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[MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

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Oh anyone know if this is going to work or am I looking for a symbol like + and not "and"?


if ( combat_readiness > 35 and < 75 ) then {


To be precise, I want the squad spawning between 35% and 75% only. I have a Viper squad set for after 75% and militia are my Syndikat. =3=


This is what you'll want;

if(combat_readiness >= 35 && combat_readiness <= 75) then {}

As far as I'm aware, SQF uses a very similar syntax to the C languages. That means the equivalent of and would be &&. The equivalent of or would be ||.


You'll also need to provide the variable in both statements, programming languages are logical.




I worked a bit on my Tanoa conversion and I've fixed some of the issues and implemented necessary features for starting vehicles. The new version can be downloaded here(Google Drive).



• Added the Light Vehicle Respawn script. (F_vehicleRespawn.sqf)

• Starting vehicles no longer use fuel. (Requires that you use my setup script! Changes made to recalculate_resources.sqf)

• Removed CBA dependency.

• Added a script to easily setup starting vehicles. (F_setupStartingVehicle.sqf)

• Added 1 Speedboat + 2 Assault Boats to starting area.

A starting vehicle does not use fuel resources, it also respawn when left abandoned or destroyed. You can easily specify what vehicles should act as starting vehicles by using my script.

Double-click the vehicles you've placed in the editor and enter this into the init script box;

_nul = [this, 60, 10, true] execVM "scripts\shared\functions\F_setupStartingVehicle.sqf";

The parameters are as follows; [Object, AbandonedDelay, RespawnDelay, ClearCargo].

Object - This should be left as this as it references the vehicle you added the init code to.

AbandonedDelay - The time in seconds before the vehicle will respawn due to not being used.

RespawnDelay - The time in seconds before the vehicle respawns after being destroyed.

ClearCargo - true means the vehicle's contents will be deleted upon respawn. false if you want to keep its contents.


Note: Only vehicles using my setup script will not consume fuel when used. I may add another parameter to my script later where you can specify whether it should use fuel or not if you for some reason would want that.

Next up I will look into making it so you can build objects, vehicles and recruit units from the HQ. I'm also looking into adding a new objective type, which would be used on ports/docks(rewards ammo+fuel? The idea here is that they'd be a bit more defended than a basic capture point due to its strategic value).

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This is what you'll want;

if(combat_readiness >= 35 && combat_readiness <= 75) then {}

As far as I'm aware, SQF uses a very similar syntax to the C languages. That means the equivalent of and would be &&. The equivalent of or would be ||.


You'll also need to provide the variable in both statements, programming languages are logical.




I worked a bit on my Tanoa conversion and I've fixed some of the issues and implemented necessary features for starting vehicles. The new version can be downloaded here(Google Drive).



• Added the Light Vehicle Respawn script. (F_vehicleRespawn.sqf)

• Starting vehicles no longer use fuel. (Requires that you use my setup script! Changes made to recalculate_resources.sqf)

• Removed CBA dependency.

• Added a script to easily setup starting vehicles. (F_setupStartingVehicle.sqf)

• Added 1 Speedboat + 2 Assault Boats to starting area.

A starting vehicle does not use fuel resources, it also respawn when left abandoned or destroyed. You can easily specify what vehicles should act as starting vehicles by using my script.

Double-click the vehicles you've placed in the editor and enter this into the init script box;

_nul = [this, 60, 10, true] execVM "scripts\shared\functions\F_setupStartingVehicle.sqf";

The parameters are as follows; [Object, AbandonedDelay, RespawnDelay, ClearCargo].

Object - This should be left as this as it references the vehicle you added the init code to.

AbandonedDelay - The time in seconds before the vehicle will respawn due to not being used.

RespawnDelay - The time in seconds before the vehicle respawns after being destroyed.

ClearCargo - true means the vehicle's contents will be deleted upon respawn. false if you want to keep its contents.


Note: Only vehicles using my setup script will not consume fuel when used. I may add another parameter to my script later where you can specify whether it should use fuel or not if you for some reason would want that.

Next up I will look into making it so you can build objects, vehicles and recruit units from the HQ. I'm also looking into adding a new objective type, which would be used on ports/docks(rewards ammo+fuel? The idea here is that they'd be a bit more defended than a basic capture point due to its strategic value).




I'm glad you brought up the boats. 


We have this on our server and for some reason we cannot build on the water. This makes building a boat a bit of a pain. Is there any way to work around this?

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I'm glad you brought up the boats.

We have this on our server and for some reason we cannot build on the water. This makes building a boat a bit of a pain. Is there any way to work around this?

We settle for lifting our boats to the water with larger helicopters. Building on water is apparently too impractical for Arma. I was actually wondering about an interface to push the boat backwards (into some water) but without damaging it? It would need to lift and drop, not drag so to speak.

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I was under the assumption boats would work fine so long as you built your FOB close to some water(by default you can only build within 150m of your FOB). Does it prevent you from building if it's above water? I haven't quite tested this myself yet, so would have to look into it.

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It's not possible, no. I don't think I've ever seen anyone manage to build directly into the water. Same went for Exile and Epoch's bases.

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Are you referring to the actual M109A6 Paladin? Then you'd need to get RHS.



I have RHS escalation but the Paladin is still not showing up, would I need to restart Liberation for it to show up? How do you restart the mission?

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It's not possible, no. I don't think I've ever seen anyone manage to build directly into the water. Same went for Exile and Epoch's bases.


Oh, that should be very possible. The think to take note of is to build slightly over the water's surface. Weird shit happens if the water comes through the object and changes your player's animation to swimming or some stuff like that. I recall in ArmA 2 it'd often just outright kill you.



I have RHS escalation but the Paladin is still not showing up, would I need to restart Liberation for it to show up? How do you restart the mission?


Not only do you need to restart, but you also need to actually edit the mission itself. You'll have to download PBO Manager and unpack the mission file. Then you either replace the current list of available vehicles via classnames_extension.sqf or you append the current one by editing classnames.sqf.


If you want it to be unlocked via a military base, you need to add it as an elite vehicle. :)


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Yes but with Liberation, the build interface hug the ground, any easy way to raise this a little? Even if it was hug ground -1, just to give it that leeway.

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It's not possible, no. I don't think I've ever seen anyone manage to build directly into the water. Same went for Exile and Epoch's bases.


It's very possible and I've done it. Just before my group took Kavala, we built a FOB across the bay right next to the water. We built our boats right on the water from the pier and it worked fine.




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Well if anyone can write the script, I know everyone would appreciate it, myself included.

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Well if anyone can write the script, I know everyone would appreciate it, myself included.


Take a look at the images above. No script needed. We haven't modified anything other than what vehicles are available in the build menu and I just did it for the screenshots. 

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Take a look at the images above. No script needed. We haven't modified anything other than what vehicles are available in the build menu and I just did it for the screenshots. 


I figure something small might make this possible everywhere? Altho I guess the key here is the pier? I don't have a Kavala pier here in Tanoa but we have a fair few we could test from. Thanks for thisss.


Edited: So I just wanted to add a small chunk to the Map > Briefing section. Apparently Briefing.html is obsolete now and I'm apparently not capable of working this out, any help would be appreciated. I just want a small paragraph in Map > Briefing.

Ohw and if anyone knows where CBA saves the crap to create the Map > CBA section I'd be much obliged too, seems it's still there from when I had CBA implemented into the mission.



Edited by Applejakerie

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Maybe I'm retarded or something but is there a tanoa liberation out without CBA or anything? Just vanilla tanoa apex lib?


Can't find it anywhere :/

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Ohw and if anyone knows where CBA saves the crap to create the Map > CBA section I'd be much obliged too, seems it's still there from when I had CBA implemented into the mission.

I think I may have misunderstood.


CBA dependency will be in addOns and addOnsAuto in the mission.sqm file.

Look for something like cba_xeh


Take them out, obviously checking the game logic has not changed or you won't be able to open the mission.

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Haha, Dealman is writing one and so am I. Dealmans' is a newish concept, with a HQ rather than Chimera or LHD. 


Mine is the original Liberation mission minus the LHD with some smaller changes and my own map design, still a work in progress though and still with its own issues of course.


If you want mine, PM me. I'm updating every couple days so it helps to have a list of people to update.

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I think I may have misunderstood.


CBA dependency will be in addOns and addOnsAuto in the mission.sqm file.

Look for something like cba_xeh


Take them out, obviously checking the game logic has not changed or you won't be able to open the mission.


Thank you! Yea I just refuse to load the mission with my mods active. Seems it auto-converts the modules on a save? My mission already doesn't need CBA, it's only an optional. 

It used to need it tho, so I think the code for the Map > CBA is just lingering around in the mission.sqm as the section is still there on the Map menu but completely blank.

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is the most recent version you posted before one with the CBA issue?

i'll have a look.

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I think the most recent I posted had CBA still yes, it's been updated without since.


For the record, it's completely Vanilla, Apex and Tanoa Liberation. CBA and FA18 are both optional choices of mine. CBA is not needed anymore.

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I think the most recent I posted had CBA still yes, it's been updated without since.


For the record, it's completely Vanilla, Apex and Tanoa Liberation. CBA and FA18 are both optional choices of mine. CBA is not needed anymore.

I would like a copy ! ( if the "first fob is built" works)

How about a link

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so by Map > CBA you mean like a diary entry?

that makes sense now. i was looking for a [Map] entry in the sqm file.

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Oh sorry, yes I meant a diary entry haha. Like ingame map, CBA section. Even though CBA is completely removed now and optional, it still shows a CBA diary entry.


dvdbrewster That parameter should work yes but I haven't tested it personally.

Send me a PM now and I'll get the update out in the next 30 minutes.

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Is anyone having problems with village names in red but totally in blue force? We cannot capture them.

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That's usually either the AI haven't spawned at all yet and you need to wait 30-60 seconds.

Or they're not going to spawn because you have reached your UnitCap, meaning Active Sectors: will show bottom right to show which sectors you can play on right now.

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It happens only on W Tanoa island. Where exactly is this unitcap? Icon with three men? 10/68. Armfist? 54/135.

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Your unitcap is set in the parameters at the beginning of the mission? For instance 75% for local server, 100% for dedicated servers. 

If your server is struggling, it's probably because you have too many active sectors. Too many AI are spawning, so the missions says no and locks up sectors aside for a few.


You just need to aim for those sectors, or if you have some power behind your server, raise your unitcap.


Edited: The three men is Manpower, used for your infantry you build. The "Armfist" I'm guessing is Ammunition? That's what you spend to buy infantry or vehicles who require more expensive ammunition, "Elite Soldiers" as such.

And if it really is just the West Tanoan island doing it it could be that the sector is in a bad position maybe? So enemies can't spawn, what are the chances of that anyone?

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