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Lowlandswarrior RNLAF AH-64D Apache

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Actually, the Longbow version DOES display the tgts/contacts/obstacles, it's called C-Scope. It relays info from the FCR, TADS and GPS/INS to the HMD.

referenc picture: GXYU5Ae.png

Edited by geraldbolso1899

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Yup you're right. I just found it.

I stand corrected.

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Oh yeah while I'm at it reporting bugs n stuff, there is a slight issue with the pilot's IHADSS and the gunner view position. It works great except when it goes to full up, down, left or right lock, tehn the box inside disappears and I can't tell where my gunner is looking. Just wondering if that is on purpose?

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Its on purpose-ish. Game limitation doesn't let me apply it properly, but then again it's just a matter of asking your gunner where he's aiming at.

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Got some general feedback, not sure if it'll be helpful or not but I may as well note a few things down. None of these are major in any way, just my observations during a mission and after watching the footage.

1- The cannon sound is quite abrasive and a little too loud in my opinion, making it impossible to hear any transmissions or my gunner talking. Guncam footage has good examples of what it should sound a bit more like.

2- I'm not sure if this is on purpose, but I can't hear anyone outside of the aircraft and they can't hear me. This is just normal speaking, no radios.

3- I had a thought that could be cool to implement in the future. Instead of local voice chat within the cockpit, it would be nicer to have a sort of intercom radio. This would make it a little easier to hear my gunner when things get loud. Also I shouldn't be able to hear my gunner due to thick sheet of glass separating us, which would justify having a dedicated radio for the pilot and cpg. Alternatively, whatever is causing me to not be able to hear whatever is outside the aircraft and vice versa could be used to stop me being able to hear my cpg, and only a short wave radio be used. Just some thoughts

4- Finally I noticed whilst turning my head that the heading tap doesn't move to the direction I'm looking, but stays in the direction my nose is pointing. Is that how it's supposed to be? Makes finding and giving headings harder unless I turn the nose.

Edited by AtomicTim7

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Alright, thanks for taking the time to provide feedback!

Neptune might have some anwers and i might have some:

Assuming you are using Task Force Arrowhead Radio

1- You can reduce the volume of "effects" ingame to suit your needs, but either way it might be too loud as you say.

2- Neptune can answer this, but i think it's got to do with sound attenuation in the config.

3- You can use an alternate channel on the Long Range radio of the Helo or your hand held short range radio to fullfill that role.

4- The heading tape in the HMD provides the heading of the aircraft. I beleive the gunner is more often the guy calling out headings to use weapons than the pilot, so the gunner (who has the gun heading in the heads down view or TADS) can call out the heading and you can align the a/c to that heading with the info on the HMD.

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Thanks for answering. Yeah using TFAR.

Yeah tried reducing effects volume but it's still a little too loud.

In terms of the intercom, using a radio would cause me to hear my cpg twice, once over radio and once next to me, so maybe it could be a possibility for a future version way down the line?

Heading tape makes sense, just need to up communication with my cpg.

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There's a team speak plugin called volume control which lowers the volume when anyone's talking. I find it invaluable when in vehicles. There's also a mod for ArmA which let's you manually lower the game volume when needed, I forget the name sorry.

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A little update to let every one know exactly what we are working on and what to expect from version 1.00.


- Target boxes removed for non-longbow version

- HMD heading tape fixes

- Laser properly lined up with sensor

- Small fixes to Advanced Flight model when in ground-effect

- Damage model: now tanks can barely kill it with a salvo shot

- 30mm damage parameter

- 30mm sound effect and parameters


- Automatic switching from TRANS to CRUISE mode in HMD

- Turning wheels when taxing

- BAF Longbow AH1 variant

- USA Longbow variant

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This upcoming updated is well anticipated, I see you guys are starting to get many of the major milestones accomplished that you had set your sights on!!! I love watching projects like this come together. I have a question as well... i'm a jolly pilot but by no means a trained gunship commander. Do you plan on simulating the advanced flight model values to mimic the real world ''feel'' of the Apache? and do ou guys know if this is done with any of the community made helos up to this point or are they just aligned along a basic template that seems to be well leveled? I understand that the end of this question covers a very brod spectrum of information from several different authors, (was more directed towards kimi, since even the ones you havent contributed to the design of i'm confident in your opinion of what a helicopter of a certain size designed for a certain purpose might feel like) Thank You and am awaiting this 1.0 roll out with excitement

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At the moment the parameters I have access to are worked into the AFM Xml. Other changes are there to make it feel as much as possible as the real thing.

I have two former Apache instructors as collegues and I make a simulator run in the gunner seat once a year to keep current on their (new)capabilities.

So I have a littlebit of personal reference amd the two best testers I could wish for.

Sadly some parameter I need for the Xml are even not known for these experienced pilots. Neither I cam find them anywhere on the map.

I dont know if this all is being done for any other helo.

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I recorded a quick video of the translation bug I mentioned a few posts ago where elements of the HMD are not properly placed.

In this example I ask my gunner to focus his crosshair on a town I am looking at. The location of the crosshair on my HMD is shown as being no-where near the town, and moves when I move my head.

I am using TrackIR, don't know why anyone wouldn't :3

Could this be an issue with Kimi's HMD addon? If so should I send this over to that thread?

Hopefully this will help in any way.

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Thanks for reporting.

That issue is an engine limitation i must Copé with, basically the more you look to the sides, symbols are gonna "drag" behind. Anything within a 120 degree cone off the nose is pretty accurate.

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We're still working to get v1.0 done but due to work I was away for over 2 week so that will make me mis my end-of-july deadline.

Release will be somewhere halfway in august!

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Just keeping everyone up to speed:

We fixed some issues with the landing gear plus some Misc issues

Right now working on the following:

- Improvement of AFM xml file parameters

- US and BAF Variants

- Showcase mission

After this release there won't be an update for a while.

Anyone has any last minute suggestions? Now is your chance!

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In the latest, are AI pilots/gunners using Hellfires/more than just the gun now?

Awaiting release with baited breath!

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No and a littlebit of yes.

This mod is Multiplayer orientated so I disregarded any AI behaviour fore the sake of multiplayer realism.

But even if I did want to do that I would be forced to make hellfires lock on vehicles. Which is not the case IRL, except for the Lime hellfire variant, which comes with the Longbow variant that Ill add.

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Just keeping everyone up to speed:

We fixed some issues with the landing gear plus some Misc issues

Right now working on the following:

- Improvement of AFM xml file parameters

- US and BAF Variants

- Showcase mission

After this release there won't be an update for a while.

Anyone has any last minute suggestions? Now is your chance!

Canadian Version? :P I wish it where true. Oh well :D

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No sorry, my wildling friend from the untamed north.

Edited by 87th_Neptune

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the winning thing in this mod for me is the stabilized gun, omg why is that not a thing in the game by default. Only thing that needs to be done is have the gun zero onto the crosshair, so that way it auto-adjusts for the movement of the aircraft.

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Good find. That should be possible. Ill look into it.

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No and a littlebit of yes.

This mod is Multiplayer orientated so I disregarded any AI behaviour fore the sake of multiplayer realism.

But even if I did want to do that I would be forced to make hellfires lock on vehicles. Which is not the case IRL, except for the Lime hellfire variant, which comes with the Longbow variant that Ill add.

Which is a shame. Was hoping to use it with ALiVE as a CAS asset. Poop.

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v 1.0 Additions:
- Animated wheels when taxing

- Improved AFM behaviour

- MPSM and Flechettes rockets

- Camera shake for pilots when 30mm is fired

- IHADS Symbology automatically changes from Trans mode to Cruise mode when passing 60kts

- Ranging switched to 'AUTO' when laser is locked

- Missle Launch Warning system with direction indication (Bitchin betty)

- Improved damage/hit modelling

- BAF AH1 Apache Variant (With Longbow radar)​


- AI Won't attack with Hellfires (only laser targets)
- PNVS Turret does not follow head tracker
- PNVS Turret start in DTV mode (which it shouldnt have at all)
- Rockets and missiles don't follow pylon movement


Atomic Tim for​ scripting

UKSF for testing





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