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g'day and thanks for mod...


I am new to running servers and have a machine at home I am hosting a small exile server on for some friends.


I have extracted from my mpmissions cache an exile Tanoa mission that had your zombie mod running on it quite well and added it to my mpmssions folder on server, replacing the original which was quite a bit smaller. I have installed all the relevant mods on my server but for some reason, no zombies are spawning?

Firstly, does the cfg look correct?


start "Arma3" /min /wait arma3server.exe -mod=@exile;@CBA_A3;@CUP Weapons;@CUP Units;@CUP Vehicles;@Zombies and Demons;Kart;Mark;Heli; -servermod=@exileserver; -config=C:\Arma\Server\@ExileServer\config.cfg -port=2302 -profiles=SC -cfg=C:\Arma\Server\@ExileServer\basic.cfg -name=SC -autoinit


Ive added the RyanD.bikey to Keys


as well as @Zombies and Demons addon folder


Any help would be appreciated.

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Is zombies opening doors an intended feature, can or will it be removed  ?
And here is the error I'm getting when I try to save the mission, only mod is the zombie mod, so there is no other confliction but this mod itself. Here is a pic of the error.


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Добрый день!

Хочу отметить что в вейпоинтах перепутаны целевые объекты и в итоге к ним двигаютÑÑ Ð½Ðµ те кто должен. Я обнаружил Ñто пытаÑÑÑŒ Ñделать Ñвой Ñценарий войны зомби. Мне пришлоÑÑŒ делать Ñ Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ Ñтороны зомби, а Ñ Ð´Ñ€ÑƒÐ³Ð¾Ð¹ демонов Ñ‚.к. не завиÑимо от принадлежноÑти к какой-то из Ñторон вÑе монÑтры двигаютÑÑ Ðº поÑледнему вÑйпоинту. Ð’ ÑвÑзи Ñ Ñтим у Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñьба - добавьте к вÑйпоинту выбор принадлежноÑти к одной из Ñторон.

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  On 11/4/2016 at 2:55 PM, Vedoon said:

Добрый день!

Хочу отметить что в вейпоинтах перепутаны целевые объекты и в итоге к ним двигаютÑÑ Ð½Ðµ те кто должен. Я обнаружил Ñто пытаÑÑÑŒ Ñделать Ñвой Ñценарий войны зомби. Мне пришлоÑÑŒ делать Ñ Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ Ñтороны зомби, а Ñ Ð´Ñ€ÑƒÐ³Ð¾Ð¹ демонов Ñ‚.к. не завиÑимо от принадлежноÑти к какой-то из Ñторон вÑе монÑтры двигаютÑÑ Ðº поÑледнему вÑйпоинту. Ð’ ÑвÑзи Ñ Ñтим у Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñьба - добавьте к вÑйпоинту выбор принадлежноÑти к одной из Ñторон.

Please translate your text into English :)

Thank you!

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Hello, Ryan, thank you for this awesome mod, we're using it on our server in "Zombie Extermination/Disposal Squad" gamemode.

It's still pretty much work-in-progress. Here's some screenshots.






Any chance you could add ambient zombie module, that spawns zombies around players?

Even with more than 150 spawn points on map it's sometimes feels a bit empty and players know there's no immediate danger present - which is kinda breaking overall horror atmosphere.

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Hi Ryan

Thanks for the awesome mod. We really love it. We found that Zombies spawned by Zeus feels very tame. Are we doing something wrong? We do use ace and a couple other mods but non that interacts with ai. Those zombies spawned with module works excellent so we are a bit confused....


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Fast question.
I set up the modules  for each city to spawn infected, however, I set them to delete when we are out of a certain range but I would like them to reappear when we come back into that area and it is not doing that.
Do the zombies not cache ?
Or am I just doing something wrong ?

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Great Mod you guys ! waiting eagerly for your new release so I can update my scenarios for my group :D. Mostly the ACE fix ! Keep it up!

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Can I get help? I changed acedamage.sqf file and zombie do damage to player by ace medical system.... but still zombie didn't kill the AI soldiers... sometimes dies for the fallen damage(even I make the knock back value to alll 0). Anyone can help me? I am using zombies with ace addon(and cba)

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Thank you very much for your hard work! I really appreciate your work!
I wanted to ask one question.
Could you make a compatibility for mod VcomAi.

When I turn on you mod with VcomAI - zombie stop attacking.
Thank you in advance!

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Hi All!


I'm beginner in using Arma 3 server. I made a Linux Epoch server to have fun with my friends and we like to play opposite of Ryan's zombies, but i can not insert zombies via 3D editor: it cause crashes the server. My question is, does anyone know about a simple tutorial or srcipt how can insert zombies to spawn on server?

Thank you, and I Wish You a Merry Christmas! :)

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Here's ambient zombies script.


//                                                       //
// Zombience.sqf                                         //
// Ambient Zombies Script for Ryan's Zombies and Demons  //
// by -CML-CaptainMittens, edit by Bl2ck Dog [3Para]     //
// v0.86                                                 //
//                                                       //
// Start from onPlayerRespawn.sqf                        //
//                                                       //

0 = [] spawn { 
  sleep 10;

  private ["_maxZeds","_minDist","_maxDist","_addMed","_ZedsSlow","_ZedsFast","_sZedsNum","_mZedsNum","_fastSlow","_ZedType","_plusX","_plusY"];
  _minDist = 50;
  _maxDist = 50;
  _addMed = 1;

  _ZedsSlow= ["RyanZombieC_man_1SlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_1_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_pilot_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_journalist_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_OrestesSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_NikosSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_2_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_4_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_5_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_6_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_p_fugitive_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_w_worker_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_scientist_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_hunter_1_FSlowOpfor"];
  _ZedsFast = ["RyanZombieC_man_1MediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_1_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_pilot_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_journalist_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_OrestesMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_NikosMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_2_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_4_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_5_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_6_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_p_fugitive_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_w_worker_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_scientist_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_hunter_1_FMediumOpfor"];
  _sZedsNum = count _ZedsSlow;
  _mZedsNum = count _ZedsFast;
  zAmbientGroup = createGroup east;
  // Checking if player alive 
  while {alive player} do {

    // Checking if group is present
    if (isNull zAmbientGroup) then {zAmbientGroup = createGroup east};

    // Selecting number of zeds, more players - less zombies, too keep net load balanced.
    if ((count allPlayers) < 5) then {_maxZeds = 9 - (count allPlayers)} else {_maxZeds = 4};
    // Checking if limit reached
    if (count units zAmbientGroup < _maxZeds) then {	
      // Selecting type and position
      _fastSlow = (floor(random 3))+1;
      _ZedType = _ZedsSlow select (floor(random _sZedsNum ));

      if ( _fastSlow > 2 and _addMed == 1) then {
        _ZedType =_ZedsFast select (floor(random _mZedsNum ));

      _plusX = random 2;
      if (_plusX > 1) then {_plusX = 1};
      if (_plusX < 1) then {_plusX = -1};

      _plusY = random 2;
      if (_plusY > 1) then {_plusY = 1};
      if (_plusY < 1) then {_plusY = -1};

      _posX = (_minDist + random _maxDist) * _plusX;
      _posY = (_minDist + random _maxDist) * _plusY;

      while {true} do {
        //selecting position
        sleep 1;
        spawnPos = getPos player;
        spawnPos = [(spawnPos select 0) + _posX, (spawnPos select 1) + _posY,0];      
        objPos = getPos Player;
        // Spawning zombie
        if ({_x distance2D spawnPos < (_minDist*0.75)} count allPlayers == 0) exitWith {
          zUnit = zAmbientGroup createUnit [_ZedType,spawnPos,[],1,"NONE"];
    //Checking if zombie is dead or player moved too far
    {if (((player distance2D _x) > (_minDist+_maxDist)*1.5) || !(alive _x)) then {deleteVehicle _x}} forEach units zAmbientGroup;
    // Removing oldest waypoint
    while {(count (waypoints zAmbientGroup)) > 1} do {deleteWaypoint ((waypoints zAmbientGroup) select 0)};
    // Adding waypoint
    wp = zAmbientGroup addWaypoint [objPos,0]; 
    wp setWaypointSpeed "Full"; 
    wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; 
    wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";    
    sleep 10;


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  On 12/16/2016 at 8:00 AM, eststar said:

Can I get help? I changed acedamage.sqf file and zombie do damage to player by ace medical system.... but still zombie didn't kill the AI soldiers... sometimes dies for the fallen damage(even I make the knock back value to alll 0). Anyone can help me? I am using zombies with ace addon(and cba)

Try this solution by pyroflash from here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/182412-zombies-demons-46/?do=findComment&comment=3102808


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  On 12/24/2016 at 8:20 AM, bl2ck dog said:

Here's ambient zombies script.


//                                                       //
// Zombience.sqf                                         //
// Ambient Zombies Script for Ryan's Zombies and Demons  //
// by -CML-CaptainMittens, edit by Bl2ck Dog [3Para]     //
// v0.86                                                 //
//                                                       //
// Start from onPlayerRespawn.sqf                        //
//                                                       //

0 = [] spawn { 
  sleep 10;

  private ["_maxZeds","_minDist","_maxDist","_addMed","_ZedsSlow","_ZedsFast","_sZedsNum","_mZedsNum","_fastSlow","_ZedType","_plusX","_plusY"];
  _minDist = 50;
  _maxDist = 50;
  _addMed = 1;

  _ZedsSlow= ["RyanZombieC_man_1SlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_1_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_pilot_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_journalist_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_OrestesSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_NikosSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_2_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_4_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_5_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_6_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_p_fugitive_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_w_worker_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_scientist_FSlowOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_hunter_1_FSlowOpfor"];
  _ZedsFast = ["RyanZombieC_man_1MediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_1_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_pilot_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_journalist_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_OrestesMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_NikosMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_2_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_4_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_5_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_polo_6_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_p_fugitive_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_w_worker_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_scientist_FMediumOpfor","RyanZombieC_man_hunter_1_FMediumOpfor"];
  _sZedsNum = count _ZedsSlow;
  _mZedsNum = count _ZedsFast;
  zAmbientGroup = createGroup east;
  // Checking if player alive 
  while {alive player} do {

    // Checking if group is present
    if (isNull zAmbientGroup) then {zAmbientGroup = createGroup east};

    // Selecting number of zeds, more players - less zombies, too keep net load balanced.
    if ((count allPlayers) < 5) then {_maxZeds = 9 - (count allPlayers)} else {_maxZeds = 4};
    // Checking if limit reached
    if (count units zAmbientGroup < _maxZeds) then {	
      // Selecting type and position
      _fastSlow = (floor(random 3))+1;
      _ZedType = _ZedsSlow select (floor(random _sZedsNum ));

      if ( _fastSlow > 2 and _addMed == 1) then {
        _ZedType =_ZedsFast select (floor(random _mZedsNum ));

      _plusX = random 2;
      if (_plusX > 1) then {_plusX = 1};
      if (_plusX < 1) then {_plusX = -1};

      _plusY = random 2;
      if (_plusY > 1) then {_plusY = 1};
      if (_plusY < 1) then {_plusY = -1};

      _posX = (_minDist + random _maxDist) * _plusX;
      _posY = (_minDist + random _maxDist) * _plusY;

      while {true} do {
        //selecting position
        sleep 1;
        spawnPos = getPos player;
        spawnPos = [(spawnPos select 0) + _posX, (spawnPos select 1) + _posY,0];      
        objPos = getPos Player;
        // Spawning zombie
        if ({_x distance2D spawnPos < (_minDist*0.75)} count allPlayers == 0) exitWith {
          zUnit = zAmbientGroup createUnit [_ZedType,spawnPos,[],1,"NONE"];
    //Checking if zombie is dead or player moved too far
    {if (((player distance2D _x) > (_minDist+_maxDist)*1.5) || !(alive _x)) then {deleteVehicle _x}} forEach units zAmbientGroup;
    // Removing oldest waypoint
    while {(count (waypoints zAmbientGroup)) > 1} do {deleteWaypoint ((waypoints zAmbientGroup) select 0)};
    // Adding waypoint
    wp = zAmbientGroup addWaypoint [objPos,0]; 
    wp setWaypointSpeed "Full"; 
    wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; 
    wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";    
    sleep 10;



Seriously this should be quoted once a day.

....throwing cookies.


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I took a break from ARMA for a few months, but am now back, and gone straight back into Zombieland haha..


The exploding heads are wicked. I will be donating soon by way of thanks, please keep up the great work!


I saw this question asked recently but I don't think it was answered. Please accept my apologies if this has already been covered. 


Can the mod be configured so Zeds spawn around the player, rather than at set module locations?


Also, can it be configured so that Zeds spawn inside houses only?






Edit: to clarify, I know you can configure so the zeds are triggered by player presence, however in order to create a wide-ranging effect across a large map, I think you need to place numerous modules dotted around. So having one mod synced to the player might be a less crunchy way to create that effect. Just a thought.


Also, regarding deletion settings, I had a thought. What do you think about having a setting that deletes live zeds if x distance away from the player, but a different one that deleted dead zeds (if you know what I mean) perhaps at a lesser distance. 



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  On 1/9/2017 at 7:15 PM, reggaeman007jah said:

I took a break from ARMA for a few months, but am now back, and gone straight back into Zombieland haha..


The exploding heads are wicked. I will be donating soon by way of thanks, please keep up the great work!


I saw this question asked recently but I don't think it was answered. Please accept my apologies if this has already been covered. 


Can the mod be configured so Zeds spawn around the player, rather than at set module locations?


Also, can it be configured so that Zeds spawn inside houses only?






Edit: to clarify, I know you can configure so the zeds are triggered by player presence, however in order to create a wide-ranging effect across a large map, I think you need to place numerous modules dotted around. So having one mod synced to the player might be a less crunchy way to create that effect. Just a thought.


Also, regarding deletion settings, I had a thought. What do you think about having a setting that deletes live zeds if x distance away from the player, but a different one that deleted dead zeds (if you know what I mean) perhaps at a lesser distance. 




We don't include modules for most of what you're describing regarding the spawn stuff. But you should keep in mind that our zombie AIs are very similar to regular AIs.

I bet you can find scripts that make enemy AI spawn inside houses, on these forums, if you apply those same scripts on Z&D AI, there's a good chance it'll work flawlessly.


Back in the "old" gamelogic days one could attach a zombie spawner logic to the player and it'd continuously spawn zombies around the player. Unfortunately that won't work anymore in the current released version.

For now I recommend writing or finding your own scripts to make zombies spawn around the player continuously. I'll take it as a suggestion though :)


The current deletion module indeed deletes alive/dead zombies if x distance away from any player. We have a module setting that allows dead zombie bodies to be deleted after a predetermined interval, not on distance.

For distance I'd recommend using the ArmA 3 engine-incorporated garbage collector (corpse/wreck manager in description.ext)


Kind regards,


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first of all great job on that zombie mod Ryan + Team and also great job on that spawner script -CML-CaptainMittens and bl2ck dog ! works really good so far.


I am still in the beginning to learn how to write scripts and I tried my best to improve the script for my own needs. Maybe someone finds it useful or can maybe find a bug in my code:


So i made me 2 markers attached to the soldier which represent the Minimum Distance to Spawn 75m (" _minDist = 150")  and the Maximum Distance to Spawn 100m ( " _minDist = 150 + _maxDist = 50 = 200 ). (because of distance2d its only 1/2 i guess)

The numbers represent live markers of the zombies.




So the zombies only spawn in the red square and not in the blue one(_minDist). (number 7 walked in the blue circle after spawning).


The problem:If you keep on running straight North, West, East or South you can more or less outrun the zombies, as they will never spawn in front of you.


So I am still new to scripting but I tried to fix it on my own and this is how it looks like now:


You can see the zombies now spawn in every direction from the player and not only in the corners.


here is the code, v1: http://pastebin.com/qQbETJbw


- added line 32 (check if player is not in a chopper)

- changed line 61-78 for the "spawn in all directions".




Again, great job on the script, its really well written from what I can say as beginner.

I added support for a "protection_zone" marker, so you can have a base without zombies spawn inside of it.

It works the way that it stops spawning zombies when the player enters the protection_zone. So my zone is 500x500m. So with a maximum spawn range of 100m this means when the player is at the edge of the protection_zone the zombies are gonna spawn up to 100m inside this 500m protection_zone. But they will never be able to spawn inside the "skin-colored" square you can see in the picture below. 


(the black square is the deletion range((_minDist+_maxDist)*1.5)); so 150m in my case. So if zombie leaves the black area around player, it gets deleted)



This of course does not mean there is a 100% protection from zombies:

a couple of them might get actually lured inside the "skin-colored" square of the protection zone(lets call it base-centre)  by just following the player or hearing gunshots from inside. But there is no chance they can actually spawn inside the skin colored "base-centre".


So pretty "realistic" (Hello Zombies? ;-) ) I guess and you can basically lower the chance by making the protection zone bigger or the maximum spawn distance lower.

here is the code v2: http://pastebin.com/eyCHy13e


If you really want 100% safety, just create a trigger in the "base-centre" that deletes the zombies that follow you into the base. (hide the despawn with a wall around base-centre or so).






- I think i spammed this thread enough, so If some1 is interested in v3 or newer, just drop me a pm

- discovered a flaw :

 there is no crosscheck between zombie deletion. this means the zombies player1 spawns, can despawn even if they are right next to player2. it only checks if player1 is further away than distance X.


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Hey guys,


Happy to see the improvements being made to the script. 

A little backstory on the script which might explain a few things.  This was really a quick and dirty solution to try to work around some of the early short comings of the mod.  I originally  wrote it to be used in a single short co-op mission I had where players played "civillians" who were caught in the initial outbreak of the zombie appocalypse.  So they were all over a city and were trying to make their way to a military evac point.  The city was very dense, and the zombies were having a hard time path finding around in all the buildings, and the server was having a hard time keeping the zombies moving.  I've found that in urban environments, like Kavala, even 20 zeds starts to cause stuttering of their movement.  So the idea was to have the players locally spawn their own zombies and distribute the AI load similar to the way headless clients do.


AS for the script itself, I'm a programmer professionally, but at the time I was a total noob at arma scripting, so I'm sure there's some stuff that could be done more efficiently.


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hmmm not sure if im doing something wrong, but when i enable zombies attacking civilians, they wont attack civilians inside vehicles.

did i missed something or is it a bug ?

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  On 1/22/2017 at 2:48 PM, lato190 said:

hmmm not sure if im doing something wrong, but when i enable zombies attacking civilians, they wont attack civilians inside vehicles.

did i missed something or is it a bug ?




I believe that is a known bug, yes.


Kind regards,


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Great mod Ryan! I Love it :)

I'm trying to make short machinima with the mod. But I've encountered  small problem in my scene. How do I make zombies walk in the middle not on the side of the road? I have almost no experience in Arma scripting but I've tried disableAI, waypoints and waypoint module with no luck. They (zombies) are walking on the side of the road or sometimes the just stand still. I used OPFOR zombies (3 large hordes of walkers) and in the middle of the road there is civilian (hiddenObject) used for camera (BIS_fnc_cameraOld).


Best regards


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I hve installed ACE 3 and Ryanzombies but with ACE3 the Zombs doesnt make any dmg to players...is there any fix?

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  On 1/24/2017 at 3:03 PM, eisenmaik said:

I hve installed ACE 3 and Ryanzombies but with ACE3 the Zombs doesnt make any dmg to players...is there any fix?

I have also noticed the same thing, but I don't think there is much the ACE team can about this.

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hi first thanks you for this mod is just epic but can make the zobie walk auto random around please because the zombie don't know wher she must walk if we do not set a waypont or detect player i think he must random walk around for make mor intersting mod and make it more survival mod like warz or dayz where zombie walk aorund randomly . so thanks you for read and take my feedback

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