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same for me. a player distance check is pretty essential :)
anyway thanks for that good work !

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I think davidoss gave u the tools. just use em:

this setVariable ["dnt_remove_me",true,false];


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sry...please help me understand...
that cant be directly used to players distance...right?
and sadly i'm not good enought to put hands on Davidoss script :(

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Version  1.3

Changed usage to more user friendly way see first post

Added player in area check


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Im using this script for the first time today and it sounds awesome and perfect however, Its not working for me. Im trying to use it in my base only and i put my items on the ground and walked away. i waited and nothing happened. im using a marker that is 200 x 300. here is the code in my init file. i get no errors and no message about not being server, so i assume its running. i put a first aid kit down and a couple of mags. i want it to be 1 meter that a player is away so that it cleans up the items at the arsenal, should a player drop stuff on the ground.


if (isServer) then {
        fnc_cleanup = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\cleanup.sqf";
        null = [
            ((getMarkerSize "mb_marker_13") call BIS_fnc_greatestNum),
        ] spawn fnc_cleanup;

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Sorry, my bad :-((

Unfortunately i make a mistake and released  function ready version.

You need to remove 1 line and 114 line making it to a simple script


1.             fnc_CleanUp = {

114.       };


or copy paste it from the 1 post

or change the init like this:

if (isServer) then {
        [] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\cleanup.sqf";
        null = [
            ((getMarkerSize "mb_marker_13") call BIS_fnc_greatestNum),
        ] spawn fnc_CleanUp;


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Still not working. downloaded the new version and still using the same code i sent in the init file. any thoughts?


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It's been a while since I've dabbled in Arma scripting, but it seems like there's a way for this script to work via a trigger set to a radio call.

I'm not really familiar with how creating functions work, I just know of the ones you can access via the editor. Is there a pretty simple way to set this up so that it doesn't run on a timer but to work the way described above?

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11 minutes ago, rainbow47 said:

Does anyone have a working download link for this script?

Code in cleanup.sqf spoiler wrap and using one of the init.sqf examples from OP should still work, no?

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