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[MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

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Many thanks for an excellent mission, one question would it be easy to make it that only commander and team leaders can use the build option. It would stop public coming on and building things everywhere using up resources.



That's of course planned and WIP'ed :





I mean I get the perfect place to build my very own prison ^^


Also "Xp later on" don't tell me you will include some kind of lvl system ? :/


That's a very early thinking concept WIP of that kind of thing :



But a the moment, that's clearly not the priority, a lot of new cool features will arise before this :)

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The xp and leveling system will be among the last major features to come, if not the last. The current idea is that perks should give bonuses and not restrict players in any way, and they should be levelable. For example you could imagine an infantry perk that gives 10% damage resistance per level, with a maximum level of 5. Damage resistance, health regen, fatigue resistance, fatigue regen, vehicle damage resistance and so on, are all simple things to implement. I'll try to come up with more original ideas along the way.


Of course those who want an acceptable degree of realism will be able to switch it off ;)

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1- Performance

  • Give the server admin satisfying control over the amount of AIs on the map at a given time, so small rigs still get acceptable performance, at the expense of global AI amount of course. done v0.89
  • Make AI amounts adaptive to the player count, which will benefit smaller groups of players, done v0.90
  • Headless client(s), obviously. done v0.89

Estimated time : 2 weeks



2- Refactoring / Code quality


That's behind the scenes and won't affect your gameplay, but the code quality sucks as a result of doing too much too quickly and I'll spend the needed time to make it nice and shiny before moving on. That might also result in a slight script performance gain but I wouldn't bet too much on that, it might be hard to notice. done v0.902


Estimated time : 1 week




3- Commander mode


The Zeus placeholder is nice but it doesn't do most of what I'd want to see. I'm aiming for the level of functionnality of the Wargame series interface, plus a few goodies that you should like. Expect a lot of teasers on that one :P

  • Players will be able to order troups around just like they do with Zeus,
  • I will put everything I can for a more precise AI control, especially behaviour/combat modes and vehicle usage,
  • The commander mode will allow players to build remotely from any existing FOB
  • Players will be able to assign and use hotkey groups (CTRL+1, CTRL+2 and so on), those groups will have a summary card at the bottom of the screen at all times, not unlike what you get in a Total War game. The cards will show clearly what's going on, for example they'll flash yellow when the group is firing and red when the group is taking damage.
  • There will be the ability to switch between 3D and map view at ease, just like Zeus does, and players will be able to give the same orders on both views,
  • Players will be able to watch any unit camera feed either in full screen or with picture in picture options (that's the one where I have the most doubts :P)


Estimated time: 4-6 weeks



4- Secondary objectives


Currently the secondary objectives system is barebones, it will be expanded greatly.

  • When prisonners are captured and brought back to a FOB they will yield intel.
  • A new dedicated interface will allow players to spend intel and obtain secondary objectives.
  • Accomplishing secondary objectives will give various rewards: resources, reduction of the CSAT reactivity, improving the relations with the population, and maybe unique top tier units?
  • Once the system works, the actual amount of different missions is limitless, and I surely hope you'll come up with a lot of ideas ;)

Estimated time: 4-6 weeks



5- Neutral guerillas


Currently the guerillas are always hostile. The point is to have them react to the actions of the players.

  • If players kill civilians and destroy buildings, the guerillas will turn more hostile. They will start to launch random attacks at player controlled sectors, might setup ambushes and IEDs, etc.
  • If players play it nice the guerillas will become supportive and may launch attacks on CSAT positions.
  • That way the players will have an incentive not to kill civilians ;)

Estimated time: 2 weeks



6- Experience and leveling


Players will receive xp from a wide variety of actions (not only killing stuff, logistics role will have a reward too). Xp will give levels, levels will give perk points, perk points can be spent on perks that will slightly improve parts of the gameplay: increase your stamina, make your vehicle more resistant to damage, etc


Estimated time: 4 weeks




So that's the current plan. Everything is subject to change and your feedback on every point will be very welcome :)

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Sounds fucking awesome.


Edit: For my team sidemissions are the most welcome change. Ai surrendering is a very nice feature but it lacks further functionality at the moment. We captured some guys but had no other use for them since we could not move them into a vehicle...

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For my team sidemissions are the most welcome change. Ai surrendering is a very nice feature but it lacks further functionality at the moment. We captured some guys but had no other use for them since we could not move them into a vehicle...


Yep, that will come by eventually :)


Tonight's progress: http://i.imgur.com/MFNuyFU.jpg

Some screens: http://imgur.com/a/OKrIS#0

Some more screens: http://imgur.com/a/pFd4S#0

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zbug and Team, great job is all I can say! Love the progression configuration of the whole mission design.



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Seems that some option in mission wont save ex: Introvideo truned off, turn back on at every restart, same for reaspawn video.

Tonight we found some IA from another BLUFOR squad in one of our vehicle, got to shoot at it to make them get out :) Dunno where those bots were coming from o_O


M4 Scorcher is a real game changer.



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Tetsel that's Arma issues you're having here, not much I can do about it :D

Some units like the scorcher, sandstorm or apache are extremely powerful indeed, and balancing them through extremely high prices doesn't feel fair. I will come up with a way to unlock them that drives gameplay instead of causing frustration.

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Damn all my issues are related to core Arma engine (bad luck brian), even the mission options save that worked in 0.88a version ?


Apache ? didn't see that one (but I play Vanilla)

Well Scorcher, and probably Sandstorm, might be overpowered but are really helpfull when you play small squad like us, and you have 80+ IA to get over to take a town. Also very effective to take down a remote CSAT FOB to step down ennemy alert level.

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Question about the difficulty setting in the parameter, does this change the numbers of enemies spawned?

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Damn all my issues are related to core Arma engine (bad luck brian), even the mission options save that worked in 0.88a version ?


Apache ? didn't see that one (but I play Vanilla)

Well Scorcher, and probably Sandstorm, might be overpowered but are really helpfull when you play small squad like us, and you have 80+ IA to get over to take a town. Also very effective to take down a remote CSAT FOB to step down ennemy alert level.


The mission parameters are never saved unless you resume the previous session which isn't a good idea :p

If there's a way, I don't know about it yet


I didn't say I wanted to remove the overpowered units, just add an extra step to unlock them that would drive the gameplay forward instead of punishing the players with stupidly high prices like we have right now. I have an idea, will see if it works later ;)


Yesterday we take Pyrgos!!! It took us more than two hours (we were only four people)


Damn, good job :D


Question about the difficulty setting in the parameter, does this change the numbers of enemies spawned?


Not directly, that would have a terrible effect on performance :)

It affects the AI skill settings, the chances of a counter attack, the reaction speed of reinforcements, the alertness increase when you capture a sector, etc

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Hi Zbug, is possible to use ACE3 with this mission? I ask this because we wants to try this mod in our sever but i don't know if i can load your mission with this mod on.

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You can load liberation with any mod, in the worst case scenario the mod just won't work :p


I don't know ACE well enough but it seems it requires several modules to be put in the mission so it can work properly? If it's the case you can easily do that, or even better, put the modules in their own mission file and merge it with liberation after each release for minimal effort. I will look into ACE properly later on, right now I don't feel like maintaining two different branches just for that, but liberation 1.0 will have an ACE version for sure :)

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If you just disabe FAR Revive you can use Ace3 Medicalsystem without probs...we r running the mission with ace3 and it seems like everything is working just fine.

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I didn't say I wanted to remove the overpowered units, just add an extra step to unlock them that would drive the gameplay forward instead of punishing the players with stupidly high prices like we have right now. I have an idea, will see if it works later ;)


I very much like the idea of a sort of tech tree, or unit and upgrade progression.  Ideally though once the best units are 'unlocked', it won't be easy to just toss them out frequently.


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this is getting to be a very interesting thread to follow. zbug and your group thanks for the mission and future updates. Will be following and playing...

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I have pushed the current progress on v0.89, including the headless client support and more control over how many AI troops you want in your game. That will benefit both smaller groups of players and people who are using a dedicated server complete with headless clients. Now liberation will support up to 3 of them, an infinite increase from zero ;)


I have spent a few hours testing and it works fine on my end, but depending on your specific configuration things may break unexpectedly. If you're scared of bugs you will be better off with the current version, but if you want to help with the testing, you and your rpt logs will be most welcome :)




If you want to activate the headless client diag you just need to execute this in the admin console

GRLIB_offload_diag = true
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You probably already found this but:


Liberation 0.89 alpha-2

\scripts\fob_templates\template2.sqf line 62:
[ "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_ammo_F", [6.23, 10, 0], 270.25 ],

The trailing comma needs to be removed.


I'm currently working on an ACE3/ALiVE version of Liberation with working AI mortars. So far everything is working correctly, but I haven't done sufficient multiplayer testing.


Changelog (personal version, not related to official development of Liberation):

Integrated ALiVE combat support module.
Integrated ALiVE logistics support module.
Added ACE3 parameters.

Implemented high command support for infantry squads and manned vehicles.
All players can now purchase manned vehicles and AI fire teams.
AI CAS/transport are automatically registered to combat logistics when purchased with a crew. Players may then use any ALiVE capable tablet to order CAS and logistics.

Servers without Helicopter DLC now spawn blackhawks unless they are dedicated server.
Players without helicopter DLC are now able to slingload FOBs with the UH-80.
Added a button to have the ALiVE system command vehicle purchased (i.e Helicopter CAS or Artillery strikes).

Added airpower resource for logistics requests. Airpower is gained every 20 minutes and can be improved by capturing radio towers.
Added "Fire for effect" AI for mortar and artillery units.


Opfor may now use artillery on a limited basis. If it opens fire in your area, I suggest either CAS striking the artillery, or changing position- artillery will eventually zero in on your position should you remain visible to hostile forces.


Artillery can be used in three ways:

You can purchase the artillery and use it manually.

You can purchase the artillery with a crew and command it via CTRL-Space. AI controlling these will automatically strike hostile targets that have been discovered on the map. They are not deadly accurate and will avoid civilian casualties where possible.

You can purchase artillery as support to use through the ALIVE interface. (These AI will not automatically fire on visible targets and strikes must be ordered through the tablet.)


ALiVE & Liberation limitations:

It's currently not possible to use the Alive AI abstraction system for improved FPS, as it would contravene most of the good features in Liberation.

I currently do not have ALiVE set to save any data; when the game is re-loaded, assets registered with ALiVE logistics can only be further given orders by using zeus (or using zeus to drag the group to a player). Liberation itself suffers normally in this manner so I haven't made an ALiVE work-around yet. It would be possible to add an ALiVE re-registration button but I'm not sure it warrants the effort.






Leights Opfor Pack - Militia gets more vehicles to choose from.



ATLAS Mod: LHD Plus - Start on a badass carrier full of freedom and democracy.

TRYK Multi-Play Uniforms - Customise your soldier to the extreme and beyond.

 - Badass tank for the NATO side.

GREUH Vehicles - Ports most of the AAF vehicles to the NATO side.

It's mostly for lower population coop, so that players have ammo logistics, the ability to command AI squads, CAS support, smart mortars (both player and opfor) etc. I'll post it here once I've verified MP compatibility.

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Good catch with that comma, I didn't see it, will push the fix tonight ;)

We're currently working on the tutorial, trying to get it into the v0.89

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Just a word about the Huron, being a DLC chopper it poses both a significant annoyance and a lot of confusion for anyone who didn't start with a FOB already built.


In my version I alter the FOB mass to <4t for anyone who is not using the DLC so that the UH-80 is able to lift FOB containers.



 [ [_fobbox, 3999] , "setMass2"] call BIS_fnc_MP;



if ( _classname == FOB_box_typename ) then//Magitex: experimental MP code, only setting mass of fob on client if they lack helicopter DLC
                        if (!(288520 in (getDLCs 1))) then
                            [ [_vehicle, 3999] , "setMass2"] call BIS_fnc_MP;
                            //_vehicle setMass 3999.0;
                            //diag_log format ["Creator does not own Helicopter DLC, reducing fob box mass."];



//Magitex: fix for remote execution disallowed
setMass2 = {
     private ["_veh", "_mass"];
    _veh = _this select 0;
    _mass = _this select 1;
    _veh setMass _mass;


It's probably safe to just set the FOB container to 3.999t regardless of who spawns it, I don't think it makes a particularly large difference.


I also use the DLC code on the server if it is not dedicated to spawn a UH-80 instead of a Huron.

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