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About 49lone82

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  1. 49lone82

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    Underwater view was always bad but now it even more hazy
  2. rying to stop the Ammo Truck/Pod/Container abuse without removing them from game. Is it possible to stop them from auto rearming vehicles and static weapons and is it possible to make the rearm times longer? Like 3 minutes from start to finish?
  3. This I know. What i need to do is merge the code in onPlayerkilled into onkilled and onPlayerRespawn into onRespawn.
  4. This is what the files are named in wasteland.
  5. Here is what my onKilled.sqf and onRespawn.sqf look like. what do I need to modify. Here is what my onKilled.sqf and onRespawn.sqf look like. what do I need to modify. onKilled.sqf // ****************************************************************************************** // * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 A3Wasteland.com * // ****************************************************************************************** // @file Version: 1.0 // @file Name: onKilled.sqf // @file Author: [404] Deadbeat, MercyfulFate, AgentRev // @file Created: 20/11/2012 05:19 _player = _this select 0; _presumedKiller = effectiveCommander (_this select 1); _killer = _player getVariable "FAR_killerPrimeSuspect"; if (isNil "_killer") then { _killer = _player call FAR_findKiller }; if (isNull _killer) then { _killer = _presumedKiller }; if (_killer == _player) then { _killer = objNull }; [_player, _killer, _presumedKiller] spawn { if (isServer) then { _this call server_PlayerDied; } else { PlayerCDeath = _this; publicVariableServer "PlayerCDeath"; }; }; if (_player == player) then { closeDialog 2001; // Close Gunstore closeDialog 2009; // Close Genstore closeDialog 5285; // Close Vehstore uiNamespace setVariable ["BIS_fnc_guiMessage_status", false]; // close message boxes // Load scoreboard in render scope ["A3W_scoreboard", "onEachFrame", { call loadScoreboard; ["A3W_scoreboard", "onEachFrame"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler; }] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; playerData_infoPairs = nil; playerData_savePairs = nil; //combatTimestamp = -1; // Reset abort timer }; _player setVariable ["FAR_killerPrimeSuspect", nil]; _player setVariable ["FAR_killerVehicle", nil]; _player setVariable ["FAR_killerAmmo", nil]; _player setVariable ["FAR_killerSuspects", nil]; _player connectTerminalToUAV objNull; //disconnect _player spawn { _player = _this; _money = _player getVariable ["cmoney", 0]; _player setVariable ["cmoney", 0, true]; _items = []; { _id = _x select 0; _qty = _x select 1; _type = (_id call mf_inventory_get) select 4; _items pushBack [_id, _qty, _type]; [_id, _qty] call mf_inventory_remove; } forEach call mf_inventory_all; // wait until corpse stops moving before dropping stuff waitUntil {(getPos _player) select 2 < 1 && vectorMagnitude velocity _player < 1}; // Drop money if (_money > 0) then { _m = createVehicle ["Land_Money_F", getPosATL _player, [], 0.5, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _m setDir random 360; _m setVariable ["cmoney", _money, true]; _m setVariable ["owner", "world", true]; }; // Drop items _itemsDroppedOnDeath = []; { _id = _x select 0; _qty = _x select 1; _type = _x select 2; for "_i" from 1 to _qty do { _obj = createVehicle [_type, getPosATL _player, [], 0.5, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _obj setDir random 360; _obj setVariable ["mf_item_id", _id, true]; _itemsDroppedOnDeath pushBack netId _obj; }; } forEach _items; itemsDroppedOnDeath = _itemsDroppedOnDeath; publicVariableServer "itemsDroppedOnDeath"; }; _player spawn fn_removeAllManagedActions; removeAllActions _player; // Same-side kills if (_player == player && (playerSide == side group _killer) && (player != _killer) && (vehicle player != vehicle _killer)) then { // Handle teamkills if (playerSide in [BLUFOR,OPFOR]) then { if (_killer isKindOf "CAManBase") then { pvar_PlayerTeamKiller = _killer; } else { pvar_PlayerTeamKiller = objNull; }; } else // Compensate negative score for indie-indie kills { if (isPlayer _killer) then { pvar_removeNegativeScore = _killer; publicVariableServer "pvar_removeNegativeScore"; }; }; }; onRespawn.sqf // ****************************************************************************************** // * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 A3Wasteland.com * // ****************************************************************************************** // @file Version: 1.0 // @file Name: onRespawn.sqf // @file Author: [404] Deadbeat // @file Created: 20/11/2012 05:19 // @file Args: private ["_player", "_corpse"]; playerSetupComplete = false; 9999 cutText ["", "BLACK", 0.01]; 9123 cutRsc ["RscEmpty", "PLAIN"]; _player = _this select 0; _corpse = _this select 1; _corpse setVariable ["newRespawnedUnit", _player, true]; _player setVariable ["playerSpawning", true, true]; pvar_playerRespawn = _player; publicVariableServer "pvar_playerRespawn"; _group = _player getVariable ["currentGroupRestore", grpNull]; if (!isNull _group && {group _player != _group}) then { [_player] join _group; if (_player getVariable ["currentGroupIsLeader", false] && leader _group != _player) then { _group selectLeader _player; }; }; _respawnMarker = switch (playerSide) do { case BLUFOR: { "respawn_west" }; case OPFOR: { "respawn_east" }; case INDEPENDENT: { "respawn_guerrila" }; default { "respawn_civilian" }; }; _respawnMarkers = []; { if ([_respawnMarker, _x] call fn_startsWith) then { _respawnMarkers pushBack _x; }; } forEach allMapMarkers; _respawnPos = markerPos (_respawnMarkers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom); if !(_respawnPos isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then { _player setPos _respawnPos; }; _player call playerSetup; //[] execVM "client\clientEvents\onMouseWheel.sqf"; call playerSpawn; if (isPlayer pvar_PlayerTeamKiller) then { pDialogTeamkiller = pvar_PlayerTeamKiller; pvar_PlayerTeamKiller = objNull; [] execVM "client\functions\createTeamKillDialog.sqf"; };
  6. Are you just adding that to the main init? I'm trying to get this to work in Wasteland
  7. Looking for a script or how to info. I want players to respawn with the exact same thing....... weapons, mags, gear that they had on them when they were killed. Aerosons's Get/Set Loadout no longer is supported or working so please dont give me that link. I am to the point of willing to pay to get this working.
  8. Here is how to fix it. Server owner will have to delete all player files in the servers db folder or kick all stuck people through rcon then have them relog. It will let fresh spawns in but not people that logged off on the map. Sadly everyone will lose the banks with the db file delete but that we can do
  9. People are abusing the ammotruck and Taru pod with the mortar. How can I make the mortar unable to rearm from those objects?
  10. Did it just like you instructed and when i respawn all my weapons i purchased are gone. Link to my pbo https://www.dropbox.com/s/5qiq8xlcj5qdezd/CTU_A3Wasteland_v1.1.Altis.pbo?dl=0
  11. What script do I have to add/modify to have all players respawn with the gear they had on them at time of death? ?
  12. About a week ago we could save the scorcher now all of a sudden we can't. Also can't save DLC Copters. Anybody know a fix?
  13. 49lone82

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Saw a player menu that allowed you to turn off environment sound like the wind and waves. Anybody know where I can get it?