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Favorite Location(s) for Battles/Missions etc.

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Hey guys, so I was just wondering if you guys have specific places you like to stage battles, play missions, start custom missions etc. I am looking to create a mission but am looking for a good place on any map whether it be Vanilla or AiATP to stage the mission.

So, do you have some favorite locations? If so, would you care to share?



P.S. If you have a specific location on a map the Grid Coordinates can be helpful instead of everyone trying to eyeball where you are talking about. :D

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Hi Brendan,

The best way to get started on this is just plonk yourself down with a quad bike on a map and start looking around. Make sure you have binos or a range finder and then have at it. It's one of my most favourite parts of planning a scenario or mission particularly when a new map comes out and it's surprising how the topography of a location can have a big influence on how your scenario pans out.

From a narrative point of view, I found it was easier to build a structure for my scenarios if I thought in terms of the landscape supporting different points of the mission i.e. Insertion, travel to objective and then extraction. So, for example if I was using a small team inserting by fast boat, I'd look for a nice looking beach/cove for the boats to land, perhaps then a dramatic cliff to climb that I could place defences at the top of that needed to be knocked out, then say an industrial area within easy march that could be the objective location and then a flat area beyond this that could be used for helicopter extraction.

Having an idea of what sort of mission you want to plan will help you look for the right location. Best of luck!

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The splendid camera is a really useful tool for this, allows you to explore much faster, from any angle and teleport your player to check the terrain up close. Also pay attention to those hints when the map is loading, they often mention interesting stuff.

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But the performance is pisspoor. 30 fps max with nothing going on and 1 enemy AI alive. Maybe 20-30 friendly (half of them aren't near the city). Running Server+HC+Client.

Add AI and it easily drops to 10-15. Impossible to aim and shoot, mouse just jumps everywhere. So I've resorted to bombing the hell out of the town instead.

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