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I switched to Arma 3 recently, played a lot of arma2:OA before. 
So I will just write stuff I think they should be fixed.

Fatigue - terrible, please if you are working on a new fatigue system-awesome!
Weapon recoil control - Its pretty bad. 300m sprint without backpack+automatic rifle=cant hit shit on all fire modes
Movement - it will be cool to add something like a jump-over-obstacle stuff. Example, running from cover to cover while someone is firing at me -> fence..=death( I should be able to jump over the fence and save my ass)
Ragdolls - this can be improved to be little bit more realistic.
Weapons - would be more than awesome to see more weapons and it should be free DLC. Dont become like EA, please.
FPS - Awesome game, but this FPS is kiling the joy of it. Bad recoil control+this fatigue system+30fps on lowest settings=sadface
Sys.Req. - Please write in recommended sys.req. the requirements for stable 60fps on mid settings... Or just fix the code.

I get it its not that simple. But I think that instead of making new DLCs which costs 13 euros, you could focus on the engine stuff. I still believe in you, while people are saying that Squ*d will be a better game, I dont believe them. Keep up with the good work. And Happy New Year to all in this community! :)

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There is a jump function. Look in controls for the default key.

The fatigue has just been reiterated in the latest update. Realistically Doubt they are changing it drastically anytime soon.Some servers have it disabled or their own version.

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Vault =/= Jump. I think the OP means something more akin to the altered animation seen in ACE, whereby when you're running or sprinting and press the vault key you do a little jump forward to get over the obstacle without stopping (which the default animation makes you do)

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 But I think that instead of making new DLCs which costs 13 euros, you could focus on the engine stuff.

I think you missed the part where both DLC brought new engine stuff for free and the new engine stuff was financed by the cost of DLC that you pay for the new models...

No DLC -> no new engine stuff.

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Weapon recoil control - Its pretty bad. 300m sprint without backpack+automatic rifle=cant hit shit on all fire modes



 Sprint 300m with an automatic rifle....You do realize your saying SPRINT as in not running but sprinting...300m is 3 quarters of a track and again we're not running but sprinting...?


 *Waits for footage of The Games of The Nefarious Machinegun Sprinters Army Olympiad*

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Can you add "F-35" (as VTOL) to ArmA 3 with Apex ? As pilots in ArmA, we'd really love that. And of course, the F-35 will be great with Tanoa terrain.

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