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About hangphyr

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. hangphyr

    [CTI,TvT,CooP] Dissension

    Possibly making it so that if there is only 1 point remaining on a zone, short timer would start before it just gets captured. We spent about an hour searching one of these zones, UAV's with thermals, I'm quite positive this last guy just simply isn't spawning in.
  2. hangphyr

    [CTI,TvT,CooP] Dissension

    A major flaw I keep running into is towns being uncapturable. One single enemy point left, but no amount of searching seems to reveal where he's hiding. The AI commander parks their army in the middle of the area, and the last guy is never killed. I don't know if this might be a bug with the last guy never even spawning into a sector to defend it, making it uncapturable?
  3. hangphyr

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Ammobox error happens for my group also, so it seems like it's definitely not isolated. We didn't try sling loading, that might be a temporary work-around for now. A change that might be good for the next version is for surrendered enemies to show up on the map until they are captured. In the larger towns, usually we just write it off as a no-intel conquer. Even with someone as Zeus peeking through buildings, it takes a very long time to find anyone in them. Since on occasion friendly AI's will shoot surrendered enemies (often just as they surrender, but we've seen friendlies on rare times shoot surrendered and captured enemies as we bring them out of a building), you never even know if there is still a survivor to capture at all. As for the ammo income stream parameter, can anyone say at what rate it comes in and how often? How much is each base worth, and how often does the income come in? Right now I'm certain it's coming in at a very slow rate in larger chunks (I think, since I've never really noticed whenever it might have come in), I think more ideally it'd be every 10 or 15 minutes, earn a small income. Also, even with the ammo stream turned on, ammo boxes will still appear in bases. Is the parameter giving ammo stream income in addition to the boxes, or is that parameter simply not functioning correctly?
  4. hangphyr

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    I think the one-shot deaths are something to do with the revive system. Possibly playing with no revive might fix that.
  5. hangphyr

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Thanks for adding the option for trickle ammo income, that makes things much better for solo and small groups. What is the plan for deployable weapons from backpacks, I see they're going to be cur from the arsenal. It's pretty routine in my group that we set up a mortar at our currently active FOB. I assume the plan is an ammo cost for it, and it'll be placed like the other ones. I wouldn't think the mortar needs the astronomical ammo cost of the other artillery weapons. I think there might be other ways to balance the mortar, the CAS, and the other artillery units. Artillery is still fun to use, and I think it's best to make sure that it's neither prohibitively expensive, or impractical to ever use due to killing civvies or other resources. Maybe a good implementation of artillery would be purchasing some static units that are placed the same as a building is, but only controlled through requesting artillery support, and there is an ammo cost per call. Meet the requirement for calling the support type (capturing a tech base, or building the FOB static unit, or capturing an airfield), then have a list of available ones with an appropriate ammo cost.
  6. hangphyr

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    I have to say I'm not a huge fan of requiring to bring the ammo boxes back to base to gain munitions. With small player groups (I only play with two), it's a bit of a significant time sink. Possibly this can be an AI automated task in future? Perhaps not picking up the boxes, but spawning a truck that arrives back to the FOB, and gives an income of munitions. I definitely preferred the trickle income of munitions from owning bases, rather than picking them up myself. Picking up prisoners is a bit of a challenge too, finding them in buildings in a city. Perhaps they can be revealed as blips on the map when they surrender? Usually the main thing that is tough for small groups is using the AI with Zeus, I'm looking forward to see what your interface for commanding will do. AI have no end to troubles following basic orders (move here, get in). AI will also refuse to drive a vehicle through Zeus if a human player has ever rode in the driver seat of the vehicle. Remote deletion of assets and units would be very valuable also. If a vehicle is damaged and no human is near it, you need to invest time to get over there to repair or blow it up. It's a bit silly shooting mortars across the map at your own damaged vehicles or stuck infantry to get the resources back. Remote unflipping or repairing of a vehicle would be quite useful, when AI remove the wheels of transports or get stuck in a battle against a tree or rock. Perhaps this is a planned part of your RTS interface, though.
  7. hangphyr

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    I very much like the idea of a sort of tech tree, or unit and upgrade progression. Ideally though once the best units are 'unlocked', it won't be easy to just toss them out frequently.
  8. hangphyr

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Thanks for the new version, I will let you know if we still encounter any issues with those weapon mods. One feature I think would be good is remote deletion of friendly units in Zeus interface. Both AI controlled infantry and vehicles have the habit of becoming stuck. Remote deletion would be helpful rather than needing to execute stubborn AI infantry with artillery, or sending players to remote locations to unstuck and recover vehicles.
  9. hangphyr

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Tested location of deploying, it has no change on the error, so it must be caused by one or more of those mods. I would suspect CBA A3, as all the others are just weapon packs. CBA A3 does quite a few changes under the hood for the game, but this is the first time I've seen a scenario that may be incompatable with it.
  10. hangphyr

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Re-enabled my mods, nothing that should have changed terrain. Now, it stopped working and continued to give that placement error. I was able to place the FOB by entering the helicopter, it for some reason allowed me to place it in front of it directly when riding as pilot on the ground. After that though, nothing else could be built even from inside the helicopter. Rapid-fire object conflict errors, no 'cancel placement' option in the menu during the error spam, only rotate and grid. Mods enabled: Atlas LHD ASDG_JR (joint rails) CUP weapons pack EricJ weapons pack CBA A3 I don't believe any of those should be causing a conflict. Could be something to do with the location I'm trying to place it at, is it falsely detecting shrubs as blocking perhaps? The only time I successfully placed a FOB was when I built it at the far south-east tip of the centre island, just near Naftia Bay. The closest land to the carrier. My other two locations I've tried give errors for placing anything. It takes a while to get another game loaded with another FOB, so I haven't really tested many locations.
  11. hangphyr

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Ok disabled all mods and tried again, it worked. Not sure right now which one was incompatable, but that fixed it, thanks.
  12. hangphyr

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Here is a pastebin of the FOB placement error: http://pastebin.com/NpCn71w4 Seems like regardless of where I try, it always rapid-fires that error. Screenshot: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=498279173
  13. hangphyr

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    That can't place object error is pretty problematic. I was only eventually able to place down a FOB by respawning while it rapid-fired object placements errors, seemed to work. Not sure if there is supposed to be a building with the FOB, but it made the respawn and build point at least. However, the same workaround doesn't work for vehicles. Seems to dislike placement regardless of how open the terrain seemed?
  14. hangphyr

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    How about changing the AI squads so they are affected by the upgrade level of factories? Currently it has no effect on them, they always have access to the highest level purchases. In games with few human players, it really lowers the value of getting those expensive upgrades. This also includes the number of recruits allowed in a squad.
  15. hangphyr


    A zombie mod would be pure win. Signed.