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Hello. For some reason that I can't figure out, my localization files aren't working. Here's my files:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="Arma3Aegis">
	<Package name="A3_Aegis_F">
		<Container name="PhoneticalAlphabet">
			<Key ID="STR_A3_Night515">
			<Key ID="STR_A3_Kydoimos">
			<Key ID="STR_A3_CfgVehicles_Flag_Iran_F0">
				<Original>Flag (Iran)</Original>
				<English>Flag (Iran)</English>
				<Czech>Vlajka (Ãrán)</Czech>
				<French>Drapeau (Iran)</French>
				<German>Flagge (Iran)</German>
				<Italian>Bandiera (Iran)</Italian>
				<Polish>Flaga (Iran)</Polish>
				<Portuguese>Bandeira (Irã)</Portuguese>
				<Russian>Флаг (Иран)</Russian>
				<Spanish>Bandera (Irán)</Spanish>


	class FlagCarrier;
	class Flag_Iran_F: FlagCarrier 
		author = $STR_A3_Night515;
		_generalMacro = "Flag_Iran_F";
		scope = public;
		scopeCurator = public;
		displayName = $STR_A3_CfgVehicles_Flag_Iran_F0;
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Flags\Data\Mast_mil_CO.paa"};
		hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Flags\Data\Mast_mil.rvmat"};
		class EventHandlers
			init = "(_this select 0) setFlagTexture '\A3_Aegis_F\Aegis\data\flags\Flag_iran_CO.paa'";

Help would definitely be appreciated!




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I'm also having issues with this, very annoying. 

Could it be the case that you can only use this method in the missionConfigFile? 


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In the missionConfigFile I've always had to use "", despite the wiki claiming to the contrary, so my description.ext might look like

loadScreen = "img\Cover.paa";


Not sure if the same might apply when using other config files.

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I've tried both alternatives with no success, wondering if I maybe should put the stringtable in a different addon and require that addon in the addon that I want to use the stringtable in. This because it feels like the config.bin is read and handled before the rest of the content in the addon. 

In the missionConfigFile I haven't had any problems at all with the stringtable. 

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