Kydoimos 916 Posted December 17, 2014 Hiya - I know, I know - this thread has been covered a lot - but - I can't seem to find a single solution that works! 'SelectWeapon' doesn't appear to do the trick (unit just grabs at the air). Even when I play an animation to lock the unit into a raised launcher stance, I can't get them to fire! A workaround I guess, would be to spawn a rocket - but not sure how to do that, or even if it's possible? The unitCapture with firing is an option, but not a perfect solution for infantry... any ideas? :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrSanchez 243 Posted December 17, 2014 Here are a couple of links that may help you find a solution. Goodluck! Kind regards, Sanchez Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kydoimos 916 Posted December 17, 2014 @PhonicStudios - ah, thanks man! Though I've tried all those! :D Fire and forceWeaponFire I'm sure will work, but I can't seem to get the unit to select the launcher first! I didn't have any luck with UseWeapon either! I do appreciate the help though - thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1317 Posted December 17, 2014 Tried: u1 selectWeapon (secondaryWeapon u1); And can confirm, it doesn't work (should, muzzlename is here same as weapon's name). Just nothing happens. Also after taking from the unit primary weapon and handgun. Looks like bug to me. But there is a workaround. Apart from the unit place in his range and LOS a target, that AI usually would engage with launchers (eg a tank). Then execute this: u1 doFire tank1; In my test AI then on its own switched to the launcher, aimed and fired. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kydoimos 916 Posted December 17, 2014 @Rydygier - yeah, weird isn't it? I'll open a feedback tracker ticket :) How about spawning a rocket to simulate it being fired? Could that be done? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IndeedPete 1038 Posted December 17, 2014 Tried:u1 selectWeapon (secondaryWeapon u1); And can confirm, it doesn't work (should, muzzlename is here same as weapon's name). Just nothing happens. Also after taking from the unit primary weapon and handgun. Looks like bug to me. But there is a workaround. Apart from the unit place in his range and LOS a target, that AI usually would engage with launchers (eg a tank). Then execute this: u1 doFire tank1; In my test AI then on its own switched to the launcher, aimed and fired. So, doFire is working for launchers and against armour? That's pretty weird, I thought doFire was buggy in general, hence I always used forceWeaponFire for primary weapons / pistols. Never tried scripted launcher fire though, seemed like too much of a hassle to me. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1317 Posted December 17, 2014 (edited) Lately I used doFire with pistols, and was kinda working after doWatch/doTarget. How about spawning a rocket to simulate it being fired? Could that be done? Although spawned rocket gets some velocity by default, it seems not enough to guide it far, and soon will explode on the ground. So it involves messing with vectors and velocities, especially, you have to also set projectile vector accordingly. Also gravitation have to be counter somehow. I never was good with vectors, sadly, but after some testing I came to such code: RYD_missile_test = { _pos1 = _this select 0; _pos2 = _this select 1; _class = _this select 2; _speed = _this select 3; _random = _this select 4; _missile = createVehicle [_class, _pos1, [], 0, "NONE"]; while {not (isNull _missile)} do { _pos1 = position _missile; _dX = (_pos2 select 0) - (_pos1 select 0); _dY = (_pos2 select 1) - (_pos1 select 1); _dZ = (_pos2 select 2) - (_pos1 select 2); _vel = velocity _missile; _vector = vectorNormalized [_dX,_dY,_dZ]; _missile setVectorDirAndUp [_vector,[0,_dZ,0]]; _missile setVelocity [(_vector select 0) * (_speed + (random (2 * _random)) - _random),(_vector select 1) * (_speed + (random (2 * _random)) - _random),(_vector select 2) * (_speed + (random (2 * _random)) - _random/2)]; sleep 0.1; } }; that may be executed like this: _pos1 = position u1;//shooter _pos1 set [2,3];//3 meters over the ground _pos2 = position v1;//target _pos2 set [2,1];//1 meter over the ground _class = "M_Titan_AT";//CfgAmmo class _speed = 240; [_pos1,_pos2,_class,_speed,_speed * 0.05] spawn RYD_missile_test; It's not ready solution though, missile is soundless, perhaps some additional particles would be nice too. And probably can be optimized. Also seems not to be vertically oriented towards target, but always leveled fixed, I think. Not sure, why it's working that way though... ---------- Post added at 17:31 ---------- Previous post was at 16:31 ---------- Also homing version, if you need the missile chase moving target: RYD_missile_test = { _pos1 = _this select 0; _tgt = _this select 1; _class = _this select 2; _speed = _this select 3; _random = _this select 4; _missile = createVehicle [_class, _pos1, [], 0, "NONE"]; while {not (isNull _missile)} do { _pos1 = visiblePositionASL _missile;//maybe better? _pos2 = eyePos _tgt; _dX = (_pos2 select 0) - (_pos1 select 0); _dY = (_pos2 select 1) - (_pos1 select 1); _dZ = (_pos2 select 2) - (_pos1 select 2); _vel = velocity _missile; _vector = vectorNormalized [_dX,_dY,_dZ]; _missile setVectorDirAndUp [_vector,[0,_dZ,0]]; _missile setVelocity [(_vector select 0) * (_speed + (random (2 * _random)) - _random),(_vector select 1) * (_speed + (random (2 * _random)) - _random),(_vector select 2) * (_speed + (random (2 * _random)) - _random/2)]; sleep 0.1; } }; v1 is the target vehicle: _pos1 = position u1;//shooter _pos1 set [2,2]; _class = "M_Titan_AT"; _speed = 120;//or another of course [_pos1,v1,_class,_speed,_speed * 0.0125] spawn RYD_missile_test; For high speed missiles/targets (like AA missile chasing a jet) sleep IMO has to be reduced eg x10. Perhaps same for random factor. Or maybe for jet intercepting speed should be done per frame: RYD_missile_homing = { { _missile = _x select 0; _delAt = []; if not (isNull _missile) then { _tgt = _x select 1; if not (isNull _tgt) then { _speed = _x select 2; _random = _x select 3; _pos1 = visiblePositionASL _missile; _pos2 = eyePos _tgt; _dX = (_pos2 select 0) - (_pos1 select 0); _dY = (_pos2 select 1) - (_pos1 select 1); _dZ = (_pos2 select 2) - (_pos1 select 2); _vel = velocity _missile; _vector = vectorNormalized [_dX,_dY,_dZ]; _missile setVectorDirAndUp [_vector,[0,_dZ,0]]; _missile setVelocity [(_vector select 0) * (_speed + (random (2 * _random)) - _random),(_vector select 1) * (_speed + (random (2 * _random)) - _random),(_vector select 2) * (_speed + (random (2 * _random)) - _random/2)]; } else { RYD_missiles set [_foreachIndex,0] } } else { RYD_missiles set [_foreachIndex,0] } } foreach RYD_missiles; RYD_missiles = RYD_missiles - [0]; if ((count RYD_missiles) < 1) then { _draw3Deh = missionNamespace getVariable ["RYD_D3DEH",-1]; removeMissionEventhandler ["Draw3D",_draw3Deh]; missionNamespace setVariable ["RYD_D3DEH",nil] } }; RYD_missile_spawn = { _pos1 = _this select 0; _tgt = _this select 1; _class = _this select 2; _speed = _this select 3; _random = _this select 4; _missile = createVehicle [_class, _pos1, [], 0, "NONE"]; if (isNil "RYD_missiles") then {RYD_missiles = []}; RYD_missiles pushBack [_missile,_tgt,_speed,_random]; _draw3Deh = missionNamespace getVariable ["RYD_D3DEH",-1]; if (_draw3Deh == -1) then { _draw3Deh = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D",RYD_missile_homing]; missionNamespace setVariable ["RYD_D3DEH",_draw3Deh] }; }; _pos1 = position u1;//shooter _pos1 set [2,2]; _class = "M_Titan_AA"; _speed = 200; [_pos1,plane1,_class,_speed,_speed * 0.0125] spawn RYD_missile_spawn; I feel, random course deviations should be improved though somehow. Edited December 17, 2014 by Rydygier 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kydoimos 916 Posted December 17, 2014 Ah, thanks Rydygier - that's a great script! Cheers for sharing! :) ---------- Post added at 16:50 ---------- Previous post was at 16:50 ---------- @IndeedPete - thanks for the post, mate! Hope you're well! ---------- Post added at 18:15 ---------- Previous post was at 16:50 ---------- Hey guys! Sussed it! Well, sort of - basically, with a combination of playMove, disableAI "ANIM", and forceWeaponFire. Trouble is, you can't make the AI aim very well! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1317 Posted December 17, 2014 playMove, disableAI "ANIM", and forceWeaponFire :D I can imagine... Nice thinking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tmahring 10 Posted December 18, 2014 Isn't there a way to spawn a locked on titan missile ? I am trying to build a helicopter training mission where the player has to evade missiles, however, spawning a unit and using doFire just takes too long if the heli is flying at high speeds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Polygon 11 Posted December 18, 2014 For forcing AI fire a rocket at a target, it'd be neat to use hideObject on an invisible (for player) light/armor vehicle, set the target behind that vehicle, attach a 'fired' EH to AI, move the tank elsewhere at the moment AI launches a rocket. Thoughts? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_Tally 4 Posted November 1, 2022 fnc_launcherHandler = { params ["_man"]; private _handler = _man addEventHandler ["FiredMan", { params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_vehicle"]; if(_weapon == secondaryWeapon _unit) then{ _unit setVariable ["TALLY_launched", true]; _unit removeEventHandler [_thisEvent, _thisEventHandler]; systemChat "unit fired launcher"; }; }]; _handler; }; fnc_forceLauncherFire = { params["_man", "_wantedDir"]; private _handler = [_man] call fnc_launcherHandler; private _launcher = secondaryWeapon _man; private _mode = (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _launcher >> "modes"))#0; private _fired = (_man getVariable ["TALLY_launched", false]); private _timer = time +5; waitUntil { if(!isNil "_wantedDir" &&{(round _wantedDir) != (round(getDir _man)) &&{(_timer - time)>= 1}}) then{_man setDir _wantedDir}; _man forceWeaponFire [_launcher, _mode]; _fired = (_man getVariable ["TALLY_launched", false]); ((time > _timer) || _fired); }; sleep 1; if!(_fired)then{_man removeEventHandler ["FiredMan", _handler];}; _man setVariable ["TALLY_launched", nil]; true; }; This one works for me. Basically you got to spam the forceFire-command until he actually completes the action. Then use an eventHandler to kill the loop as soon as the launcher has been fired. Also it is far far from accurate so you might need to plug in some missile-guidance scripts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_Tally 4 Posted November 1, 2022 On 12/17/2014 at 11:01 AM, Kydoimos said: @Rydygier - yeah, weird isn't it? I'll open a feedback tracker ticket :) How about spawning a rocket to simulate it being fired? Could that be done? I got the solution for you here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4908 Posted November 3, 2022 On 11/1/2022 at 9:14 PM, _Tally said: I got the solution for you here This son could be interested in! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites