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[COOP][CUP] SME.Gen - SmallMilitaryEncounter Generator

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1 hour ago, bek said:

Very cool, thanks for merging those RHS classes the other user made.One question though; I couldn't seem to get the player on Opfor; the config/cfgRandomMissions.hpp has playerFaction                = 0; (1 by default) yet the lobby slots are still bluefor. So if I set the spawned enemies to bluefor, we're on the same team. Did I just mess up somewhere or is this a bug? Using the Altis version from github (changing all the lines you mentioned on page1, and the RHS enemy units spawn fine).


You would also need to replace the placed playable units in the editor with opfor units.

No automation there, sorry.

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Alright cool thanks for the answer.

I'm adding in extra missionFactions, which works fine, but how do I set it up so I can select these new missionFactions as a parameter before the mission starts? the params.hpp seems to control this, but I can't figure out how the values (0,1,2,3....999) are connected to the classname in missionFactions.hpp. Any hints?


also I think I found a typo in SMEGen_.Altis\@SMEGen\fnc_cli\fn_keysPress.sqf

params [ "_dispaly", "_key", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt" ];

that should be, "display", right?

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4 hours ago, bek said:

I'm adding in extra missionFactions, which works fine, but how do I set it up so I can select these new missionFactions as a parameter before the mission starts? the params.hpp seems to control this, but I can't figure out how the values (0,1,2,3....999) are connected to the classname in missionFactions.hpp. Any hints?


check the SMEGen_.Altis\initParams.sqf, there is the connection between the numbers and the actual variables made.


and yep ... typo ... of a var i dont even know why its still there... guess some copy&paste leftovers

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Hi mate, had a brief look at the mission and I love how the scenarios seem more hand crafted than other dynamic missions. It's a great mix of the bigger scale missions and quick combat like Dynamic Recon Ops. Really think you're on to a winner for small groups here.


I have a question though; is this supposed to be a mission played in multiple sittings to unlock stuff or is it designed for one session?


I'm just wondering how I would save it if I'm running it on a dedicated server.


Thanks for the hard work!

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I'm curious about that too, I'm not sure if playerCount affects just the number of AI that spawn, or also the difficulty of the missions — or if we have to complete X number of missions before different types start occurring.


Also trying to port the mission to Taunus with your instructions on page 2, but it doesn't seem to be working. As far as I can tell the locations I've exported to the taunus.hpp are fine (had to remove the odd duplicate entry and remove german special characters to stop script errors on loading in), but the missions don't start and I'm unsure why.

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Is there any way to convert this to use the RHS Mods? I run CUP Terrains but don't use the weapons or vehilces or infantry and this looks perfect for my group.





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8 hours ago, diesel tech jc said:

Is there any way to convert this to use the RHS Mods? I run CUP Terrains but don't use the weapons or vehilces or infantry and this looks perfect for my group.






Hello fellow Liberation enthusiast,


There is already a config for the missions to allow you to set the enemy faction as 'East Militia' and mission rewards as RHS, check under mission parameters. Then you basically just need to open the mission and change the players/vehicles to whatever faction you want, remove the CUP dependencies. If you're not playing west you need to change the player faction under one of the config files, west is default.


However the rewards set up on the RHS are Russian stuff and the weapon rewards aren't really done properly past starting gear.


I've set up one on Chenarus for US if you want the mission file but at the moment I'm working on the rewards (lots of copy pasting classnames!)


Should have it done soon enough, I've also applied a script which stops players from loading arsenal stuff that isn't whitelisted, dunno why the hell you can do that anyway.

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41 minutes ago, Mashroom said:


Hello fellow Liberation enthusiast,


There is already a config for the missions to allow you to set the enemy faction as 'East Militia' and mission rewards as RHS, check under mission parameters. Then you basically just need to open the mission and change the players/vehicles to whatever faction you want, remove the CUP dependencies. If you're not playing west you need to change the player faction under one of the config files, west is default.


However the rewards set up on the RHS are Russian stuff and the weapon rewards aren't really done properly past starting gear.


I've set up one on Chenarus for US if you want the mission file but at the moment I'm working on the rewards (lots of copy pasting classnames!)


Should have it done soon enough, I've also applied a script which stops players from loading arsenal stuff that isn't whitelisted, dunno why the hell you can do that anyway.

Let me know when you've got the one your working on done..I'd love a copy of it.

This looks great for the smaller group I have..I appreciate it!




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On 21.1.2017 at 10:20 PM, Mashroom said:

I have a question though; is this supposed to be a mission played in multiple sittings to unlock stuff or is it designed for one session?


I designed it to be played in one session. I thought about some presistence stuff, but then again it isn't plug and play anymore. At least if you dont make it just automatic and optional. (detection if there is sth. like iniDBi)

And for me there was no need to have it presistent. ^^


On 22.1.2017 at 2:20 AM, bek said:

I'm curious about that too, I'm not sure if playerCount affects just the number of AI that spawn, or also the difficulty of the missions — or if we have to complete X number of missions before different types start occurring.


Mission selection is just Random; playerCount will only affect the amount of AI created.


5 hours ago, Mashroom said:

I've set up one on Chenarus for US if you want the mission file but at the moment I'm working on the rewards (lots of copy pasting classnames!)


Should have it done soon enough, I've also applied a script which stops players from loading arsenal stuff that isn't whitelisted, dunno why the hell you can do that anyway.


If you don't mind I would incorporate your rewards when you are done.

Didn't know the aresenal still alows to load your gear if it contains non whitlistet things, but then again i never tried it.  :/


And thanks everyone for the nice comments.

ATM I am putting some time into getting a Iron Front version working ... if someone is intrested in a WW2 setting you can check it on gitHub.



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9 hours ago, diesel tech jc said:

Let me know when you've got the one your working on done..I'd love a copy of it.

This looks great for the smaller group I have..I appreciate it!





Sure thing, if you're not bothered about the rewards and just want to play with the whole arsenal unlocked it's already good to go. I've got them set up with USMC MARPAT stuff but now I'm thinking maybe the Army woodland stuff might be better for Chenarus, ah I'll just make all the variants ha

4 hours ago, t-800a said:


I designed it to be played in one session. I thought about some presistence stuff, but then again it isn't plug and play anymore. At least if you dont make it just automatic and optional. (detection if there is sth. like iniDBi)

And for me there was no need to have it presistent. ^^



Mission selection is just Random; playerCount will only affect the amount of AI created.



If you don't mind I would incorporate your rewards when you are done.

Didn't know the aresenal still alows to load your gear if it contains non whitlistet things, but then again i never tried it.  :/


And thanks everyone for the nice comments.

ATM I am putting some time into getting a Iron Front version working ... if someone is intrested in a WW2 setting you can check it on gitHub.




Yea I actually like that it's supposed to be a fairly quick mission but at the same time I don't think my group has the competence to get very far in one sitting aha.


Do you have any idea how I could implement something like this?

Having the option would be great, you could actually make a few 'set' story missions in between the random ones or an ending mission, getting a bit ahead of myself there.


Sure I can send you them over, it's pretty hard to decide who gets what when eh? This one will be USMC Woodland but I'm thinking about creating an RHS template and then making one for each faction/ camp for the maps you are developing. It might take a while I'm still new to all these but I'll gladly send them if you like!


Yea the Arsenal whitelisting just doesn't work on any mission, it stops you from seeing the items but you can load presets even when they are greyed out, try it.


This script essentially checks the player against the whitelist and removes any equipment that's not allowed straight away with a message saying which items are invalid.

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6 hours ago, Mashroom said:

Do you have any idea how I could implement something like this?

Having the option would be great, you could actually make a few 'set' story missions in between the random ones or an ending mission, getting a bit ahead of myself there.


I added a few lines to the script:

now when you create a new missionType you could define a task type and site type as follow up, this way one could built a small story line.


6 hours ago, Mashroom said:

Sure I can send you them over, it's pretty hard to decide who gets what when eh?


Yep ... that was the most annoying part to build? :D

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here are some RHS missionFactions I put together, might need tweaking here and there: http://pastebin.com/UEcaT32Z


and also you obviously need to set up their values in the params

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On 23/01/2017 at 10:12 PM, t-800a said:


I added a few lines to the script:

now when you create a new missionType you could define a task type and site type as follow up, this way one could built a small story line.



Yep ... that was the most annoying part to build? :D


Haha sounds about right!


14 hours ago, bek said:

here are some RHS missionFactions I put together, might need tweaking here and there: http://pastebin.com/UEcaT32Z


and also you obviously need to set up their values in the params


Thanks for these!




I haven't had much time to continue with my rewards but if anyone wants a basic RHS USMC Woodland start here's what I've got so far, starts you out with a small but capable selection. Will get round to finishing it but feel free to change it up. Vehicles are done.




Also there's a slight problem with the default "RHS East Militia" config, it's not spawning any vehicles even though the class names seem correct. Anyway I swapped them out for alternatives and it works for me now. May be that the newest RHS changed a few things up.



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14 hours ago, Mashroom said:


Haha sounds about right!



Thanks for these!




I haven't had much time to continue with my rewards but if anyone wants a basic RHS USMC Woodland start here's what I've got so far, starts you out with a small but capable selection. Will get round to finishing it but feel free to change it up. Vehicles are done.




Also there's a slight problem with the default "RHS East Militia" config, it's not spawning any vehicles even though the class names seem correct. Anyway I swapped them out for alternatives and it works for me now. May be that the newest RHS changed a few things up.



Where am I putting these to change things?

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3 hours ago, diesel tech jc said:

Where am I putting these to change things?


Basically they go in the missionplayerrewards.hpp and missionfactions.hpp under the config folder.


Here's the whole mission file, it's got that script to disable loading gear you're not supposed to be allowed.

The CUP factions are still an option in the parameters but it should default to RHS East Militia as enemy faction and RHS USMC as rewards.

I've included the factions @bek made as well so you have plenty of choice enemy wise.




Only requires CUP Maps and RHS.

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Thanks @bek and @Mashroom !

I am adding both of your RHS configs to the mission right now. I also added a small change for the player rewards:

Player side will be affected by the rewards set (new entry playerSide = BLUFOR ...), that way you would not need to change the editor placed playable units.

Also rearanged the enemy factions and rewards a bit while adding them to the parameters.

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2 hours ago, t-800a said:

Thanks @bek and @Mashroom !

I am adding both of your RHS configs to the mission right now. I also added a small change for the player rewards:

Player side will be affected by the rewards set (new entry playerSide = BLUFOR ...), that way you would not need to change the editor placed playable units.

Also rearanged the enemy factions and rewards a bit while adding them to the parameters.


Amazing! I was going to suggest this but seems you're way ahead of me. You could just call it playerfaction then include rewards.


I've thought about the persistence and I guess I can just use ALiVE to save the mission, don't see why it wouldn't work.

Speaking of persistence if you join the game after the tasks have been assigned you cannot see them, is that default Arma 3 behaviour? Guess there's a way to check players against tasks when they spawn?


Have you considered having an AI transport chopper at base that you can get to drop you off/pick up. Sometimes we barely have enough people to justify a pilot! Could make it a parameter option?


One question, well more like the 4th question aha. How do I remove the restriction on the helicopter pilot? Is it something in the description.ext?

Edit: Nvm think I found it!

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3 hours ago, Mashroom said:


Basically they go in the missionplayerrewards.hpp and missionfactions.hpp under the config folder.


Here's the whole mission file, it's got that script to disable loading gear you're not supposed to be allowed.

The CUP factions are still an option in the parameters but it should default to RHS East Militia as enemy faction and RHS USMC as rewards.

I've included the factions @bek made as well so you have plenty of choice enemy wise.




Only requires CUP Maps and RHS.

Thanks very much! Now I just need to figue out how to get access to the full arsenal instead of the whitelisted stuff.




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32 minutes ago, diesel tech jc said:

Thanks very much! Now I just need to figue out how to get access to the full arsenal instead of the whitelisted stuff.





That should already be an option in the mission parameters, unless I broke it somehow.

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12 minutes ago, Mashroom said:


That should already be an option in the mission parameters, unless I broke it somehow.

Seems like no matter what I try the arsenal is restricted. Can I remove that somehow totally?




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17 minutes ago, Mashroom said:


You're right something is up with that, here you go...


Still doesn't work..still cant load gear without over half of my loadout not available..Is there a line to just delete that whole thing? I also noticed the CHVD view distance script doesn't work...when I try to put in the CHVD it doesn't work and gives me an error that its already configured.

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2 minutes ago, diesel tech jc said:

Still doesn't work..still cant load gear without over half of my loadout not available..Is there a line to just delete that whole thing? I also noticed the CHVD view distance script doesn't work...when I try to put in the CHVD it doesn't work and gives me an error that its already configured.


Is the problem that you can't see all the stuff in the arsenal or that you can't load presets?


The script to restrict loading presets is not in that one, you still need to select 'Full Arsenal' in the mission parameters.


I have no idea about the CHVD.

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3 hours ago, Mashroom said:


Is the problem that you can't see all the stuff in the arsenal or that you can't load presets?


The script to restrict loading presets is not in that one, you still need to select 'Full Arsenal' in the mission parameters.


I have no idea about the CHVD.

I can see all my loadouts but when I load one it takes everything away..not anything allowed it seems. Is there anyway to completely remove that?

I even tried setting arsenal boxes at the base(I got rid of all that stuff that spawns) and still it restricts everything. Doesn't make any sense to restrict items.(Never did understand that) I can see rewards for vehicles etc but items and weapons doesn't make sense in a mission like that. Can I remove the "Lars" folder and disable it all together? Still cant get the CHVD to work either. It says its in a script but it never shows up for any player to adjust it.



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