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MKY Blizzard and Snow script

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Here is a video montage of most of the snow world/map/terrains I have found. Yes, I downloaded pretty much every map on armaholic. No, not all of them work, but most do. Yes, it was a lot of work. I don't know if it was worth it, but I have about 65gb less room on my ssd drive than I did a week ago :)


Anyway, what I am working on needs to be able to determine a "master list" of what I call "snow maps". If users want to circumvent that, fine, but I don't see the use of having snow in the summer in an arid terrain.


So here are 8 of the snow maps. I think there are maybe a half dozen more, give or take, plus a few that could have snow. About the only one I could not get to work unfortunately was namalsk. A couple others look really cool (epoch-ish) but are being troublesome even though I can get them to work.


So, here is the montage 

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Impressive video, as usual !! ;)


Could you lets us know which map start at what time of the video. I was not aware that so many winter maps were available...

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Awesome job! Can't wait so I can build missions in blizzard snow maps. I only have 2 snow maps so if you could please post a list of snow maps that work well with the script, and keep up the great work!

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i will have another montage with all winter maps soon.  i test each map to make sure the script identifies it correctly and the snow effects work ok, etc etc. next one I will label each video and then put in those time shortcuts in the description. 


if i remember i will also jot down the load order. some maps don't play well with others.


tried out my script on an arma 1 world last night. I think the script for the snow is about done. just have to test all the snow maps and check the server related portions.


the addon portion is still a little bit off, as I am learning about addons still and how to construct them and such.


Edit: I ended up with 16 maps/terrain that I feel work with snow particles. There are at least 2 that I cannot get to work that look like they would be nice for snow or that I have seen/heard work well, maybe more.

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You've done a lot of neat work on this project, and I really appreciate your approach and attitude towards the community. You mentioned early on not having looked at indoor snow issues yet. Killzone Kid demonstrated a solution to this a year ago, though he didn't link to a particular blog entry or script for doing so. So it's feasible! (or maybe I'm just way behind the curve and everyone else already knows how to do that)


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I looked for KKs method and could not find how he did it. Never told anyone that I could find. I have glanced at a few ways others have mentioned, but haven't cooked anything up yet myself. I am almost done with the script portion. I am actually about done with a test mission that will apply to all snow maps, a couple extra scripts, etc etc. The main script project works well so far. I hope for the next beta release next week.


After I get that out so others can test and give feedback, I will look at finishing the addon portion. Then I will look at the feasability of snow not being inside buildings. I got hung up in finding all the snow maps available at armaholic. Good news is that I have found 16, and I have a mod load sequence that works with all of them, although one of them you have to choose a version to use so its really only 15.

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Here is a sample on Huertgenwald Winter terrain. It is randomized so it did not blizzard, only flurry and light snow. The test is for the very simplistic test mission. Almost done with next beta version, which will be the script version and a sample mission for each snow world.


Anyway, here is the video. Might be done this weekend, will see how time plays out. Yes, the mission is easy and cheesy, I just want to test the snow is all ;)


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Here is the last test on my local pc for thirsk winter. Its completely random although I decreased the times to make the video clip shorter. But what you see in this is how it works, cycling through snow effects and wind strengths and fog amounts. There is one oddity it does on first load for some reason that does not happen on subsequent loads, have to look at that. Otherwise, tonight I will try to get it on my dedi server and see how it fares. I will try to test the JIP portion as well if possible.


Have a look..



EDIT: forgot to mention, this is straight vanilla except for CBA and AiATP. Also used fps monitor addon.

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Almost there. Here are two short 10 minute missions that show how it could look. Its all random. The only thing abnormal is that the snow changes fairly rapidly, which is to test it with. Normally it would be quite a bit longer. Until I can figure out how to make a "sound vehicle" I stopped trying to use 2 different audio files and just stuck with the windier one.


I hope tomorrow to release 2nd beta script and sample mission(s).



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Released beta version 2 of the script and uploaded a montage of all winter maps. See first post.


Edit: Apologies, I had not thought about a changelog or naming nomenclature. fixing that now...

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Neat! Btw, does anyone know which factions have snow camo? Massi has them, and there's the CSAT snow tigers.

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Whoops sorry forgot to mention your work too :D


No, you've mentioned the Snow Tigers which evolved from my sick mind. ;)

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Is there any possibility to use this mod on Zeus? My community plays only Zeus missions and I'm not very talented in creating missions in arma editor. And how it works with another mods? We play on RHS for eg. And about 20 more.

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Well, its in essence a client side script that anyone can run, regardless of zeus or rhs etc. The particle effects are local vehicles. The weather (fog/wind) is perhaps an issue as the server sets it and clients will sync to the server after a certain amount of time. But that is why my script has a thread that every few seconds sets the wind and rain, so that no matter what the server does the client is experiencing what the snow script is trying to achieve.


I've not messed with zeus much so don't know for sure, but it would be easy enough to modify the script to run on the client machine at mission start, and just wait for a variable to be present (which the server would set and broadcast to clients). Thats pretty much how I have made it work anyway.


If you are not into scripting, its maybe not going to help you much. If you are, then I hope I have coded it (and commented) well enough that you can take the portions you want and modify it for your own use. Most of it is procedural anyway, trying to keep it all synced and such.

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If you are not into scripting, its maybe not going to help you much. If you are, then I hope I have coded it (and commented) well enough that you can take the portions you want and modify it for your own use. Most of it is procedural anyway, trying to keep it all synced and such.


I have checked a bit this mission file. And i had only to put zenfw and MKY into my zeus mission and then can i "wake it" through admin console on server? Does it works like that? 

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If you want to use the audio with it, you need this in description.ext, or whatever file CfgMusic has been defined in (I thought I changed this to use CfgSounds, will double check that)

class CfgMusic
class MKY_Blizzard
name = "";
sound[] = {"\MKY\sounds\m0nkey_blizzard.ogg", db+10, 1.0};

Next you need to execute the server script on the server only

nul = [] execVM "MKY\snow\MKY_Snow_Server.sqf";

And finally, after the server script is running, spawn a thread that starts the client script IF the server script has done its job

0 = [] spawn {
// wait for variable to exist
waitUntil {sleep 5;!(isNil "varEnableSnow")};
// execute snow script (see MKY_Snow_Client.sqf for parameters)
0 = [[0.23,0.047,15],0.6,true] execVM "MKY\snow\MKY_Snow_Client.sqf";

Read the MKY_Snow_Client.sqf file to see option parameters. If you do NOT plan to use the audio you can either change the line

bUseAudio = true;

to be false in the client script, or you can pass in the proper parameters to the client script when you call it.



Thats about it really. You don't need anything else to make it work. The rest are only beneficial aspects you might use if desired.

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Friend Monkey, how do I remove those written at the top of "changing snow ...." because I put in a multiplayer mission and is appearing these messages every change

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In file MKY_Snow_Client.sqf,  find the line below


hint format ["changing snow -- %1 -- %2",(_this select 0),random(99)];


comment it out or delete it. Should be line 73 or very near.

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I was messing with putting the snow into a mission I have been cooking up for some time. I noticed the AI were not targeting me, as if they were affected by the particles. Check it out. There are about 20 enemy units within roughly 600m of the waypoint. There are 8 AI on blufor (7 AI and one m0nkey anyway ;) ).


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