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‘i yelled at them to stop’

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maybe those guys need some hollidays back home to see their wifes and kids!

And I bet this assumption is the most realistic of all assumptions that can be made tounge.gif

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Why do you guys always gripe about what goes on in the world yet I doubt any of you are involved in any real life politics besides voting. confused.gif

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"maybe those guys need some hollidays back home to see their wifes and kids! "

Don't send them home! We have seen the result of that. They end up killing their wifes!! : /

"Why do you guys always gripe about what goes on in the world yet I doubt any of you are involved in any real life politics besides voting."

For one thing, many of the people here have actually done their share for theirs, and others, country. Be it military service, UN service or whatever. They have earned the right to state their opinion. With the democratic system we have however, you don't even have to earn that right. You are entitled to it by default. That is the greatest advantage, and the greatest flaw, of the system.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Longinius @ Oct. 17 2002,09:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"maybe those guys need some hollidays back home to see their wifes and kids! "

Don't send them home! We have seen the result of that. They end up killing their wifes!! : /<span id='postcolor'>

Now that is just wrong to say.But typical post from someone that likes to bash the US & Us military,couple bad apples are in every army.But You make it sound like everyone in the military is doing it.Also your just trying start flame war.


You can bash bush all you want until you fingers go numb.You can also bash something that is truthful.But to make it sound like the whole military is doing it,gets to me.That goes with everything though(like americans do this and that).Chill did samething you did.

This what chill post under the topic....

Us special op clowns

But yet it was about a special op telling his side.Typical person that likes to bash the US.Anything that helps him bash the us is great,even though it was by a special op.

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"Now that is just wrong to say.But typical post from someone that likes to bash the US & Us military,couple bad apples are in every army.But You make it sound like everyone in the military is doing it.Also just trying start flame war."

I thought it was pretty obvious with the two exclemation marks (since I rarely use those in my post). Next time though, I will add the <sarcasm> and </sarcasm> tags just for you, Foxer.

"You can bash bush all you want until you fingers go numb.You can also bash something that is truthful.But to make it sound like the whole military is doing it,gets to me.That goes with everything though(like americans do this and that).Chill did samething you did."

If you had bothered to read the previous posts in the thread you'd notice that I actually pointed out that bad behavior didnt apply to the American Armed Forces as a whole, but rather to certain units and certain people.

And yes, I can bash Bush all I want. Why? Because he deserves it. Noone has done so much damage to America ever as this guy has. To bad you can't see that. This thread wasnt about Bush though.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Longinius @ Oct. 17 2002,10:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"Now that is just wrong to say.But typical post from someone that likes to bash the US & Us military,couple bad apples are in every army.But You make it sound like everyone in the military is doing it.Also just trying start flame war."

I thought it was pretty obvious with the two exclemation marks (since I rarely use those in my post). Next time though, I will add the <sarcasm> and </sarcasm> tags just for you, Foxer.<span id='postcolor'>

It's just not about you though.It's about everyone that bashs the US. smile.gif , You might not have meant it ,but some people do.I hate that when people stereo type people, places ,things,ideas.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (foxer @ Oct. 17 2002,10:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Longinius @ Oct. 17 2002,09:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"maybe those guys need some hollidays back home to see their wifes and kids! "

Don't send them home! We have seen the result of that. They end up killing their wifes!! : /<span id='postcolor'>

Now that is just wrong to say.But typical post from someone that likes to bash the US & Us military,couple bad apples are in every army.But You make it sound like everyone in the military is doing it.Also your just trying start flame war.


You can bash bush all you want until you fingers go numb.You can also bash something that is truthful.But to make it sound like the whole military is doing it,gets to me.That goes with everything though(like americans do this and that).Chill did samething you did.

This what chill post under the topic....

Us special op clowns

But yet it was about a special op telling his side.Typical person that likes to bash the US.Anything that helps him bash the us is great,even though it was by a special op.<span id='postcolor'>

Calm down foxer. tounge.gif This was a simple and funny yoke. And I think he isnt so off with that assumption. Many of the Veterans return home with serious emotional injuries. I think there is a long report on British Armed Forces that once served as UN soldiers in the Balkan war. Many of them were in pschological therapy for years (not stationary though biggrin.gif ) and had indeed sincere problems to reinstall themselves into "ordinary" life.

Now if you call those people just "black sheep" then you havent understood the "soft problem" of war: The emotional KIA's! Those arent just a few "bastards" but simply "out there for too long"!

Now there are far better arguments to start a flame than that!

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Please copy-paste every comment into your word-pad before posting. The server is often down when you least expect it and you posted your "longest comment of the month"<span id='postcolor'>

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Albert Schweizer @ Oct. 17 2002,10:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Many of the Veterans return home with serious emotional injuries. I think there is a long report on British Armed Forces that once served as UN soldiers in the Balkan war. Many of them were in pschological therapy for years<span id='postcolor'>

My often quoted statistic for that point........

"More British Falklands war veterans have since committed suicide than actually died while over there".

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There are always pschological side effects during war or combat missions. Dead people smell, look ugly, are often ripped apart or you do a step in the desert and step on somebody´s nose that has been fragged off. This are kind of strange experiences and we always had a few guys heading home for psychological problems. The whole situation is stress. You are on duty 24 hours a day, have to do changing nightshifts with 2 hours wake - sleep circles and life together with mostly men in a small fortified camp with not much room for private things.

But I clearly have to state that any misbehaviour towards civilians will come back to you 100 percent. You hit a guy with your gun, you´ll get rocks and projeectiles next time you get there. If I was the beaten civilian I wouldnt act different.

We can talk about our sense of understanding the world in our western way, but people in Afghanistan or anywhere else o this planet have a different view of sight. Their number 1 is still religion. The religion guides their live. Often problems with abroad troops arise cause they dont obey religiouse habits or rules. Touch an Afghanistan women and you´ll know what I am talking about.

What I was personally able to see is that some soldiers tend to release their aggression about not fulfilling their duty (capturew a special person or at least fight military) on civillians. You have to guard the entrance for locals that are allowed to enter camp for minor jobs like taking away the chunk from the kitchen containers for example. Now you are 2 months there , isolated, frustrated cause you cant spot the enemy that you were told you will fight. You only see civilians. So you start thinking that they are ALL enemies, simply cause you want to think that way. Now you stand at the gate and release this to the guys that only want to get the kitchen chunk.

I know that thinking process and state of mind changes during operations. Some things seem to be absurd if you come home and think back. War is ever an exeptional moment. But I clearly have to say , that abuse of power in whatever form (political, military, money) HAS to be followed and punished hard. Once you tolerate misbehaviour within your Squad you´re lost. Noone furtheron will respect you, neither the civilians, nor your own squad. I support the International court to find a common sense on military punishment and misbehaviour and it is not tolerable that US go a separate way here. Why ? They state they engage wars for the international community and to uphold their freedom ( I am sure the most important enemy for the US are the US themselves as they make themselves more enemys at the moment. ). Not to take part in an international court cause of fluffy reasons is a major mistake and throws a bit twilight on the US leadership and troops. Someone who has nothing to hide has nothing to fear.

I think this example we are talking about is just a little story. All that have been at war service know that there are other things, much more worse that noone is allowed to talk about. But the civillians dont forget that fast and if they rise children you guess what they will tell them...

It is our future we are playing around with at the moment and I think Mr Bush is not aware of what he is starting.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Julemanden @ Oct. 15 2002,02:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DarkLight @ Oct. 15 2002,17wow.gif)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Die Alive @ Oct. 14 2002,18wow.gif)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">After the mission, the two SF teams submitted an “after-action review.†NEWSWEEK has not seen the document, but sources say it describes in detail the problems the teams witnessed and suggests ways to avoid such problems in the future. The report set off a storm of recriminations. Col. James Huggins, commander of Task Force Panther, of which the Third Battalion is a part, says every platoon and squad leader in the battalion was questioned under oath, and their statements did not support the teams’ charges. “I can’t tell you 100 percent these things didn’t happen,†says Huggins. “All I can tell you is I looked, and can’t find any evidence that they did.†Officers involved have been accused of leaking classified reports to NEWSWEEK, and have been subjected to internal investigations<span id='postcolor'>

According to this guy, none of the abuse ever happened.  Now I can sleep in peace knowing this is just some fiction written by some Newsweek reporter. <!--emo&<!--emo&smile.gif

-=Die Alive=-<span id='postcolor'>

Please tell me you are joking, the mods use so much variations on those smile.gif smilies that i never know exactly what ppl are trying to say!!!!<span id='postcolor'>

Dont ever compare what the US-forces are doing, to what NATO stands for - that is really a depressing fealing.


Hmm - I wonder why the board qouted me on something else than I clicked it to do... Anyway, I might have clicked the wrong "quote" button - but it was still a darklight post on the previous page.<span id='postcolor'>

I never speak of US forces, or at least i try not to talk about US forces. I speak of ALLIED forces!

Or at least if that's the message you were quoting, it's kinda confusing you know smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ Oct. 15 2002,11:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">As we all know, USA always takes prisoners and treats them with respect confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Outrageous!!!! wow.gif

I´ve heard of the Highway of Death, but I´ve always tought it was a fighting retreat.

Disgusting sad.gif

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I wasn't te most classy way to end the war. And no one liked it.

This report differs a bit to others I've seen. On T.V. (Either TLC or Discovery) they were doing a documentary on Desert Storm. Some of the soldiers interviewed that saw the "Highway of Death" say that there weren't tons of dead bodies. They said that once they heard/saw the planes coming and decided to get out of their vehicles and run for it. Escaping across the desert into Iraq.

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Digging up old treads = Bad.

Closing smile.gif

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