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Donald Flatulence

How to turn init code in to a script?

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Hi all,

I'm still getting acquainted with scripting, I have this code placed in the init box of a grouped unit, which works perfectly.

_x doMove getpos Attack;   
_x setspeedmode "FULL";   
_x setbehaviour "SAFE";   
_x setskill ["spotDistance",0.1];   
_x setskill ["spotTime",0.1];   
_x setskill ["courage",1];   
_x setskill ["commanding",0.1];
_x setskill ["general",0.1];
}forEach units group this;

However when I move the units in zeus or spawn more, the effect of this code is (of course) cancelled, so I was hoping to turn this into script such as

if (_x side == "EAST") then {
_x doMove getpos Attack;   
_x setspeedmode "FULL";   
_x setbehaviour "SAFE";   
_x setskill ["spotDistance",0.1];   
_x setskill ["spotTime",0.1];   
_x setskill ["courage",1];   
_x setskill ["commanding",0.1];
_x setskill ["general",0.1];
} forEach allUnits 

I know the script is successfully called as I added a line to create a hint which showed in game, however the AI simply remains still. Ideally this would actually be a "while" loop that repeated so any movement of units using zeus, or addition of new units, would still allow the same commands to be applied. The script was being called from the init.sqf.

Any help would be much appreciated, as always.

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This should work for you.

Basically what this script does is to set the AI skills etc on mission statup, but then every 30 seconds checks to see if there's any more added/spawned units. If so then gives them the same settings.

Save it as ConfigAI.sqf and put this in your init.sqf

[] execVM "ConfigAI.sqf";


// ConfigAI Skills script
// By Beerkan beta 0.97
//Client/Server Check
if (!isServer) exitWith {};

ConfigUnits = {
        _unit = _this select 0;
        _unit setskill ['aimingAccuracy',(0.3 + random 0.3)];
        _unit setskill ['aimingShake',(0.3 + random 0.3)];
        _unit setskill ['aimingSpeed',(0.3 + random 0.3)];
        _unit setskill ['commanding',(0.3 + random 0.3)];
        _unit setskill ['courage',1];
//        _unit setskill ['endurance',(0.3 + random 0.5)];// No longer used in ArmA3
        _unit setskill ['general',(0.3 + random 0.4)];
        _unit setskill ['reloadSpeed',(0.3 + random 0.2)];
        _unit setskill ['spotDistance',(0.3 + random 0.2)];
        _unit setskill ['spotTime',(0.3 + random 0.2)];
        _unit allowfleeing 0;
  // Now filter for only East units,
	{ if (side _x isEqualTo EAST && _x IsKindof 'Man') then {[_x] spawn ConfigUnits}
		else {if (side _x isEqualTo EAST) then {{[_x] call ConfigUnits} forEach crew _x};};
	} forEach allUnits;

  // Now save this array of units for later use
    _CheckedUnits = allUnits;
  // We now have all Units that started on the map with configured with our new settings.
  // We can now set up a loop to monitor for anything new being created
  // in this case every 30 seconds
	while {true} do
	// this variable will contain any new units that were not included on a previous loop
		_NewUnits = [];
	// Remove checked Units from the updated Unit array to create a list of new Units
		_NewUnits = allUnits - _CheckedUnits;
	// Now only do the following if there are new units found.
		if (count _NewUnits > 0) then 
				{ if (side _x isEqualTo EAST && _x IsKindof 'Man') then {[_x] spawn ConfigUnits}
					else {if (side _x isEqualTo EAST) then {{[_x] call ConfigUnits} forEach crew _x};};
				} forEach _NewUnits;
	composeText [parsetext format["<t size='1.5' align='left' color='#ffffff'>There are <t color='#00ff00'>%1 <t color='#ffffff'>new units found and <t color='#ff0000'>%2 <t color='#ffffff'>Checked Units",count _NewUnits,count _CheckedUnits]] remoteExec ["hint"];// Debug
		_CheckedUnits append _NewUnits;
		sleep 30;
Edited by Beerkan
Added remoteExec hint for debuging reasons.

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Thanks to you both, Beerkan as your script will loop its exactly what I needed!

There was me thinking "Oh I'm sure I can work this out by myself..."

Any way, thanks again.

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Beerkan, your AI config script seems like exactly what I need for my community, and your comments make it really easy to adjust and follow along with what's happening. Thank you for making this available. For reasons unknown, I cannot get it to work on my group's server. I re-commented the debugging hint to make sure, and the hint never comes up. Does the script work for everyone else? Is it possible something in the game has changed since you put this together back in 2015 that would cause it to not work? Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer!


EDIT: Sorry I didn't mention this sooner, but the hint does appear when I test in single player.

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14 hours ago, diehardfc said:

Beerkan, your AI config script seems like exactly what I need for my community, and your comments make it really easy to adjust and follow along with what's happening. Thank you for making this available. For reasons unknown, I cannot get it to work on my group's server. I re-commented the debugging hint to make sure, and the hint never comes up. Does the script work for everyone else? Is it possible something in the game has changed since you put this together back in 2015 that would cause it to not work? Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer!


EDIT: Sorry I didn't mention this sooner, but the hint does appear when I test in single player.


I do believe hintSilent does not work on mp as i tried it out myself, change it to hint

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7 hours ago, BlacKnightBK said:

I do believe hintSilent does not work on mp as i tried it out myself, change it to hint

Dang it, that didn't do the trick. Good thought, though.

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Guys, I've replace hintSilent with hint composetext to help with debug.


See my changes above.

This should now work in MP as expected and show you checked units on startup, and newly spawned units if found.


Remove the hint composetext line when you have the script working for you.

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9 hours ago, diehardfc said:

Dang it, that didn't do the trick. Good thought, though.

Sorry, I totally remember now.


I have no idea why, but the only way it actually worked with me is after i did this:

_title  = "<t color='#ff0000' size='2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>New Main Mission</t>";
    _text   = "<br /><t color='#0000ff' size='1.2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>Attention Soldiers, you have a new available mission. Read the breifing and await orders from HQ on how to proceed.</t>";

    hint parseText (_title+_text);
    sleep 10;
    hint "";

Basically, I had to assign the text I needed to a variable and then I put in the hint as you see above. I know it is kind of torture but if that does not work for you I have no idea what would.

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Hmm, once again hint composeText works fine when tested in single player, but when pushed up to our dedicated server, no hints appear. Could there be a server setting preventing this from running?

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53 minutes ago, diehardfc said:

Hmm, once again hint composeText works fine when tested in single player, but when pushed up to our dedicated server, no hints appear. Could there be a server setting preventing this from running?


I have no idea how to help you mate, works perfectly fine for me. As a matter of fact, my issue is how to make sure the hint only appears to a certain player only. Did write a conditional code however have not yet tried it

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Another solution, initializes units in background (including created during mission progress):

// in init.sqf
if (isServer) then {
	[]spawn {
			if (_x isKindof "Man" and {_x getVariable ["NotInitiallized", true]}) then {
				_x setVariable ["NotInitiallized", false];
				if (side _x == EAST) then {
					_x setspeedmode "FULL";
					_x setbehaviour "SAFE";
					_x setskill ["spotDistance",0.1];
					_x setskill ["spotTime",0.1];
					_x setskill ["courage",1];
					_x setskill ["commanding",0.1];
					_x setskill ["general",0.1];
			sleep 0.01
		} forEach allUnits;
		sleep 1.0


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11 hours ago, diehardfc said:

Hmm, once again hint composeText works fine when tested in single player, but when pushed up to our dedicated server, no hints appear.

Due to it being on a dedicated and the script only runs on the server

if ( !isServer ) exitwith {

you would need to remoteExec the Hint.


Here is a rewrite I done of Beerkans script that self initialises from CfgFunctions.

All settings can be found in \BKN\setUnitSkills\settings.hpp. Where..

  • you can set what sides to apply skill and allowFleeing settings on
  • separate settings for each side
  • set time between checks
  • whether debug info is available
  • if in MP debug is reserved only to flagged admins (via UID), in SP its always granted to the player if debug mode is available

Tested in SP, MP and on dedicated.

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2 hours ago, Larrow said:

Due to it being on a dedicated and the script only runs on the server

if ( !isServer ) exitwith {

you would need to remoteExec the Hint.


Here is a rewrite I done of Beerkans script that self initialises from CfgFunctions.

All settings can be found in \BKN\setUnitSkills\settings.hpp. Where..

  • you can set what sides to apply skill and allowFleeing settings on
  • separate settings for each side
  • set time between checks
  • whether debug info is available
  • if in MP debug is reserved only to flagged admins (via UID), in SP its always granted to the player if debug mode is available

Tested in SP, MP and on dedicated.


ah, probably works for me fine then because my script is launched from the server init?

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On 2/16/2017 at 9:39 AM, Larrow said:

Here is a rewrite I done of Beerkans script that self initialises from CfgFunctions.

Tested in SP, MP and on dedicated.

This is clean, beautiful and easy to use - thank you for sharing! My unit has recently started using headless clients, which I'm learning can cause some challenges when it comes to locality. Are you able to say if your script would work for a server using headless clients? I'm guessing yes if the skills are changed before the handoff to the HC, but if the unit is handed off to the HC before the script runs, I wonder if it will work.

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1 hour ago, diehardfc said:

Are you able to say if your script would work for a server using headless clients?

It should be fine, although I have not personally checked HC, but the setUnitSkills function is called via remoteExec to where the unit is local.

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On 3/24/2017 at 4:11 PM, Larrow said:

It should be fine, although I have not personally checked HC, but the setUnitSkills function is called via remoteExec to where the unit is local.

You're not obliged to troubleshoot this, Larrow, but I would be very grateful if you might lend your expertise to this issue I'm experiencing. I don't think it's related to the headless clients I mentioned. The problem I'm having is that I simply can't get your script to run on my community's dedicated server. It works in a single player mission I built, albeit with some errors related to fn_handleDebugClient.sqf. In single player, I see the debug window and have the scroll wheel menu actions available. I'm also able to place units as Zeus and check their skills and they are definitely adjusted. But, despite entering (and double checking) my player ID into the BKN_Admins field of the settings.hpp, I get nothing when I PBO the file and send it up to the dedicated server. For safety, I checked, and I've got the classCfgFunctions and the #include for settings in the description.ext. Can you think of why it might not work? I saw something in fn_addAdminAction.sqf about remoteExec and a line of commented out code. Do I need to adjust that because it's a dedicated server? Thank you in advance if you can help out!


EDIT: I apologize for not testing more thoroughly, but it turns out this script IS running. I placed units as Zeus and opened their Skill settings and they all changed in accordance with the script. And no changebacks or errors when handed off the headless client! There's just no debug output. I suppose the debug info would be useful, but I'm not too worried bout it everything else is working.

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If I were interested in applying the AI skill changes to both OPFOR and INDEP, could I use the "or" function like this:

{ if (side _x isEqualTo EAST or RESISTANCE && _x IsKindof 'Man') then {[_x] spawn ConfigUnits}
	else {if (side _x isEqualTo EAST or RESISTANCE) then {{[_x] call ConfigUnits} forEach crew _x};}; 
} forEach allUnits;

Or do I need special nesting? What if I was willing to apply it to all AI, regardless of side?

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(   (side _x isEqualTo EAST or side _x isEqualTo RESISTANCE) && ...

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Hey guys, trying to use parts of this for a function that changes the loadout of AI when they are spawned in, problem is I cant get the units that have already been changed to be excluded. Im trying to append and use the set/get variable but its changing all the units everytime. I think it's a scope issue? What do you guys think?


my init.sqf:

// detect and change all units on map
private _units = allUnits select {!isPlayer _x && { alive _x } && !(_x getVariable ["CB_VAR_PAINTED",false])};    
        [_x] spawn CB_fnc_factionConfig;
        _x setVariable ["CB_VAR_PAINTED",true,true];
	} forEach _units;
uiSleep 1;

private _checkedUnits = allUnits;

while {CB_CHECK_UNITS} do
	// this variable will contain any new units that were not included on a previous loop
		_NewUnits = [];
	// Remove checked Units from the updated Unit array to create a list of new Units
		_NewUnits = allUnits - _checkedUnits;
	// Now only do the following if there are new units found.
		if (count _NewUnits > 0) then 
				{ if (side _x isEqualTo WEST && _x IsKindof 'Man') then {[_x] spawn CB_fnc_factionConfig}
					else {if (side _x isEqualTo WEST) then {{[_x] call CB_fnc_factionConfig} forEach crew _x};}; _x setVariable ["CB_VAR_PAINTED",true,true];
				} forEach _NewUnits; _checkedUnits append _NewUnits;
	 hint composeText [parsetext format["<t size='1.5' align='left' color='#ffffff'>There are <t color='#00ff00'>%1 <t color='#ffffff'>new units found and <t color='#ff0000'>%2 <t color='#ffffff'>Checked Units",count _NewUnits,count _checkedUnits]];// Debug
		sleep 30;


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_newUnits is just allUnits - _checkedUnits ... but _checkedUnits is also allUnits ...  further more, your variable _units seems to be useless.


If I'm right you want to treat edited units and the spawned ones.

An event handler is usually better than a loop. Here, the easy way is to treat in two parts, in init.sqf:


{ _x spawn ...} forEach allUnits;    // or add a filter: ... forEach (allUnits select {!isplayer _x}) (alive _x is useless with allUnits)

addMissionEventHandler ["EntityCreated", {
   params ["_entity"];
  if (_entity isKindOf "CAManBase") then { do something on _entity};


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An event handler is usually better than a loop.


Holy smokes, event handlers... of course. It was one of those situations where you stare at the same code/script for 2 days and it just melts your brain and you forget about simple things. Thanks for the wake up pierremgi!

Still not working though. I have the set up like yours as I agree that an EH is better for the goal, but it still changes all units whenever an entity is created. Should I use _x setVariable on them somehow? Although I tried that many ways already with no luck



private _mapUnits = allUnits select {!isPlayer _x};    
{[_x] call CB_fnc_factionConfig;} forEach _mapUnits;
uiSleep 1;

addMissionEventHandler ["EntityCreated", {
   params ["_entity"];
  if (_entity isKindOf "CAManBase") then {[_entity] call CB_fnc_factionConfig;};


When I spawn a unit(s) every one in the world gets the function applied again, except player and dead bodies. How would I exclude those previous units and only run it on newly spawned/created?


// handles
private _unit = _this select 0;
if (isPlayer _unit) exitWith {};

// all get naked
removeAllWeapons _unit;
removeAllItems _unit;
removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
removeUniform _unit;
removeVest _unit;
removeBackpack _unit;
removeHeadgear _unit;
removeGoggles _unit;
_unit unlinkItem hmd _unit;

	Factions can be one of the following
    East: "OPF_F" (CSAT), "OPF_G_F" (FIA), "OPF_T_F" (CSAT Tanoa)
    Guer: "IND_F" (AAF),  "IND_G_F" (FIA), "IND_C_F" (SYNDIKAT Tanoa)
    Civ: "CIV_F" (Civilians) 

{ if (faction _x isEqualTo 'BLU_F' && _x IsKindof 'Man') then {[_x] execVM 'scripts\loadouts\BLUFOR\NATO.sqf';}
		else {if (faction _x isEqualTo 'BLU_F') then {{[_x] execVM 'scripts\loadouts\BLUFOR\NATO.sqf'} forEach crew _x};};
} forEach allUnits;

Im thinking I need to add these into some exclusion array that I could use instead of allUnits at the end but I am not sure of how. For some clarity, the function should essentially re-dress any spawned unit via my function CB_fnc_factionConfig. In there it takes side and faction into account and executes a loadout from other scripts that have switch/case/do for assigned classnames. 

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 {_x .... } forEach allUnits;

is OK at start, on server only (no need to re-run that at each JIP)

Note: For MP scenario, you must check if your sqf are ok for all commands with global effect GE . Multiplayer needs more attention for many things. See multiplayer threads.

and https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_Scripting


Once in MEH "entityCreated", just use _entity for all you want to do. As there are plenty of different entities (objects like rabbits, projectiles,...), you need to filter. For example:

if (faction _entity isEqualTo "BLU_F" && {_entity isKindOf "CAManBase"}) then { [_entity] execVM "scripts\loadouts\BLUFOR\NATO.sqf"};

Here, you check for faction, which is a strong filter, then (lazy evaluation) you filter only unit ("CAManBase", because rabbits & snakes are "man") and you skip the vehicles of the faction.

Note: execVMing an sqf is not the best way for performance saving, because you're recompiling the same code again and again. Create a function instead and call or spawn it. (there threads about that and BIKI is your friend).




especially : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Functions_Library



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Spot on it's working good now, thank you for your help! I will post some of it below for anyone who wants to take it and run with it, or make it more efficient as I take the painstaking brute force approach lol. Right now its 3x seperate functions. I think its a very lightweight and effective way to basically make your own "faction" with what Arma 3 gives you plus working in hidden textures. I have never been fully satisfied with vanilla A3 factions especially with the FIA, who in my mind should be scaled down akin to armed civilians, and I wanted some randomness. So Arma 3 being the best platform ever and with the help of the community I have it. You guys rock!



// detect and change all editor placed units 
private _mapUnits = allUnits select {!isPlayer _x && _x isKindOf "CAManBase"};    
{[_x] call CB_fnc_factionConfig;} forEach _mapUnits;

// add MEH to catch anything spawned
CB_MEH_factions = addMissionEventHandler ["EntityCreated", {
   params ["_entity"];

  if (_entity IsKindof 'CAManBase') then {[_entity] spawn CB_fnc_factionConfig};


CB_fnc_factionConfig - directs the units to their assigned loadout function with a if/then. As many or as little as you need. Next I will post my FIA example

	Name: factionConfig  
	Author: Raider
	Description: Removes AI equipment when spawned/detected and assigns a pre-defined loadout function based on faction. Used pieces of code from Beerkan / Larrow / pierremgi / Bohemia fourms
    ------> https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/180646-list-of-all-hidden-texture-inits/
    ------> https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/182390-how-to-turn-init-code-in-to-a-script/?tab=comments#comment-3528029
	Known issues: Nothing for vehicles/aircraft. Naked units on the battlefield is your debug
	Factions can be one of the following
    West: "BLU_F" (NATO), "BLU_T_F" (NATO Pacific), "BLU_W_F" (NATO Woodland), "BLU_G_F" (FIA), "BLU_CTRG_F" (CTRG), BLU_GEN_F (BLUFOR Police)
    East: "OPF_F" (CSAT), "OPF_G_F" (FIA), "OPF_T_F" (CSAT Tanoa), "OPF_R_F" (Spetznaz), "OPF_GEN_F" (OPFOR Police)
    Guer: "IND_F" (AAF),  "IND_E_F", (LDF) "IND_G_F" (FIA), "IND_C_F" (SYNDIKAT Tanoa), "IND_L_F" (Looters)
    Civ: "CIV_F" (Civilians), "CIV_IDAP_F" (IDAP)
    helpful -> if (faction _unit isEqualTo "FACTION AS A STRING" && _unit IsKindof 'CAManBase') then {YOUR SCRIPT/FUNCTION GOES HERE};

// handles
private _unit = _this select 0;
if (isPlayer _unit) exitWith {};

//ignore special units with this variable

// factions to re-paint
if (faction _unit isEqualTo "BLU_F" && _unit IsKindof 'CAManBase') then {[_unit] spawn CB_fnc_loadout_BLUFORnato};          // standard NATO
if (faction _unit isEqualTo "BLU_CTRG_F" && _unit IsKindof 'CAManBase') then {[_unit] spawn CB_fnc_loadout_BLUFORspecops};  // CTRG
if (faction _unit isEqualTo "BLU_G_F" && _unit IsKindof 'CAManBase') then {[_unit] spawn CB_fnc_loadout_BLUFORion};         // FIA as IoN security
if (faction _unit isEqualTo "OPF_F" && _unit IsKindof 'CAManBase') then {[_unit] spawn CB_fnc_loadout_OPFORcsat};           // standard CSAT
if (faction _unit isEqualTo "OPF_R_F" && _unit IsKindof 'CAManBase') then {[_unit] spawn CB_fnc_loadout_OPFORspecops};      // Spetznaz as Viper guys
if (faction _unit isEqualTo "IND_G_F" && _unit IsKindof 'CAManBase') then {[_unit] spawn CB_fnc_loadout_INDFORfia};         // standard FIA
if (faction _unit isEqualTo "IND_C_F" && _unit IsKindof 'CAManBase') then {[_unit] spawn CB_fnc_loadout_INDFORspecops};     // Syndikat as common criminals
if (faction _unit isEqualTo "CIV_F" && _unit IsKindof 'CAManBase') then {[_unit] spawn CB_fnc_loadout_CIV};                 // standard civ's

CB_fnc_loaddout_INDFORfia - Inside one of the loadouts, defined arrays and other miscellanious commands you can tweak or change. The end is the switch/case to get detailed control over individual classnames. Its ugly and painstaking but, it works!

	Name: INDFORfia 
	Author: Raider
	Description: Custom loadout function 
	Known issues: Nothing for vehicles/aircraft 
    Helpful code:
    selectRandomWeighted ["STRING", #, "STRING", #, "STRING", #]
    bluforUnit linkItem "NVGoggles"             
    opforUnit linkItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR"
    independentUnit linkItem "NVGoggles_INDEP"
    addPrimaryWeaponItem "weapon attachment"
    addHandgunItem "weapon attachment"

// debug
// systemChat "FIA function worked";

// handles 
private _unit = _this select 0;
private _side = side _unit;
private _unitType = typeOf _unit;

/* not used for FIA
// skills
_unit allowfleeing 0; // 0 = will never run away
_unit setskill ['aimingAccuracy',(0.3 + random 0.3)];
_unit setskill ['aimingShake',(0.3 + random 0.3)];
_unit setskill ['aimingSpeed',(0.3 + random 0.3)];
_unit setskill ['commanding',(0.3 + random 0.3)];
_unit setskill ['courage',1]; // 1 = John Wick (I was gonna say John Wayne but thats too old) 
_unit setskill ['general',(0.3 + random 0.4)];
_unit setskill ['reloadSpeed',(0.3 + random 0.3)];
_unit setskill ['spotDistance',(0.2 + random 0.3)];
_unit setskill ['spotTime',(0.2 + random 0.3)];

// modifiers
_unit setUnitTrait ["audibleCoef", 0]; // 0 = silent ninja
_unit setUnitTrait ["camouflageCoef", 0]; // 0 = ghost assassin
_unit setUnitTrait ["loadCoef", 0]; // 0 = super human

// all get naked
removeAllWeapons _unit;
removeAllItems _unit;
removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
removeUniform _unit;
removeVest _unit;
removeBackpack _unit;
removeHeadgear _unit;
removeGoggles _unit;
_unit unlinkItem hmd _unit;
sleep 0.1;

/* if you want to change ethnicity (European CSAT or Tanoan LDF for example), or give recon units camo faces
_faces = selectRandom
_unit setFace _faces;

_reconFaces = selectRandom

_uniforms =  selectRandomWeighted
        "U_I_L_Uniform_01_tshirt_black_F",  .5,
        "U_I_L_Uniform_01_tshirt_olive_F",  .5,
        "U_I_L_Uniform_01_tshirt_skull_F",  .5,
        "U_I_L_Uniform_01_tshirt_sport_F",  .5,
        "U_C_Mechanic_01_F",    .5,
        "U_C_Poor_1",   .5,
        "U_IG_Guerilla1_1", .45,
        "U_IG_Guerilla1_2_F",   .45,
        "U_C_Uniform_Farmer_01_F",  .45,
        "U_I_C_Soldier_Bandit_2_F", .4,
        "U_I_C_Soldier_Bandit_5_F", .4,
        "U_C_Man_casual_4_F",   .35,
        "U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour",  .35,
        "U_C_E_LooterJacket_01_F",  .35

_unit forceAddUniform _uniforms;

//hidden textures
_fiaFatigues = selectRandom

// chance to be cool 
_coolGuy = [1, 10] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; 
if ((uniform _unit) == "U_IG_Guerilla1_1" && _coolGuy > 5) then 
        {_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0, _fiaFatigues]; _unit setobjectTextureGlobal [1, "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.33,0.31,0.24,0.3)"];
            if (random 1 > 0.5) then 
                    _unit setobjectTextureGlobal [1, "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.33,0.31,0.24,0.3)"]; //Olive pants and boots
            if (random 1 < 0.5) then 
                    _unit setobjectTextureGlobal [1, "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.3)"]; //Black pants and boots

//hidden textures
_farmerSlacks = selectRandom 

if ((uniform _unit) == "U_C_Uniform_Farmer_01_F") then {_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0, _farmerSlacks]};

sleep 0.5;

_vests = selectRandom 
_unit addVest _vests;

_leaderVest = selectRandom 

_headgear = selectRandom     
_unit addHeadGear _headgear;

// chance for no headgear
_bald = [1, 10] call BIS_fnc_randomInt;
if (_bald > 5) then {removeHeadgear _unit};

//Leader gets sniper bait
if ((leader group _unit) isEqualto _unit) then {_unit addHeadGear "H_Bandanna_khk_hs";};

_mask = selectRandomWeighted 
_unit addGoggles _mask;

// chance for no facewear 
_lame = [1, 10] call BIS_fnc_randomInt;
if (_lame < 5) then {removeGoggles _unit};

_authorizedEyePro = selectRandom ["G_Shades_Black", "G_Shades_Red"];
_authorizedSmallBag = selectRandom ["B_AssaultPack_dgtl", "B_Messenger_Black_F", "B_Messenger_Coyote_F"];
_authorizedMediumBag = selectRandom ["B_Kitbag_sgg", "B_TacticalPack_ocamo"];
_authorizedLargeBag = selectRandom ["B_Carryall_cbr", "B_Carryall_taiga_F"];

sleep 0.5;

// equipment common to all
_unit linkItem "ItemWatch";
_unit addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit";

/* nvgs not used for FIA 
// _giveNVGs = sunOrMoon;
// if (_giveNVGs < 1) then {_unit linkItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR";};
// if (_giveNVGs > 1) then {_unit addGoggles _authorizedEyePro};
// _unit assignItem 'acc_flashlight';  

// basic weapons
_Gweapon = selectRandom 

_Gbeltfed = selectRandom 


test with a small team first to get a feel for the vibe
I_G_Soldier_F - rifle
I_G_Soldier_TL_F - team lead
I_G_Soldier_AR_F - auto
I_G_Soldier_A_F - ammo bearer
I_G_Soldier_GL_F - grenadier
I_G_Soldier_SL_F - squad leader


// second chance for clothes
if ((uniform _unit) == "") then {_unit forceAddUniform _uniforms};
sleep 0.5;

// class specific
switch _side do {

	case independent: {
		switch _unitType do {

			case "I_G_Soldier_F": {
			[_unit, _Gweapon , 6] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
            _unit addItemToVest "HandGrenade";
			case "I_G_Soldier_TL_F": {
			[_unit, _Gweapon , 4] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
            _unit linkItem "ItemRadio";
            _unit addItemToVest "HandGrenade";
            _unit addItemToVest "SmokeShellYellow";
			case "I_G_Soldier_AR_F": {
            [_unit, _Gbeltfed, 5] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
            _unit addBackPack _authorizedSmallBag;
            _unit addItemToVest "HandGrenade";
			case "I_G_Soldier_A_F": {

			[_unit, _Gweapon , 4] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
            _unit addBackPack _authorizedLargeBag;
            _unit addItemToVest "HandGrenade";
            _unit addItemToBackpack "SmokeShellYellow";
            for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToBackpack "Chemlight_yellow";};
			for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToBackpack "HandGrenade";};
            for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_unit addItemToBackpack "30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F";};
            for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_unit addItemToBackpack "30Rnd_762x39_Mag_Green_F";};
            for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_unit addItemToBackpack "75Rnd_762x39_Mag_F";};
            for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_unit addItemToBackpack "75Rnd_762x39_Mag_Tracer_F";};
            for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_unit addItemToBackpack "200Rnd_556x45_Box_F";};
            for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_unit addItemToBackpack "30Rnd_580x42_Mag_Tracer_F";};
			case "I_G_Soldier_SL_F": {
            _unit forceAddUniform "U_IG_leader";
            _unit addVest _leaderVest;
            _unit addWeapon "Binocular";
            _unit linkItem "ItemMap";
            _unit linkItem "ItemRadio";
            _unit addItemToVest "HandGrenade";
            _unit addItemToVest "SmokeShellYellow";
			[_unit, _Gweapon , 4] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
            case "I_G_Soldier_GL_F": {
            _40mm = selectRandom
            _unit addVest _40mm;
            [_unit, "arifle_CTAR_GL_blk_F", 4] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
            _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell";
            for "_i" from 1 to 6 do {_unit addItemToVest "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell";};

            case "SOMECLASS": {
            case "SOMECLASS": {
            case "SOMECLASS": {


			default {};

/* you could add weapon lights at night

_giveLights = sunOrMoon;
if (_giveLights < 1) then {_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; removeGoggles _unit};



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if (_unit IsKindOf "CAManBase") then {
  call {
    if (faction _unit isEqualTo "BLU_F") exitwith {[_unit] spawn CB_fnc_loadout_BLUFORnato}; // standard NATO
    if (faction _unit isEqualTo "BLU_CTRG_F") exitWith {[_unit] spawn CB_fnc_loadout_BLUFORspecops}; // CTRG
    if (faction _unit isEqualTo "BLU_G_F") exitWith {[_unit] spawn CB_fnc_loadout_BLUFORion}; // FIA as IoN security
    if (faction _unit isEqualTo "OPF_F") exitWith {[_unit] spawn CB_fnc_loadout_OPFORcsat}; // standard CSAT
    if (faction _unit isEqualTo "OPF_R_F") exitWith {[_unit] spawn CB_fnc_loadout_OPFORspecops}; // Spetznaz as Viper guys
    if (faction _unit isEqualTo "IND_G_F") exitWith {[_unit] spawn CB_fnc_loadout_INDFORfia}; // standard FIA
    if (faction _unit isEqualTo "IND_C_F") exitWith {[_unit] spawn CB_fnc_loadout_INDFORspecops}; // Syndikat as common criminals
    if (faction _unit isEqualTo "CIV_F") exitWith {[_unit] spawn CB_fnc_loadout_CIV};


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