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[CODE SNIPPET] Pull dead bodies out of vehicles

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Hey guys, been a while since I did a code snippet, so here's a new one. There's a lot of room for improvement, to be honest, I couldn't find a lot of the answers that I've been looking for in the configs for the past few days. Anyway, here's a video and the code is below that:


this addAction ["Remove Dead (TESTING)",
_veh = _this select 0;
_vehPos = getPos _veh;

_posDriverExit = _veh selectionPosition ("pos driver");
_posCommanderExit = _veh selectionPosition ("pos codriver");
_posCargoExit = _veh selectionPosition ("pos driver");

_posDriver = (driver _veh) worldToModel _vehPos;
_posCommander = (commander _veh) worldToModel _vehPos;
_posCargo = ((crew _veh ) select 0) worldToModel _vehPos;

_driverExitOffset = (_posDriverExit select 0) - (_posDriver select 0);

	if !(alive _x) then
		_deadPos = _x worldToModel _vehPos;
		if ((_deadPos select 0) > 0) then
			_deadPos set [0, (_deadPos select 0) + (abs _driverExitOffset)];
			_deadPos set [0, (_deadPos select 0) + (_driverExitOffset)];
		_deadExitPos = _x modelToWorld _deadPos;
		_deadExitPos set [1, (getPos _x) select 1];
		_x setPos _deadExitPos;
} forEach (crew _veh);
}, nil, 6, true, true, "({!alive _x} count (crew _target) > 0)"];

The condition in the action is still not working as I intended but I am incapable of caring any less about that.

Edited by DreadedEntity

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Nice one, Dreaded!

Just brainstorming, but this could use a different approach:

  • check if there's dead in a vehicle < 5 meters from you; check if you're to any specific veh's crew position (you can't remove a body from front passenger's pos if you're near the driver's door)
  • getDeadPositions of a vehicle; drawIcon3D above each (over the rooftop or somewhere else - visible)
  • when player's / unit's cursorTarget equals the drawIcon3D's created bounding-box (or smth), call the action
  • remove the dead body from a position which is associated with the particular activated drawIcon3D of a position

I guess this won't be of much help, I'm just disturbing myself :D

With this approach, you'll know the exact vehicle position you want to clear.

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Hey Inlesco, thanks for the feedback. I'll look into the method you described, I am exploring a few options at the moment. In fact, I've just written some new code and made a new video demonstrating it. It still has it's own kinks to smooth out, but I feel that progress is actually being made. Check the original post!

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SetPos command isn't working for me on any dead players in vehicles, but it works when they're out of vehicles.

I've got the position calculations correct, and if I replace _x with player, when executing the command, the player moves to the location where the body should be ejected to.

I've also used } forEach allDeadMen; as for my loop, and checked if the dead man is inside the crew so the object being selected is the dead body, and not the respawned player...


The problem I have is, I cannot move the dead body... anyone able to help?

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13 minutes ago, fn_Quiksilver said:

only way is to move another AI into the seat to push it out


So how do I create an invisible unit that gets in the vehicle and pushes the other players' corpses out?

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2 hours ago, fn_Quiksilver said:

only way is to move another AI into the seat to push it out

@fn_Quiksilver is correct.  See my short Fall From Vehicles script which does exactly that.


Here's the relevant snippet from that script.  _cvictim is the dead unit to be removed from vehicle.

            _cargoIndex = _veh getCargoIndex _cvictim;
            _grp = createGroup CIVILIAN;
            _invisibleDude = objnull;
            _invisibleDude = _grp createUnit ["C_man_polo_2_F_afro",[100,0,0],[],0,"NONE"];
            hideObjectGlobal _invisibleDude;
            _invisibleDude allowDamage False;
            _invisibleDude setCaptive True;
            _invisibleDude moveInCargo [_veh, _cargoIndex];
            deleteVehicle _invisibleDude;


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