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Sanchez Milsim

Changing water color

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Hi, we are working on a new Kandahar afghanistan map and we would like to change water color to brown. 




Now we haves a river but is blue water and movement is similar to sea not to river. 


Thanks for help

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If your river is set using the sea level then this post should help somewhat.


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In case anyone looks this thread up again, I thought I would post this. The stuff above does not change the color in A3. It will change the 'reflection' color of the shallow water near the shore, but the main deep water will be largely unaffected. It does have some effect, mostly when you are looking straight down at it, but even then it doesn't affect the hue or brightness of the water. The real trick is in the island's weather class:

            class Overcast : Overcast
                class Weather1 : Weather1
                    sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_sky.paa";
                    skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_lco.paa";
                    horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_horizont_sky.paa";

there are 7 levels of weather, and each uses it's own texture for the ocean, namely the SkyR texture. It is a reflection map of sorts that is used to determine the color of the ocean. These get blended as the weather changes, and it allows the ocean to change color when the weather changes. For some reason the game does not use the "veryclear" weather set. To change the color of the ocean, just edit the textures to your liking.


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On a related issue - does anyone know how to change the transparency of the water when you look at it from above - that is, if you are on shore looking into the water or flying over looking down?

The effect I'm looking for is muddy, cloudy water (let's set aside colour for the moment).  


I've tried changing some of the parameters in the class Underwater section of the config - and they affect the visibility when you're in and under the water (specifically - the waterFogDistance Near and waterFogDistance numbers seem to have most effect - as they define your view distance underwater in metres).

class Underwater
noWaterFog = -0.001;
fullWaterFog = 0.001;
deepWaterFog = 200;
waterFogDistanceNear = 10;
waterFogDistance = 40;
waterColor[] = {0.04,0.16,0.22};
deepWaterColor[] = {0.0,0.001,0.009};
surfaceColor[] = {0.04,0.16,0.22};
deepSurfaceColor[] = {0.0,0.001,0.009};

However, these parameters have no effect on transparency looking into the water. So you can have the situation where people above the water can see farther than people in the water (which is not entirely realistic). 


The parameters in class SeaWaterShaderPars  (see below) seem like they should affect the transparency, but I've tweaked them a bit and can't really see any change. Does anyone know what these parameters affect and/or what the range of each parameter is?  Thank you in advance! 

class SeaWaterShaderPars
refractionMoveCoef = 0.03;
minWaterOpacity = 0.0;
waterOpacityDistCoef = 0.4;
underwaterOpacity = 0.5;
waterOpacityFadeStart = 60;
waterOpacityFadeLength = 120;
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However, these parameters have no effect on transparency looking into the water. So you can have the situation where people above the water can see farther than people in the water (which is not entirely realistic). 


The parameters in class SeaWaterShaderPars  (see below) seem like they should affect the transparency, but I've tweaked them a bit and can't really see any change. Does anyone know what these parameters affect and/or what the range of each parameter is?  Thank you in advance! 




Here ya go dudes, these should help you both out a little - dug these up while I was messing with lighting configs

		class Underwater
		  /// fog color is changed based on the depth under the water surface 
		  /// normal fog color  ->   water color      ->    deep water color
		  ///     ^
		  /// noWaterFog        ->   fullWaterFog     ->    deepWaterFog

		  /// depth under the water, where water color starts (can be negative = distance above water)
		  noWaterFog = -0.3;
		  /// depth under the water, where water color is at full strength and deep water color starts
		  fullWaterFog = 0.1;
		  /// depth under the water, where deep water color is at full strength
		  deepWaterFog = 10;

		  /// distance of the water fog (fog far)
		  waterFogDistance = 20;
		  /// distance of the water fog (fog near)
		  waterFogDistanceNear = 0;

		  /// color of the water fog at fullWaterFog depth
		  waterColor[] = {0.02,0.08,0.12};
		  /// color of the water fog at deepWaterFog depth
		  deepWaterColor[] = {0.01,0.06,0.14};

		  /// skyTopColor (zenith) at fullWaterFog depth (reflections on water surface?)
		  surfaceColor[] = {0.20,0.30,0.25};
		  /// skyTopColor (zenith) at deepWaterFog depth (reflections on water surface?)
		  deepSurfaceColor[] = {0.10,0.18,0.22};

		class SeaWaterShaderPars
		  // coefficient used to multiply move value of refractions
		  refractionMoveCoef = 0.01;
		  // minimal water surface opacity, when we are looking from above the water surface down
		  minWaterOpacity = 0.65;
		  // coef used to multiply square root of distance of pixel from water surface when coputing final opacity of water surface
		  // waterOpacity = MinWaterOpacity + sqrt(distance)*WaterOpacityDistCoef;
		  waterOpacityDistCoef = 0.07;
		  // opacity of water surface when we are under water
		  underwaterOpacity = 0.2;
		  // distance from object, where we start to fade the water surface to full opacity
		  waterOpacityFadeStart = 100;
		  // length of water surface opacity fading
		  waterOpacityFadeLength = 20;    
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I had a play around with some of these parameters, and I didn't have much luck in making the water less transparent. So, again - the effect I'm going for is muddy marsh water - so that objects in the water should be next to impossible to see from above water (very close to the river water in the picture at the top of the thread). 


Specifically - I adjusted minWaterOpacity upwards to a number of values ranging from 0.9 to 100, with no obvious or significant effect on how transparent the water is from above. Submerged objects were still pretty easy to see from above the water surface, even at depths up to 15 metres (depending on the size of the object). 


Adjusting underwaterOpacity did dial down the visibility of objects above water from underwater somewhat (but this isn't much use if anyone above water can easily see anyone below water).


Shortening the waterOpacityFadeStart to within 5m and the FadeLength to 10m also seemed to have very little obvious effect. I didn't set the FadeStart to 0, and perhaps that might make a difference.


So I'm not exactly sure what parameters you'd need to change to turn the limpid Mediterranean waters of vanilla A3 into turbid, murky, muddy marsh water. It'll be interesting to see if and how different the water in Tanoa will be. 

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is your river on Sealevel?

or you created objects with Watersurface?

Sorry I'm new to arma 3 forum and also to arma 3 editing :mellow: ... (I cannot start a thread and I'm not sure of the forum conventions).


I would like to know if it is possible to create meshes (objects) added later on maps that are water planes (rivers, ponds, flooded rice fields) .... which are of limited size and not necessarily on sea level.


Your post seems to suggest it is possible ;) ... Could you tell me if yes, and links to information or tutorial about it ?

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Sorry I'm new to arma 3 forum and also to arma 3 editing :mellow: ... (I cannot start a thread and I'm not sure of the forum conventions).


I would like to know if it is possible to create meshes (objects) added later on maps that are water planes (rivers, ponds, flooded rice fields) .... which are of limited size and not necessarily on sea level.


Your post seems to suggest it is possible ;) ... Could you tell me if yes, and links to information or tutorial about it ?


Ponds and water over Sealevel its not supported from A3,

Thanks to a few guys (M1lkm8n and Deanosbeano)  this is possible,

you can create objects and add a watersurface.





here a video how to create them:


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Ponds and water over Sealevel its not supported from A3,

Thanks to a few guys (M1lkm8n and Deanosbeano)  this is possible,

you can create objects and add a watersurface.


here a video how to create them:




Is that video blurry for anyone else? One minute it's really sharp, the next you can't really see anything.

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Thanks really 19thcyperevenge ... I'm not sure yet I understood every detail, but as far as it seems to me, it is a simple mesh with special features (very thin) and with special tuning such as normal map instead of the color texture... (by the way the video worked well for me).

And also thanks to M1lkm8n and Deanosbeano

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