatible with Arsenal? What I mean Is adding CODI_SAT_Tablet via the BI Arsenal

works for me with arsenal

The item is named "Satcom"



Hello Coding42.


First thanks for your mod. However I need an info. Time ago thre was a "satellite script", but in MP when u get shot (and die) while u using the satellite, it make u respawn with the satellite open and no possibility to close it. This addons is tested MP? ANd it give an error like I descript?

Thanks for your work however:)

Works in general.

Satcom keeps open, but can be exited by pressing esc.

Will be fixed completely in next release

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Sorry all, but instructions unclear.

Running CODI_SAT mod with ACE. Had no "Satcom" in Arsenal until I placed optional CODI_SAT_ACE pbo in with CODI_SAT did I get Satcom. But now where do I find the CODI_SAT_TABLET?

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Good work ! Congrats. Any plan to add .bisign and .bikey ?

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Good work ! Congrats. Any plan to add .bisign and .bikey ?

no, not really

people who have whitelisted servers would probably not put this in

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