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Static UAV Terminal

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Hey guys,

we are creating a beautiful HQ with some features like live feed control.

Here I'm asking about

1. the possibility to place a static UAV controller into the HQ.

2. how to block the players UAV controllers to only their own UAV?

3. or at least to block "big" UAVs from access by mobile player terminals.

Thx in advance!


WIP picture with working live streams (2063 kB)

Edited by mech

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I have a table with computer for UAV access, you can only access the UAV while standing near it. I use a in editor trigger like this





player in thisList


player addItem "B_UAVTerminal";  player assignItem "B_UAVTerminal"; hint "UAV Accessed";


player removeItem "B_UAVTerminal";  player unassignItem "B_UAVTerminal"; hint "";

Of course this means any player standing there then accessing UAV terminal will have access to ALL UAVs. Not sure how to restricted this to only one UAV. Maybe using a empty UAV and a gameLogic somehow, but I'm not sure.

Maybe someone else would know how.:)

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Thank you guys, will check out both!

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The more elegant version: :cool:

Object init:

this addAction ["UAV-Terminal","cw_terminal.sqf"];


//BY: [AWC] Chief Wiggum

private ["_addGPS", "_termianlclass", "_marker", "_object", "_marker_distance", "_has_terminal"];

_addGPS = false;
_termianlclass = "";
_object = _this select 0;
_marker = createMarkerLocal ["uav_control",position _object]; 
_marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; 
_marker setMarkerTypeLocal "EMPTY";
_marker_distance = player distance (getMarkerPos _marker);
_has_terminal = false;

switch (side player) do {
case WEST: {_termianlclass = "B_UavTerminal";};
case EAST: {_termianlclass = "O_UavTerminal";};
case INDEPENDENT: {_termianlclass = "I_UavTerminal";};

If("ItemGPS" in assignedItems player OR "ItemGPS" in items player) then 
_addGPS = true;

If(_termianlclass in assignedItems player) then 
_has_terminal = true;

player addItem _termianlclass;
player assignItem _termianlclass;
player action ["UAVTerminalOpen", player];

If ((_addGPS) && !("ItemGPS" in items player)) then 
player addItem "ItemGPS";

WaitUntil {player distance getMarkerPos _marker != _marker_distance};
If !(_has_terminal) then 
player unassignitem _termianlclass;
player removeItem _termianlclass;


Edited by AWC_Chief_Wiggum
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hey Chief Wiggum, will this work on a dedicated server? I would find this script amazing if so.

It runs locally on the player, so there shouldn't be any issues on a dedicated.

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Check out ARP2 objects if you wish, but it's a simple UAV cam not an actual UAV, comes with a neat UAV box you could use tho, for ambience. When the player approaches or opens the box, you could add your traditional UAV terminal to the player as you already do.

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