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Script Request: Save Gear on Death

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Looking for a script or how to info. I want players to respawn with the exact same thing....... weapons, mags, gear that they had on them when they were killed. Aerosons's Get/Set Loadout no longer is supported or working so please dont give me that link. I am to the point of willing to pay to get this working.

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Hello !

You can use addEventHandler with the killed event.

I bet you can call your gear save right there

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_unit = _this select 0;
[_unit, [_unit, "SavedInventory"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory;


_unit = _this select 0;
[_unit, [_unit, "SavedInventory"]] call BIS_fnc_loadInventory;


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_unit = _this select 0;
[_unit, [_unit, "SavedInventory"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory;


_unit = _this select 0;
[_unit, [_unit, "SavedInventory"]] call BIS_fnc_loadInventory;



I would add them to an EventHandler, you can only have one onPlayerXXX.sqf whereas you can have multiple event handlers for a unit. The theory and code is the same (or relatively similar) though, both ways will execute on the player onXXXX event.



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I would add them to an EventHandler, you can only have one onPlayerXXX.sqf whereas you can have multiple event handlers for a unit. The theory and code is the same (or relatively similar) though, both ways will execute on the player onXXXX event.



The onPlayerRespawn and onPlayerKilled are event scripts and are executed for every player that dies/respawns. It's the exact same as using an event handler, only easier.

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The onPlayerRespawn and onPlayerKilled are event scripts and are executed for every player that dies/respawns. It's the exact same as using an event handler, only easier.


So can the event handlers, I feel as though they offer more control over who executes the onXXX event :) I wouldn't agree with it being easier, it depends on how you prefer to script. I was only suggesting another alternative, as I would prefer to do it with event handlers. Both solutions would work :)

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So can the event handlers, I feel as though they offer more control over who executes the onXXX event :) I wouldn't agree with it being easier, it depends on how you prefer to script. I was only suggesting another alternative, as I would prefer to do it with event handlers. Both solutions would work :)

Ah right I thought you were saying that onPlayerRespawn.sqf only handles one player object so you'd have to make onXObjectRespawn.sqf etc.. lol

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The onPlayerRespawn and onPlayerKilled are event scripts and are executed for every player that dies/respawns. It's the exact same as using an event handler, only easier.

not quite the same 


event handlers store the expression in memory and don't have to compile the code again when its called.


the event scripts are not stored in memory and the engine must compile the code each execution.


performance-wise, you're better off using an event handler ... of course this is nitpicking though. both methods work as you say.

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Umm... I'm still using Aeroson's script, works perfectly on my mission.  :ph34r:


Haven't tried with "gear changing" mods tho.




// Compile scripts

getLoadout = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'get_loadout.sqf';
setLoadout = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'set_loadout.sqf';
// Save loadout (including ammo count) every 2 seconds
[] spawn {
    while{true} do {
        if(alive player) then {
            loadout = [player,["ammo","repetitive"]] call getLoadout;
    sleep 2;  
// Load saved loadout (including ammo count) on respawn
player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {
        [player,loadout,["ammo"]] spawn setLoadout;

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Umm... I'm still using Aeroson's script, works perfectly on my mission.  :ph34r:


Haven't tried with "gear changing" mods tho.



Are you just adding that to the main init?

I'm trying to get this to work in Wasteland

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Are you just adding that to the main init?

I'm trying to get this to work in Wasteland

Yes and I also added waitUntil {!isNull player}; before the script in init.sqf. And ofcourse those 2 script files 'get_loadout.sqf' and 'set_loadout.sqf' from Aeroson's script. Hope it helps.

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Here is what my onKilled.sqf and onRespawn.sqf look like. what do I need to modify.



_unit = _this select 0;
[_unit, [_unit, "SavedInventory"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory;


_unit = _this select 0;
[_unit, [_unit, "SavedInventory"]] call BIS_fnc_loadInventory;



Here is what my onKilled.sqf and onRespawn.sqf look like. what do I need to modify.



// ******************************************************************************************
// * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 A3Wasteland.com *
// ******************************************************************************************
//	@file Version: 1.0
//	@file Name: onKilled.sqf
//	@file Author: [404] Deadbeat, MercyfulFate, AgentRev
//	@file Created: 20/11/2012 05:19

_player = _this select 0;
_presumedKiller = effectiveCommander (_this select 1);
_killer = _player getVariable "FAR_killerPrimeSuspect";

if (isNil "_killer") then { _killer = _player call FAR_findKiller };
if (isNull _killer) then { _killer = _presumedKiller };
if (_killer == _player) then { _killer = objNull };

[_player, _killer, _presumedKiller] spawn
	if (isServer) then
		_this call server_PlayerDied;
		PlayerCDeath = _this;
		publicVariableServer "PlayerCDeath";

if (_player == player) then
	closeDialog 2001; // Close Gunstore
	closeDialog 2009; // Close Genstore
	closeDialog 5285; // Close Vehstore
	uiNamespace setVariable ["BIS_fnc_guiMessage_status", false]; // close message boxes

	// Load scoreboard in render scope
	["A3W_scoreboard", "onEachFrame",
		call loadScoreboard;
		["A3W_scoreboard", "onEachFrame"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;
	}] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;

	playerData_infoPairs = nil;
	playerData_savePairs = nil;
	//combatTimestamp = -1; // Reset abort timer

_player setVariable ["FAR_killerPrimeSuspect", nil];
_player setVariable ["FAR_killerVehicle", nil];
_player setVariable ["FAR_killerAmmo", nil];
_player setVariable ["FAR_killerSuspects", nil];

_player connectTerminalToUAV objNull; //disconnect
_player spawn
	_player = _this;

	_money = _player getVariable ["cmoney", 0];
	_player setVariable ["cmoney", 0, true];

	_items = [];
		_id = _x select 0;
		_qty = _x select 1;
		_type = (_id call mf_inventory_get) select 4;

		_items pushBack [_id, _qty, _type];
		[_id, _qty] call mf_inventory_remove;
	} forEach call mf_inventory_all;

	// wait until corpse stops moving before dropping stuff
	waitUntil {(getPos _player) select 2 < 1 && vectorMagnitude velocity _player < 1};

	// Drop money
	if (_money > 0) then
		_m = createVehicle ["Land_Money_F", getPosATL _player, [], 0.5, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
		_m setDir random 360;
		_m setVariable ["cmoney", _money, true];
		_m setVariable ["owner", "world", true];

	// Drop items
	_itemsDroppedOnDeath = [];

		_id = _x select 0;
		_qty = _x select 1;
		_type = _x select 2;

		for "_i" from 1 to _qty do
			_obj = createVehicle [_type, getPosATL _player, [], 0.5, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
			_obj setDir random 360;
			_obj setVariable ["mf_item_id", _id, true];
			_itemsDroppedOnDeath pushBack netId _obj;
	} forEach _items;

	itemsDroppedOnDeath = _itemsDroppedOnDeath;
	publicVariableServer "itemsDroppedOnDeath";

_player spawn fn_removeAllManagedActions;
removeAllActions _player;

// Same-side kills
if (_player == player && (playerSide == side group _killer) && (player != _killer) && (vehicle player != vehicle _killer)) then
	// Handle teamkills
	if (playerSide in [BLUFOR,OPFOR]) then
		if (_killer isKindOf "CAManBase") then
			pvar_PlayerTeamKiller = _killer;
			pvar_PlayerTeamKiller = objNull;
	else // Compensate negative score for indie-indie kills
		if (isPlayer _killer) then
			pvar_removeNegativeScore = _killer;
			publicVariableServer "pvar_removeNegativeScore";


// ******************************************************************************************
// * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 A3Wasteland.com *
// ******************************************************************************************
//	@file Version: 1.0
//	@file Name: onRespawn.sqf
//	@file Author: [404] Deadbeat
//	@file Created: 20/11/2012 05:19
//	@file Args:

private ["_player", "_corpse"];

playerSetupComplete = false;

9999 cutText ["", "BLACK", 0.01];
9123 cutRsc ["RscEmpty", "PLAIN"];

_player = _this select 0;
_corpse = _this select 1;

_corpse setVariable ["newRespawnedUnit", _player, true];
_player setVariable ["playerSpawning", true, true];

pvar_playerRespawn = _player;
publicVariableServer "pvar_playerRespawn";

_group = _player getVariable ["currentGroupRestore", grpNull];

if (!isNull _group && {group _player != _group}) then
	[_player] join _group;

	if (_player getVariable ["currentGroupIsLeader", false] && leader _group != _player) then
		_group selectLeader _player;

_respawnMarker = switch (playerSide) do
	case BLUFOR:      { "respawn_west" };
	case OPFOR:       { "respawn_east" };
	case INDEPENDENT: { "respawn_guerrila" };
	default           { "respawn_civilian" };

_respawnMarkers = [];
	if ([_respawnMarker, _x] call fn_startsWith) then
		_respawnMarkers pushBack _x;
} forEach allMapMarkers;

_respawnPos = markerPos (_respawnMarkers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);

if !(_respawnPos isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then
	_player setPos _respawnPos;

_player call playerSetup;

//[] execVM "client\clientEvents\onMouseWheel.sqf";

call playerSpawn;

if (isPlayer pvar_PlayerTeamKiller) then
	pDialogTeamkiller = pvar_PlayerTeamKiller;
	pvar_PlayerTeamKiller = objNull;

	[] execVM "client\functions\createTeamKillDialog.sqf";

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But it's wrong... Look at the event scripts, there's no reference to onRespawn or onKilled.

This I know. What i need to do is merge the code in onPlayerkilled into onkilled and onPlayerRespawn into onRespawn. 

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But.. But.. It just won't work... I don't know how I can explain this any further... You HAVE to use onPlayerRespawn/onPlayerKilled...

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You HAVE to use onPlayerRespawn/onPlayerKilled...

You can use anything you like. All depends how it is setup.

If you have your own respawnTemplate you can call any file/function you like.

If you monitor client deaths using addEventHandler["Killed".. again you can call anything you like.

As for wasteland from a quick browse of the files on github i believe they use the second option e.g

onKilled = "client\clientEvents\onKilled.sqf" call mf_compile;
player addEventHandler ["Killed", { _this spawn onKilled }];
For the saving you should just be able to add the code straight in the top of onKilled.sqf and change _unit for _player..

_player = _this select 0;

[_player, [_player, "SavedInventory"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory;

_presumedKiller = effectiveCommander (_this select 1);
_killer = _player getVariable "FAR_killerPrimeSuspect";
For respawning they use

onRespawn = "client\clientEvents\onRespawn.sqf" call mf_compile;
player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { _this spawn onRespawn }];
So to restore the players gear you should just be able to place the code at the end of onRespawn.sqf again swapping _unit for _player

if (isPlayer pvar_PlayerTeamKiller) then
	pDialogTeamkiller = pvar_PlayerTeamKiller;
	pvar_PlayerTeamKiller = objNull;

	[] execVM "client\functions\createTeamKillDialog.sqf";

//Check to see if player has a saved inventory
if ( _player getVariable ["bis_fnc_saveInventory_data",[]] find "SavedInventory" > -1 ) then {
	[_player, [_player, "SavedInventory"]] call BIS_fnc_loadInventory;
And ive added a check just to make sure the player has a "savedInventory" just incase wasteland uses this script for starting spawn.

This should apply the saved gear after the default wasteland restore. Again only from a quick browse of the files so there maybe other things that need looking into.

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Interesting read but alas, my ability to take what is talked about and use it in a mission is pretty much a no-go. I would like to ask if a saved gear "onplayerkilled" and a load saved gear "onplayerspawn" could be made into a mod so that I (we who need our hands held) can just add it to our mods list,......or is that possible? In other words, when I get killed, I want to respawn with the gear I had on me when I died. Not a fresh (fully replenished) loadout.

I have tried so many different scripts but nothing seems to work.


Thanks in advance

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3 hours ago, pvt. partz said:

Interesting read but alas, my ability to take what is talked about and use it in a mission is pretty much a no-go. I would like to ask if a saved gear "onplayerkilled" and a load saved gear "onplayerspawn" could be made into a mod so that I (we who need our hands held) can just add it to our mods list,......or is that possible? In other words, when I get killed, I want to respawn with the gear I had on me when I died. Not a fresh (fully replenished) loadout.

I have tried so many different scripts but nothing seems to work.


Thanks in advance

to make this simple do this. inside the missions folder, create a file called onPlayerRespawn.sqf and onPlayerKilled.sqf like this https://gyazo.com/41ad339d0bceb91620a09e7a8bcd2500

inside of onPlayerKilled paste this into it

playersGear = getUnitLoadout player;

inside of onPlayerRespawn paste this into it

player setUnitLoadout playersGear;

when the player is killed it saves his gear, when the player respawns it loads the variable(playersGear) that has the units loadout saved onto the player. make sense?

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Thanks very much for the reply.

I did exactly that and it works wonderfully, however,...

I found out the reason why I was having so much trouble.

I'm playing the awesome mission called liberation, and come to find out that there is a load out script inside his mission, which didn't play nice with anything I wanted to add as far as loadout editing. I did a little tinkering and removed his load up script and added exactly what you said. I haven't died yet so we'll see fingers crossed.

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Played a little bit more and being able to respond with the gear that I had when I died is pretty much hit and miss. After everything we've tried, there really doesn't seem to be a sure-fire way to accomplish what I'm after.

.... Also, if I'm playing Co-op are there other parameters that are required so that my partner can also benefit from the same solution (when one is found)? We don't have a dedicated server we just play locally on my computer.

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