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V1.85 crashing on start up

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My problem is that whenever I start the game, it loads up, and just when the menu should come up, it drops suddenly to desktop.

I have tried tonnes of suggestions to get it working again. I have reinstalled many times, deleting the entire directory. I have also reinstalled my vid card drivers and updated to latest motherboard drivers. I've tried everything in troubleshooting except reinstalling windows.



AMD Duron 800Mhz

256bm RAM

Nvidia TNT2 M64 with 32mb RAM

MSI K7T Pro 2-A Mainboard with VIA KT133 Chipset

If anyone else has experienced a similar problem your help would be greatly appreciated.

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What version of Opf? Have you searched the

FAQ for "desktop"?

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Try making a shortcut to your Flashpoint.exe.

Then select properties for the shortcut.

In the shortcut name field; add this after the shortcut name:

_-nosplash (where "_"is a space)

I don't know if it will work for you, but it did for me.

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v1.85 as stated in topic title.

I have tried all of these suggestions in the FAQ.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (eatmyshorts @ Oct. 20 2002,04:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Try making a shortcut to your Flashpoint.exe.

Then select properties for the shortcut.

In the shortcut name field; add this after the shortcut name:

_-nosplash   (where "_"is a space)

I don't know if it will work for you, but it did for me.<span id='postcolor'>

Thanks for the suggestion but I've already tried this also.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Kirov @ Oct. 20 2002,03:08)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">v1.85 as stated in topic title.<span id='postcolor'>

Doh, my bad confused.gif

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Adding -nosplash just skips the splash screen, it doesn't affect the disc check or memory requirements.

Anyway, if the game just exits back to the Desktop, there is probably a problem with the SafeDisc copy-protection engine not recognizing the CD, or encountering some other condition that keeps it from loading the game.

There are a number of programs that will keep it from loading OFP, such as CD-ROM emulators, CD accelerators, debuggers, and programs that try to save the system state in the event of a crash/BSOD. Other potential causes of trouble are the ASPI drivers.

Go to AvonLady's Unofficial OFP FAQ and search for "desktop" to see suggested actions to fix the problem.

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He says he's done all that sad.gif

All I can suggest is you contact Bis as stated here.

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"Adding -nosplash just skips the splash screen, it doesn't affect the disc check or memory requirements."

I was playing 1.75 on a low end machine with tons of mods installed.

At startup the game crashed just before the menuscreen.

Adding the -nosplash helped.

I don't know how or why, but it did!

Sorry it did'nt work for you though!

Well i really do'nt have anything else to add to this discussion so i'm out of here.

Good luck to you!

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Well, 256MB of RAM is VERY borderline for V1.85. There just isn't a whole lot of memory left over to load the game, so the first thing I would do is add physical RAM.

Also, make sure that there is sufficient virtual memory set aside -- at least 512MB, better yet 1GB. I would remove any non-standard addons as well until you can get the game going, and then try adding them back.

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Really? why is it that 1.75 could run fine but 1.85 needs so much more RAM and virtual memory?

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I have instructed Kirov to follow the suggestions Suma put links to.

As he is a player on Gameplanet I spent a couple hours providing support for him.

We literally did try everything suggested. We also tried a lot of things I thought of and none of those worked.

He proceeds through installation fine. He installs OFP, then OFP:R and I asked him to run 1.75, he can run it fine. So we patched 1.85 and it now crashes to desktop after loading the OFP banner.

I've asked him to email his crash reports maybe they will help.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Necromancer- @ Oct. 20 2002,21:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">k..

how many ram modules do u have installed??? how large are each of them?<span id='postcolor'>

I have a single 256mb stick.

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Try putting another 256mb of ram in there smile.gif

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