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How to hide respawn tent markers?

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When you deploy a respawn tent it makes a marker that everyone can see. How do you hide it from the opposing players? Could setmarkeralpha 0 but i dont have any idea what the marker is called.

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Is this from a mod or script? You'll need to know the name of the marker to change anything about it

Neither, it's the original one that comes with the game.

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When you deploy a respawn tent it makes a marker that everyone can see. How do you hide it from the opposing players?
Are you sure it creates markers that everyone can see? According to the script for it it only creates local markers for the player who assembled the tent. These markers are also created local for any nearby friendlies if it has respawnNearbyPlayers set.

The name of the marker is ..

_marker = createmarkerlocal ["respawn_" + str side group player + _objectName,position _object];

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Yeah, i play on opfor and even if im on the other side of the map when blufor makes a tent i see it in the map. Odd..

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It is working as intended, though. You can pinch the opposition's tents and use them for your side. Protect your spawns...

I think the sleeping bag spawns are not shown on the map. Give them a try...

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Right... But why should the opposition be able to see where your camp is located? They should have to find it... Even if it is working as intended, it needs to be changed IMO... If i were the OP I'd make a request ticket... My 2c...

---------- Post added at 12:33 ---------- Previous post was at 12:08 ----------

Here's some shitty pseudo code. Forgive me as I can't test anything or I would provide exactly what the OP needs. But this could give an idea. Someone else should be able to run with it and provide something worth a shit. Anyhow, after camp placement...

private "_tent";

_tent = nearestObjects [theMan, ["TENT_CLASS"], 25] select 0;

private "_marker";
_marker = _x;
if ( ( markerPos _marker ) distance _tent < 5 && { ( ( markerType _marker ) isEqualTo "THE_MARKER_TYPE" ) } ) exitWith {
		if ((side _x) in _badSidesArray) then {
			deleteMarker _marker;
	} forEach playableUnits;
} forEach allMapMarkers;

Edited by Iceman77

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Right... But why should the opposition be able to see where your camp is located? They should have to find it... Even if it is working as intended, it needs to be changed IMO... If i were the OP I'd make a request ticket... My 2c...

---------- Post added at 12:33 ---------- Previous post was at 12:08 ----------

Here's some shitty pseudo code. Forgive me as I can't test anything or I would provide exactly what the OP needs. But this could give an idea. Someone else should be able to run with it and provide something worth a shit. Anyhow, after camp placement...

private "_tent";

_tent = nearestObjects [theMan, ["TENT_CLASS"], 25] select 0;

private "_marker";
_marker = _x;
if ( ( markerPos _marker ) distance _tent < 5 && { ( ( markerType _marker ) isEqualTo "THE_MARKER_TYPE" ) } ) exitWith {
		if ((side _x) in _badSidesArray) then {
			deleteMarker _marker;
	} forEach playableUnits;
} forEach allMapMarkers;

That seems like it could work, cheers! Now any good ideas for a resource friendly way to check every player every .1 seconds if they have placed a tent so i can call that? Even then the marker will propably appear on the map for a short while, maybe need to remove all opfor players maps for a second while the marker is deleted incase someone is looking at the map when the tent is placed?

Making them visible to everyone on purpose is just ridiculous, that's something that would fit battlefield or some other arcade game.

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Making them visible to everyone on purpose is just ridiculous, that's something that would fit battlefield or some other arcade game.

So, you have no problem with soldiers magically coming back to life, then? :)

Just saying there are a lot of different ways to play this great game of ours.

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So, you have no problem with soldiers magically coming back to life, then? :)

Just saying there are a lot of different ways to play this great game of ours.

Consider it a way of bringing in reinforcements because the game cant handle enough units at a time for a large realistic engagement. The enemy doesn't always need to know where the reinforcements are coming from.

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