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prolonged vehicles burning and a satchel activation script

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Hi There, due to the success of my first mission i plan on making another, however i need help with setting up 2 things first.

1a. I need certain vehicles to start already destroyed and on fire.

1b. Is there a way to make them burn longer? the default burns out pretty quickly and I need them to be burning for some time while my player crosses the land to find his base all destroyed.

2. When he arrives at the base, is there a trigger that when the player activates it, a whole set of satchel charges pre placed in the editor will detonate?

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That's possible, you would need to create a radio trigger first of all.


activation: Radio Alpha

onActivation: detonation = true;

For the satchels, I would create a trigger in the position of each satchel.

In those trigger put the following

condition: detonation

onActivation: bomb = "SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo" createVehicle (position thisTrigger);

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And you can add a fireplace and add some smoke thereby giving the impression that it is burning.

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