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[lol]clan killer bee

Graphical issues

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I seems to have a problem on our server at the moment and I have no idea what is causing it or were too look at the moment.

What happen is this  !

People see other persons like this ingame.









Also the rain in some missions got pixelated or how you spell it :)




There has been some updates of





Anyone any idea what causes this  ?

Never seen this before ?

The missions have been working good before the update of arma3 and cba  !



With regards,



Ps sorry if this might be a dubbel post :(

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Can confirm I have the same issue. Not sure which Mod I updated recently that is causing this. Kinda funny though...

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Well I have notice also that the RHS mod has sound issues after the update of ARMA3, of cause this is a mod as for the 1st adn second picture this where as far I know just arma3 main stuff .

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It might be something to do with the pistol in a holster scripting clash with default, after the last bis update.


The RHSUSF & RHSAFRF certainly have some sound & objects errors to say the least after the last Bis update!

How many times have things just seemed to be running smoothly inc addons, & a Bis update screws everything up again!


My humble apologies to RHS it look like it ma be the @mas addon sorry!

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I have found that having RHS enables makes other people on our server shooting with Vanilla weapons not produce sound.


If it isn't @mas as JGaz has found, you will just have to enable the mods one by one until you find the culprit and then report it to that mods creator.

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this has NOTHING to do with RHS


edit - more politeness, less shit...

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  On 10/13/2015 at 2:16 PM, sodien said:

I have found that having RHS enables makes other people on our server shooting with Vanilla weapons not produce sound.


If it isn't @mas as JGaz has found, you will just have to enable the mods one by one until you find the culprit and then report it to that mods creator.

That issue (the lack of weaponry sounds) is not caused by RHS (as PuFu politely put it :D), its caused by users on the server running different/incompatible mod sets.

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Ello Back again took a little.

No it had sofar nothing to do with the RHS mod !

WAs the mas mod.

Aspeacially the grenadier of the MAS mod sofar they other onces in the mission where okay.

We had the other peeps in there work fine you get the granadier and it goes ghost gray and pixelated.

We switch positions and the other person had this problem !

About the body seperation it seems to be solved now  !

I cleaned out mine mpcache folder and never had the problem again til now  !

OFP had that issue also when you had in the mp cache a mission with the same name it would go bonkers.

Always gave it version nummers to go arround this problem this might be the case here !

I'm not a mod maker but I might want respond on this  !




That issue (the lack of weaponry sounds) is not caused by RHS (as PuFu politely put it :D), its caused by users on the server running different/incompatible mod sets.


The sounds always have worked fine it started after the update of arma3, now I can understand that mods use the sounds that already exisist in the game like wond sound or whatever ! I don't think it would be far fetched that if bis changed a name or length or position in the game a mod would not work properly or is this to far fetched ?


Anyway about the @mas mod it might also come in combination with other mods no idea, we changed the soldiers.

Just telling this in case this is not, they can take a look at ir and fix it if so, so we all get better mods ! :D


With regard,



Ps thanks guys for the response, it is apreciated. :notworthy:

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  On 10/14/2015 at 7:53 AM, [lol]clan killer bee said:

The sounds always have worked fine it started after the update of arma3, now I can understand that mods use the sounds that already exisist in the game like wond sound or whatever ! I don't think it would be far fetched that if bis changed a name or length or position in the game a mod would not work properly or is this to far fetched ?

No, its not far-fetched, its just incorrect in this case. The issue described is a known issue that only happens in MP when players run different mods to one another. Simple as that.

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The intermittent screwed up graphics are definitely the @mas infantry', & will appear in missions using only that addon. The bug will appear in some (not all) AI & playable units. I think it is something to do with the visible holster/pistol. I noticed that default vanila units with a pistol, no longer seem to have that empty holster, they have no holster at all now.

Before the last Bis patch the above mentioned server did NOT have any of the graphic bugs when using exactly the same addons & playing the same missions, then as now. Problems, only since the last patch.


Players on the server all use Arma3Sync repository, so are using the same addons when joining the dedicated server.

The only solution has been to remove the @mas units from each mission & replace with RHS or vanila.


Using an addon 50cal since the Bis patch, when reloading the sound is badly broken & that is with all players using exactly the same addon?

Everyone really appreciates all the good addon's, (& the hours it must take creating them) its always been part of the ArmA experience/enjoyment. Comments are not meant as criticism, just a cry for help.

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  On 10/13/2015 at 5:34 PM, Jackal326 said:

That issue (the lack of weaponry sounds) is not caused by RHS (as PuFu politely put it :D), its caused by users on the server running different/incompatible mod sets.

Having not seen his initial un-edited comment I will assume he was being an asshole, as is tradition among internet assholes. 


Fact is that with RHS v36 or v35, or some version like that; with our modset, some vanilla weapons did not produce sound when used by another player. This was tested with identical mods on all involved parties, maybe it was not actually RHSs' fault, but disabling it removed the issue. 


Anyway it was a comment on a minor sound issue someone had in a thread about another issue.

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Get in any none vanilla 50cal, RHS, or CUP, or any addon, & fire it until empty & you get a weird Buzzing noise, try it in the editor.

It a Bis patch tradition, for everything of their own they fix, they usually break something in someone's Addon, who will spend hours fixing it. (Some have had enough & given up)
Around will come the next bis patch & it starts all over again, sadly :(

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  On 10/17/2015 at 1:15 PM, jgaz-uk said:

Get in any none vanilla 50cal, RHS, or CUP, or any addon, & fire it until empty & you get a weird Buzzing noise, try it in the editor.

It a Bis patch tradition, for everything of their own they fix, they usually break something in someone's Addon, who will spend hours fixing it. (Some have had enough & given up)

Around will come the next bis patch & it starts all over again, sadly :(

So what would be the alternative? Not try to improve the game/engine by not making changes to it? Then everyone (you included most likely) would be on here ranting that BI aren't patching issues...

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While everyone appreciates improvements, the old saying "If it's not broke don't fix it" still holds good.

Why mess with something as basic as a 50cal reload sound? It is most probably simply a  name change of a default sound file.

 That has often been the case with Bis patches breaking addons, or user made missions. Someone makes a mission that involves destroying certain default objects on the map (building, aerial, or whatever) along comes a patch, objects names are changed, mission no longer works. Same with Addons.

There must be a reason for Bis changing file names  but it has puzzled many.


Not ranting, just commenting, hopefully constructively, on a game I appreciate & enjoy. :wub:

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Looks like the latest Nvidia graphics drivers update has screwed up Massi's USMC units again!

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