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Arma 3 crash Ran out of memory

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I have 8 gigs of corsair vengance 1600mhz ram in my rig

and i have monitored the ram with different programs and it does not seem tu use near to 8 gigs ever, it has at most used 5gigabytes.

the crashes are highly irregular so its hard to see what happens excactly when it chraches. it has got me raging a couple of times.

but a hotfixlike fix would be nice untill i can order another stick of ram.

any comments or responses are appritiated.:yay::yay:

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Do you have page file set-up? At least I get out of memory when page file is disabled.

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I assume you're running a 64bit OS?

Well I assume too because he has seen 5 GB usage

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Only seen these where the pagefile is either off (some SSD guides recommend doing this for some reason) or is veeeery small.

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do NOT touch pagefile settings leave it on system managed size and tick on automatically manage pagefile size on all drives

you will run in a lot of troubles messing around with these settings

in case you have your system on a SSD set a system managed pagefile on a non ssd harddrive

do a memory diagnostic to make sure none of your memory sticks is broken or dead

your problem sounds like that you have a bad memory stick

Edited by maquez
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Hello guys, i have an serious Problem with Arma 3 since one or two weeks. Nearly every second time i start Arma the usage of my SSD(Arma3, Windows, Pagefile on it) bumps up to 95-100% constantly and the game is lagging like shit. I found out that an Arma3 Process which uses the pagefile causes the huge usage of the SSD. I already put the pagefile on an separate partition on my HDD but then the HDD is constantly at 100% usage. This does not happen everytime i start Arma, but nearly every second time. 

Does anyone have some suggestions for me? 

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Yeah Page File shouldn't be too low because the game seems to use it no matter what. At least I couldn't run the game much without a Page File and I've 8GB or memory.

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From what I've seen on my system:


Running client + server, client uses 2gigs, server 1-1.5 gigs ram according to Task Manager. But Arma 3 also caches a big load of memory.

It should be using 4.5 gigs of ram BUT I'm seeing 7 gigs used and after a while, game or server crashes (30 mins).

With bigger pagefile (Bigger than 4 gigs on HDD), ram usage is 5 gigs but very laggy. So I guess the game puts more data on pagefile and it stutters like crazy cause the game tries to load that data from HDD constantly.


Arma 3 might report 2 gigs of ram used (in Task Manager) but in reality it's double the amount.


Why do I run server + client? Much better performance in any mission I make/download.

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