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its just hard man because if i was to say what we are doing then someone could just take the idea and go do it themselves

You can always provide us a sketch or basic description on your mod? (But if you feel concerned, then by all means keep it between yourself and your team)

However, you can protect your content under the "Author's and Moderator's Rights" (a.k.a. AMAR). The benefits of this will forbid anyone from copying, modifying or stealing your work without your consent/permission.

Link to AMAR site: amar.arma3.fr

I have been in this situation before, that is why my developing mod (signature below) is covered by this. (A lot of people, mainly fans, constantly try to add me on steam to ask the same question..."Can you share some of your work for BreakingPoint?")

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I do get almost limitless amusement from the children, who pop up, usually in the summer holidays, and arrive here with their week old forum account convinced they have the greatest idea evar.


They are then surprised to discover, often over-using the word "man", that no-one is prepared to do the donkey work for them.


They simply can't conceive that the community existed more than a decade before they signed up, and often, before they were born, and had this same, ground breaking idea some time ago and in the cold light of the following days, decided it was shit and binned it.


Call me cynical, but I predict this project will follow this well trodden path.

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The hazards of an education system that imbues our youth with lots of enthusiasm and confidence, but no actual work ethic or common sense.  

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